Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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u didnt answer my question(s?)
get the hell away from ur dad!
..................okay maybe that was a little strong but seriously u keep mentioning ur old mans bad traits and stuffz so i suggest u move FAR away from him and stay that way with occational short visits but then again wat do i know im only 18 -_-
well drawing weeds shouldnt be very hard since they're just yellow/green lines (but mostly yellow)

Whoa, thought you were 20... I like friends who tell it like it is. Don't mean to duck questions. Helicopters are hellakewl. I know the basics on driving them.
No choice but to stay and wipe his butt. The only home in the state I can financially move into is highly allergic to me... killed my cousin (so I believe). I had ten years away from the old badger, so I'll just age quickly here (like US Presidents) till he dies or I win my auto lawsuit and can set up somewhere else. Work is not around where I live. Driving 40 miles to part minimum wage jobs are pointless at this stage, even if I had a car.
"..and remember, keep smiling!" -- Easter bunny to Bugs bunny

why would u think im 20? O.o for all u know i could be 13 -_- or maybe even 10
wat does fumblebuck mean?
lol im rly not in the mood for jokes right now but i cant resist this one chance to say this! : is it an asspelt??? XD
haha u shoulda seen that one XD

Yeah, shoulda seen it. Bumble-fuck is a catchall phrase for someones who's... mechanically disinclined? Sexually unsatisfying? Generally spastic? IDK my own self:)

no no darling switch the first letters around -_- ...............................(dont take the "darling" thing seriously i occasionally say that to random ppl)

Well, I'm no philologist (language geek). Fumblebuck is a younger version of a Bumblefuck... in an asspelty sorta way. My pop's so old, he used to trap rabbits, muskrats, skunk and ?? He'd strip 'em and mail 'em to Sears n' Robeucks... he made more $ than his folks did and more than the Little Rascals. The uneaten meat would go 2 miles up the road to a Chinese place.
Old people always think there's a way to make money like they did when they were young. My bro and sis would pop zits and catch fireflies and mail 'em in for scientific research... even then, the alternate income stream (legally) was almost dead.

wow and i just happened to be here right now kinda creepy O.O anyways i get it -_-
NO NOT THE BUNNIES!! :O i got shot saving a bunny once ._.
.......... in the chest

Robeucks? O.o
werent u like born between the 60's and 70's or somethin?

It's just Sears now... and I think they merged with their more ghetto rival K-Mart.
1972, cringe.

oh an ur not allowed to use asspelt ._. i called dibs on it when i saw the future

Well, I had to attribute it to the other word you mentioned, so it's not big a deal... but worth mentioning, lest I totally steal it and incur your wrath. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. My mommy used to have a lot of nice sayings - think that one's from Shakespeare. She may have read some before she got married.

i think thats the year my mummith was born either that one or the one before that but i dont feel like doing math right now -_-
i hate shakespeare
why is it that every girl in their late teens to early 30s reads some kind of poetry by some weird famous poet? i mean im a girl and i still dont know why. should i be worried?

Not necessarily. My mom got married and harried in a hurry, at 17 I think. She had smart, loving parents... I had like 3/4 of that, I guess.
Can't think of any clever poetry or quote that explains it. Now, I do. .... To be or not 2b, that is the question. Whether it is more noble in the mind, to suffer the slings and arrows to the knee or to surrender, and be called a wuss evermore. And not be around to beat their pulpy asses for saying so in the first place since you're dead and all."
IDK, southern belles were supposed to be educated in arcane studies like painting, poetry, basket weaving and bullshitting. It gave the "men" something to brag about probably... safe studies, so the men didn't feel threatened.

does a southern belle count as someone from like south carolina and like around that place or is it just New Orleans? ._.
and doesnt "Belle" mean beauty in french? so southern beauty?

Didn't read the wiki article on the subject, but, yaknow, it does... yes and yes. Yes. Yes. I'm pulling the rocket launcher pic. I know I didn't quote Dead Alive accurately adn it needs a more pithy text... you didn't ask but it's from my VHS movie 12 years ago (like the porkchop sideburns?)
Yes. All slave states had extra white women around, not picking cotton and wasting massa's money.

i dont know if i should be glad or mad cuz im not white but im from south carolina and i cant rly say i have black friends even tho i have NOTHING against blacks but im pretty racist -_-

See? That's something a southern belle would say! Color doesn't enter into it, it's force of will. Yeah, I'm racist against lazy posers. I'm North American myself, mostly white. I like Mexicans. I like cars and trains too.
Oh, a few posts back you asked your speaking partners about hair-color and money. Why? I do ask innocently.

i've never considered myself a southern belle ._.
i was curious?
oh and about where in california you've lived i just wanted to know if it warent near me -_-