To The General Members of The Newgrounds Panopticon: Starting to get over the "redesign".... more like rebooting the FAA. I never have spent so much time here - this week's been a rollercoaster of change.
It figures I can now intercept wi fi without having to walk a 1/4 mile and get teh internt while freezing my butt off in some shed, plugged into an outside outlet.
So that's two drastic changes to my life this past week. I've been lurking w/o logging in for a long while. I had to speak when things got wonky here. If I spoke out of turn or in haste, forgive me.
As a member of the NG community, I wish only the best of things to my fellow travelers here on Newgrounds.
To Thomas Fulp: 11 years and no tribute or a SINGLE word from the boys in Pennsylvania? I clicked on many, many ads early on when you sounded hungry or were desperate enough to ask. Dial-up days, man.
You remind me of Col. Henry Blake from the early seasons of M*A*S*H. That makes you an agent of good in my book. But I still think you owe me a drink at the NYC meet, presuming you attend these meets. It'll be my first freak convention outside of sales.
Why are you reading this? Go raise your children like a good father, or they're going to spam the site when they get older :3
u drunk?
VicariousE (Updated )
Ha! No. I've actually gotta big letter going on with someone I thought left Newgrounds for good. Just two old gentlemen trading letters about "work" related stuff.
I was kinda rude in telling him his business, but I loved the work he did here. I had the crazy thought his ego had ran away with him. Turns out he's got his shit together. Respect +5 for John Wrathbourne. Somebody better sign his ass up and give him some money. When people are paid to do what you want, things tend to get done quicker. That's all an artist wants to do is create... the pinnacle of selfishness and or pride.
I miss using video to fuck with people's minds.