Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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They moved the mouse maze walls on us...

Posted by VicariousE - February 12th, 2012

To The General Members of The Newgrounds Panopticon: Starting to get over the "redesign".... more like rebooting the FAA. I never have spent so much time here - this week's been a rollercoaster of change.

It figures I can now intercept wi fi without having to walk a 1/4 mile and get teh internt while freezing my butt off in some shed, plugged into an outside outlet.

So that's two drastic changes to my life this past week. I've been lurking w/o logging in for a long while. I had to speak when things got wonky here. If I spoke out of turn or in haste, forgive me.

As a member of the NG community, I wish only the best of things to my fellow travelers here on Newgrounds.

To Thomas Fulp: 11 years and no tribute or a SINGLE word from the boys in Pennsylvania? I clicked on many, many ads early on when you sounded hungry or were desperate enough to ask. Dial-up days, man.
You remind me of Col. Henry Blake from the early seasons of M*A*S*H. That makes you an agent of good in my book. But I still think you owe me a drink at the NYC meet, presuming you attend these meets. It'll be my first freak convention outside of sales.
Why are you reading this? Go raise your children like a good father, or they're going to spam the site when they get older :3

They moved the mouse maze walls on us...


u drunk?

Ha! No. I've actually gotta big letter going on with someone I thought left Newgrounds for good. Just two old gentlemen trading letters about "work" related stuff.
I was kinda rude in telling him his business, but I loved the work he did here. I had the crazy thought his ego had ran away with him. Turns out he's got his shit together. Respect +5 for John Wrathbourne. Somebody better sign his ass up and give him some money. When people are paid to do what you want, things tend to get done quicker. That's all an artist wants to do is create... the pinnacle of selfishness and or pride.
I miss using video to fuck with people's minds.

I'm glad there's no booze here. I prefer to be a dry alcoholic since mom died. Just tired and concerned and mixed up about things... but not too badly.

thats not all an artist wants to do.......exploring and imagining is part of too
i wont pay ppl to do my work, i'd rather just get it done my self instead of being lazy and paying someone else to do something i couldve possibly done better i had put some effort into it (but they might work a little harder if u raise the bargain)

Interesting points. While that's true of most things, consider TV shows. To get them done in an expedient manner, they assemble professionals to concentrate on certain bits. I'm only really good with filming, interviewing, editing, directing (mostly improv stuff). Then it's directing photography, audio, graphic arts and set design finishing last. I suck at everything else.
You do piece work, ya? That's the same thing, only with smaller, fewer variables. It shouldn't have to take , two or three weeks to make one, 1/2 hour show, but the elements need to be filled in.
Just like in cleaning, it's takes as long as it takes for one person to do one job... Get er dun!!

without imagination ur basically just another noob who can do the math and draw something thats already been drawn, make something thats already been made, do something thats already been done, then get arrested for copyrite.
i used to make props and backgrounds for the community theater. at first i only did it for community service but then i was HIRED to do the work.
itsnt that the Texas Longhorns motto? "Get er dun!"??? O.o

Oh, by my mom's spatula! Big reveal from s___y!

And you're correct about the noobness factor in starting creative things. Example: the cover sheet for my NG VDay card. Cut 'n paste, cut n' shunt with a few pithy words and some stickers. Very little in the way of plot as well. Made the same noob mistakes I did in Junior High. Fuckin' major derp submitted.

By the time I clawed up to TV video, I did take some shortcuts like using obscure music and ... well, some pictures that were likely public domain. I used hand played music by bands or people I've worked with for the most part. The skits were as only as good as the folks portraying them, so I got used to shorter cuts and post-prod make-up... To direct and star in something is the most difficult challenge.... just too many hats to wear for one single event.

Dunno. My father's TV makes that sound, "Get er dun" at least once a week.

wat do u mean?
that was pretty nooby if u worked a little harder you choulda made wonderful or in ur case less girly
why does his TV do that?

If I knew the answers to those questions, I would be significantly less screwed up than I am right now. Or have been since I moved back in with my father.
My heart fire's so dead... just, zip. Wrong subject matter, the girly, safe V-Day card... I gotta work my way back up to being a person again and NOT content in being a number on someone's screen.
Not here at NG, but at the innumeral agencies, bureaus, corporations, lawyers, doctors, cities, counties, states, federal babysitters, consumer researchers, electricity companies, telecommunication companies, laboratories, and any place I've ever worked.
Every time I pass an intersection, a police car, a CCTV camera, a spy satellite, State police or military helicopter, I can feel their evil stare on the back of my neck. Maybe I'm Amish and don't know it - they don't like pictures taken of them. My parents never had to deal with anything like this.
Boy, I sure know how to kill a thread, huh?

u know wat?.....................u might actually be a bigger weirdo than me ._.
and thats saying something becuz........well.........im me!

No, I'm just terribly mad and frustrated that I have:
No car, no money, no friends that live in the state, no relatives that live near me, a constantly contradictory parent (big one, that), a government who labels me as a threat and escaping hair.
Yep, this is still my post and I'm gonna cry if i wanna. That makes me an emo pussy, right?

Ironically I'm freezing my butt off as I read this just like you, my internet at home crashed so for a few days I"ve been coming to starbucks for wifi, and man it's pretty cold at night here. lol

Aha! I'm a nice warm bedroom now! Ever since the redesign, I've been getting a signal here, by what voodoo, I know not.
Good Lord man, I've got the greatest of empathy for you right now. I hope you have a good hat on and don't smoke cigarettes. Not only a starving, but freezing artist. I'm so pissed I have no $ to patronize you with, honored sir.

i dont get how thats ironic
i got two cars a Harley sitting on my driveway u wanna borrow 'em? maybe sell one for some money? -_-
i think im crying off atleast 7 pounds and i need that bc then all i'll have left then is only 82 pounds
awesome! we should have like a depressed ppl party and gather some other noobs who have no life like us and have a buncha booze and cigarettes with optonal weapons to kill ourselves with unless some noob decides to kill someone else for having a tad bit better of a life -_-

Ironic is "Frost"Drive in the cold to get teh internutz, while I'm finally inside, nice and warm, typing mad drivel. He's the one with an animation on the Front page, not me.
Marvelous idea... a bereavement competition party. Last person standing loses. Wait, that's a potentially weird idea.
?? I just pulled a dead and abandoned car, which was supposed to have been mine 15 years ago, out of the critter field and onto some guy's spiffy trailer..... werz mah moany?? My old man is such a hustler.
He sold my car once, without telling me. Right after I had figured out how to fix it, 36 hours later he sells it. Look out the window... gone. It was a Datsun (Niissan) Maxima, a real sweet ride and easy on gas. Stuck to the road like glue.

i like trucks better. i luv trucks. i once drove over a tiny chiuaua and a 7 year old little girl called the cops on me for animal abuse. she memorized my license plate number and she somehow knew where i lived.
the party aint gonna work bc none of them have no lives so no would rly care enoguh to go or if they did no one would bring me cigarettes!

I like 4 door sports sedans. Trucks are rad but the fuel prices are scary. Had quite a few of them in the yard today... our 1939 Plymouth coupe has been sold. Another loved one gone. Not surprised a little girl would rat on you; they're training robots better everyday.
Well I'd certainly share any tobacco I had, as well as any knives you fancy. "Never keep a habit you can't share" -- Stephen King, The Dark Tower Series
My life feels like it's been stripped naked and thrown into a snowbank, but I think I have a life worth living.

yay something i can finally smoke
little girls are annoying with their stupid little dresses and skrirts and ugly pony tails ponytails! they're like a pink cheerleader monster mini-me! its so creepy! now im glad i dont have a sister!
wat kind of knives do u have? and how many?
ok, i bet it was a LONG life ._.

It's almost 8$ a pack up this way, so I roll my own. It's kinda gross, but the tobacco's better.
I've got a Shetland ponytail, does that make me a target? Kids are only as good as their parents, so you can't get too rough... just give 'em something to think over. I used to work at a kid's place and usually was too busy to judge, and even then... judge not, lest ye be judged. Meh.
Over two dozen big kitchen knifes, 6 machetes, about 2 dozen axes of all sizes, 6 Buck knives, maybe a dozen pocket knives floating around (when the last knife breaks, then I can chuck it). And one Trouser blade that handles real well. Of course they've all been around a LONG time - that's how you judge quality.
Say, do you throw knifes? Any good at sharpening?

dats cool
u have a ponytail? i like letting my hair breathe
i would never work near children under 14 or under. they're just little, loud, irritating asspelts. i still dont get how they have so much energy in such tiny bodies.
yah i throw knives. whenever i went to South Carolina to my dads place (that fucking bastered!) he always entered me like knife throwing contests. i was always the youngest one there and the only girl there until later on other girls started entering just to show that they can be a second place winner too. once one girl even told be she was gonna do watever it to beat me and make her dad proud to have a daughter XD
u got those weird old timey knife sharpeners that u gotta pedal to make it spin?

Yes!, with seat and pedals, just like in the old cartoons! I used to have a table top version that had a hand crank (gear ratio was sweet), but the stone wheel was cracked. Hope it's still here somewhere.
Picture above too girly? Took 40 minutes and I started with the girl and her sideways mohawk. I aimed low and was not disappointed. His back came out great!
Do have something to throw knives at inside? I can see you duct taping a cat to a turntable, mounting it to a wall, and showing off to your friends! Seriously; big respect for that kill skill. If viper and kupia have a child, would you teach their little one?

so did you receive your card from the valentines day card thing on here?
and mybibliophile is back
just felt like telling ya on here

Oh sweet! I know she's from a largish family, so no need to call 911, still.... would anyone in her family have let the online community know (if she had ___?)
No. No card yet. Mine sucked mostly, yes? I'm surprised s___y didn't leave a mean/funny review, but I don't post towards the art portal so there might be a review option there.
I've put off checking the thread today, but here goes!!

Oh, my 11th anniversary at NG's is tomorrow 0-o... So don't be offended or take too ceriously, my celebratory postings.

yeah it is pretty sweet :D
ah its not that bad
if i did this mine would look awful
i have no talent for drawing whatsoever

The above one's from today 1/2 hour job. Kinda busy - old man sold the '39 Plymouth coupe. Glad I drew that before the car go, otherwise, it wouldn't have happened.
It was a thread mail swap thing - everyone seemed to be comfortable on being tasteless and risky. I just polit. corrected myself into oblivion. BUT the stickers were from my ma's 10 year collection of DAV and some other veterans charity groups. So a lot of 20$ checks went out and cool stickers and thanks came in... through the mail! Again!

he had a '39 Plymouth?
my dad had a 36
his was red with black fenders on it
he traded it for a '69 Chevy Nova which he ended up selling
it was green and had black interior

Fancy that! Mom had a 71 Nova with the same colors (originally, those rustbuckets)! Dangerous, they're the same chassis as the 'vette, though ma had the straight 6 auto. No sealtbelts and a nice metal dash (that kinda looked like the 'vette at that time)
Also had 3 1/2 chevy nova II's from 1963, mostly. Geeky sis had hit a post office and something else... she's been auto accident free ever since (40 years, thank god).
The 71 nova had a special expensive gold speckle paint, brown. It did glow. It also was VERY toxic to use, so they banned it. Rarely seen paint like it since.

oh shit! i would never do that to a CAT! i luv kitty katties but i will do it to monkeys or chiuauas
dude i cant believe u have one of those! ive been looking for one since my dad showed me an old picture of my grandpops sharpener. it was seriously epicalz!
the pic looks okay i guess but the heart kinda looks like a weird strawberry with boobs but i guess its cuz of lack of space
i used to have a mohawk. i dont know why i ever got it.

I live up the road from strawberry farm.... huh.
My mom hated cats. I think 'cause she dressed them up as a girl. Yeah. She got to "like" them again though. I used to analyze (anal?) cat's behavior - I am the Cat Whisperer. Someone film me dammit!
I bet when the mohawk grew out it looked pretty sweet. We had a few in HS by both sexes, and they were c... gnarly. Yeah that's wat Imeant to sa. Tastefully rad.

whoa i just read through the replies and you were discussing if me and kupia have a kid
im entirely open to having a kid with her
but shes still not entirely wanting one
she said she MIGHT want to have one

i was about to share something personal we discussed about the matter but i decided i didnt really want to share that with anyone on here...

Yeee! Sorry big time. I forgot about that subject, it's just that education's important to all age groups. Public school doesn't count; that's just to keep you outta the way while your parents pay for your incarceration. People learn from people that have been there, not by a babysitter teaching "the Program". I've heard this from many teachers, a few old ones too. The old ones told me they weren't teaching us kids right.
Anyway... knives can keep you alive pretty good.

Been on here for 11 years.... gotta sleep, for tomorrow, a true Newgroundhamburger post will mark the occasion, for what little it's worth!

ah its okay
and i guess knifes can keep you alive pretty good

on the subject for the car
my dad has had A LOT of cars
hell his first car was a 1959 Chevy Impala
he had i wanna say 4 '59 chevys
i talked him into getting a '58 Chevy Biscayne
its a 4-door and its light blue and white
hes also had
2 '70 Dodge Charger General Lees
'73 Ford Torino
'60 Ford Starliner
'56 Studebaker Sky Hawk
'68 Pontiac Le Mans
'30 Ford Model A
2 '57 Buick's (Special and Century i think)
and A LOT more that i dont feel like typing all out

oh and you talking about how its officially 11 years on here for you reminded me to vote

Seestor had a 70 Charger when she blew this pop stand, a few years after I was born...

stat-whore... :3 I did the same thing even though I couldn't log in for the longest time. A plebiscite voting my one vote point for the sake of being "heard" number-wise. That's worse than being a stat-whore somehow.

oh and im gonna blast Rock ME Amadeus before i go to bed
because i can :D

I was in grade school when that song was hot... the movie was tits.
Glad you can! My pop doesn't need to hear my pretty music emanating from the unheated attic.

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