Whirlwind. If you don't like the ways things are with the site right now, go to tom's blog and click his posts button. There will be a list of his future tweaks... no countdown timer with any of those, they were just promised during the course of this year. Whatever. I'm still down.
PS: You can kill annoying ppl online http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/582396
PPS: Cats CAN be trained to clean http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/583715
hey us 2001ers gotta stick by. long live scrotum
Scrotum puppy! Shit, all mah fav links are belong to binary heaven now. Had to bum some of your art fav's.. ya got great taste in art. Tell me you got your shit backed up somewhere - I got some recent NG art backed up, but nothing from the turn of century. I hope the hell you PMed Tom... wait, does that ever work?