Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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VicariousE's News

Posted by VicariousE - July 6th, 2012

Well I'm not surprised that Wikipedia doesn't have the paper tiger's own abbreviation for 'Seat of Government' on file. I wonder how many people they have to constantly edit those pages. It didn't happen too long after Wiki was founded.

To the bankers, multi-national corporations, elected party officials (c'mon only two parties? you think we're THAT fucking stupid?) and all those unelected authoritarians controlling our Nation's people, I say this, and with emphasis for the forthcoming stock market collapse.........

If they could use sharks with lasers to kill us they would, but instead they have to settle for this.

I thought that this week would be the stock market crash, but it looks like there won't be any gains for this week to be sure. 7/27 will be the day the market goes down big. Remain calm, and don't listen to the provocateurs in the media - prove to our government, we are stronger than they are, by being better than they have been. Be free or flee.

Vid: I wish I had the Big Duke's coolness - I've gotten apocalyptically pissed within the past two years.

Anytime after 3:40 to 4 minutes into the clip should be enough, stupid embed 'start at' point don't work :P
5:40 is the actual spot it starts......

Posted by VicariousE - June 26th, 2012

very strange 'net lag the past two days.... maybe the isp thing nick and i are worried about was getting put into place?
wasn't really lag though - signal was good noise was tolerable.... VERY little connectabilty!

it embarrasses the shit outta me to not get on here - true, i wander around sometimes and leave the keyboard, but having a tool like the internet stick it's middle finger up at you.... dude, that NOT cool.

a few things are deadly clear: we've had a stable Earth too long; we've had an unstable government for too long; since the Dark Ages, there are at least 2 or 3 secret groups that are still controlling the very fate of man; now that the last Bilderberg meeting is over with, signs that their agenda is moving forward are blatantly clear.

personally, I think the people who control the Feds are going to demand a 'false flag attack' on July 4th.... probably New York, probably made to look like a terrorist nuclear strike. Why? Control.

Nick's right in his last post. If those ancient assholes control the United States, than they can do whatever they like, and it's up to the brow-beaten American to stop them, before we lose ALL OUR FREEDOM.

All we have to do is say 'NO' one time more than they say 'YES'.

Largely unfiltered news

A seemingly legit internet newspaper

An old organization the right hates

An old magazine the left hates

I didn't read this yet, but, ho-ho-ho, ain't that rich!! Now that they're on top, they want to dictate National Policy? Google makes money from every website on Earth by it's "products"... NG uses it among many, many others. Google wants you unarmed?

And one more for the 4th of July. Not a big fan of Alex Jones, but the truth attends to itself :(

Open PM to a friend

Posted by VicariousE - June 19th, 2012

After the last heavy rain, we had a on-the-line transformer blow-up and get replaced, since then, WiFi from a bit over 500 feet just isn't working. I'm using a 1 yard square of aluminum foil (taken from my hat) ever so gently angled against the back of my laptop's dead monitor. If the power usage during the day continues to stop the signal, I may have to buy a wireless N USB thing to achieve a better connection. I grew up with dial-up, but this shit is ridiculous!!

I'm too lazy (and in constant pain) to put up the links, but eventually, a solar flare big enough, is going to fry all delicate electronics. It's only a matter of time before we get cooked... say 4 or 5 years from now. By then, the EM field of Earth will largely be down, and the peak of solar activity will make a deadly mix.

The more I consider the big picture, the more I realize the biggest power-brokers on this planet are the same people from many centuries ago. Those who control religion and money are the ones plotting our destruction as a race. Why? Fewer people are easier to control, especially in the wake of planet wide incidents, where truth belongs to the bullshit artist(s) who works for the New Word Order.

Also, one of my favorite PS1 games Tenchu! Never owned the game or a Playstation 1, but damn, that game and its zipline and tactics......

Enough talk. Watch Blackie bounce, courtesy of an NG OG of renown.
6/23/12 - Past day and a half I couldn't get online, due to variables I can't perceive >:( The connection I have is so unreliable, even if it did work all the time, I don't think I'd have the time to keep up with everyone, like I'd want to.

I miss you guys!!

Posted by VicariousE - June 7th, 2012

We can all point and laugh at Viper50's picture suggestion. I never owned one of those... too small and bony for a good pet. Also, sometimes I've been fooled into being a guinea pig; half in public school and half in personal and work life. I'm glad I saw all the data mining and culling stuff for what it was when I was a kid. But some of the mind numbing stuff from school, or from the TV afterward (I blame the TV), made me screw up more after finishing school. You really gotta know who you are, or you can be tricked into much.

The beginning of June of 2012 concluded the Bilderberg Conference, a meeting of the world's most powerful people. By law (the Logan Act), our elected officials are not allowed to attend secret meetings with foreign nationals. This is the most glaring sign of lawlessness our government can show. And now the attendees of this conference are at home, and are now implementing their plans. Expect shock and change.

Illisa's pig may be found here.

Fluffy Pigs, Bilderbergers And Other Pork Products

Posted by VicariousE - June 1st, 2012

So the insurance company is either draggin it's feet in approving my steroid injections or it's done helping me, short of a lawsuit. If I were them and saw the bill for a known quack visit.... can't blame them really. Had I dug afew pages deeper in a google search, I might've known. My lower disk is completely blown out and hurts like a mother fucker... the two discs above that are outta shape too.

So, as expected, all the numbers Wall Street is so famous for reacting to, are bad. And will continue to be bad for a good long while. What do these people expect? Charging credit card usury percentages on entire nations, just hoping for the gravy train to roll in? These sick fuckers (bankers) have already got all our money, and now they want everyone but them to take the fall.

How do you feel about starting over? Example: moving a few hundred miles away, different job, maybe a name change (maybe a face and fingerprint change), no friends or family to bail you out.... maybe even a new language to deal with. Some people do it for their sanity, others for opportunity and still others to escape war, famine and strife. 80% of the world's population live and die within 30 miles of where they were born (data from the late 20th century). If things got real bad, would you risk leaving everything you've ever known?

Picture from Love The Beast, a documentary of Eric Bana's Ford Falcon coupe, which he's had since 16 or so... it got killed a few years ago in the Targa (a Tasmanian rally race that's over a century old) - he vows to mend it.

Rejected Injections, The Big Slide and Self-Made People

Posted by VicariousE - May 29th, 2012

I'm supposed to get knocked out this Friday to get injections of anabolic steroids to my neck, but I'm going to delay it till Monday (hopefully). Not scared, but I think my Pop's dialysis is going to be a real bitch that day. I don't like the roid rage I got last time, so I'll have to really take it easy, or else the mad-drops will spread faster than intended, then I won't be able to sleep.

It's a shame we won't be able to use bottle caps like in the Fallout game series for currency. Whether we want to or not, the money we have in our pockets now, are but playthings to the bankers, foreign holders of our debt and the folks who love to make money on other peoples misery.

I'll fill in more later; I got weeds to up-turn (kill) and a ground-hog in a trap (kill) set by my cousin who happens to be missing today. Also fence mending (literally), mailbox pre-treating and cat clean-up. This muppet of a kitten gets spooked so damn easy....gonna haveta put a rock in the kibble dish - I'm sick of feeding the slugs, who are starting to look like the things from Slither (the movie).

Neck needles, Post-Apocalyptic Economics and Death

Posted by VicariousE - May 17th, 2012

So they gave me this "pill", so I can more easily move around. But the bottle says, "Take at bedtime". I don't sleepwalk, but what the hell. The pill also make you drowsy as fuck, and since my old man likes to make inhuman noises and blast the TV while wake or asleep, shit, even better. I stop taking the pill for two days, and lo and behold, here I am taking one at 8 in the morning, a few hours before I usually give up on unconsciousness. A back spasm in a place I never had one before, wakes me up from a dream that mimics what's waking me up.

The same thing seems to be happening with the Euro, and the tethered to problem of money in general. Those who keep the money for the people and their governments, has been asking for a prescription for what "ails" them, which is more money.... spoken like a true addict. Problem is, our country is run by a bank... the Federal Reserve, which isn't controlled by anyone in government! It's a private bank that lends money to other banks, sets lending rates and prints money.... all without government oversight, whatsoever.

It's the biggest sham in human history, and their manipulation of our leaders has made it unstoppable (eg: Reagan, Bush I and II, Clinton, Obama). Once the banks fail to back our planet's paper currency, they will employ computers to make us their slaves. How? When hyper-inflation kicks in, you'll need a suitcase full of bills just to go shopping. Our depressed nation/states won't want to print any more paper, 'cause it's expensive and too easily to counterfeit.

The Bible warns us that no man or woman will be able to buy, sell or trade without the mark of the beast, which is probably going to be a credit card of some kind, to replace those worthless paper bills.

They say that money is debt... debt our nation/states have to pay. With all our governments sucked dry, we will be in debt to them for a very long time. We will all be indentured servants to our leaders thanks to the manipulation of the banks. They are just one move from checkmate, and that time is just about here.

This post was bought to you by: VicariousE
The picture may be seen more clearly at this website.

Posted by VicariousE - May 13th, 2012

This is my zero tolerance post.
If you can't say something in one comment, then DON'T SAY ANYTHING.
I don't mind one sentence conversations, but this foolish, childish mess has to stop!

My own private life is RIFE with clutter, piles and no place to walk or set things down. Everything has its place, and it should be put there. I know there are one or two of you out there that know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!

I blew up a few minutes ago, and I make NO EXCUSE for my violent behavior. My father's house and property can easily be a premiere episode of "Hoarders". I don't own a TV anymore since those FUCKERS in Washington decided to change the bandwidth rules, so I don't know if there is such a show. WHY DON"T THEY HELP THESE PEOPLE?! Fucking ratings and ad revenue, I'm sure.

I had to move into my father's house after my mother died. I lost my job, my home and 30 pounds of muscle trying to stay warm. I had NOTHING to eat, while privately contracted union assholes, did their best to fuck me over. In living with my father, I lost all my pride and self respect.... ALL the things I earned since leaving that bullshit institution known as the public school system, are NOW GONE.

If you have any sense of honor, please treat my post with respect. If you can't respect my intentions, then respect the years I've toiled, bled and suffered on this Earth; who I am and what I've said and done here.

I just need something I can keep track of, OKAY?

Posted by VicariousE - March 10th, 2012

I don't believe everything this video has to say, but it's pretty neat to look at, and should run smoothly on your equipment.

Posted by VicariousE - March 2nd, 2012

[A nice suspicious subject line, ehhhhh?] The older you get, the hotter the flame.

The shorter candle lasts half as long, but twice as bright. You kids ain't seen nothin' yet.

I been around twice as long as many Newgrounders here, and my light is shining brighter than ever.

However, what is this? ...problems ahead? "What's that Lassie? You say Timmy fell well down the well and can't get out?" [I wish young people would learn how to read between the lines, so I do.]

"Arrf! Arrf!" The human race has just entered into a deadly game of short odds, and dire consequences for everyone. I had the second box from the top - Radio Shack Catalog, 1986

User Image: Asterix (The Masions of the Gods) and yurgenburgen's These Colors Don't Run