Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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VicariousE's News

Posted by VicariousE - October 16th, 2012

Since my father is in the hospital, I'm not going to on here as much as I would like. The good part of that is that I can clean up the house so it looks like a house inside, and not a reality TV show about hoarders. The bad part is, my fathers contacts, contacting me at all hours, including him and my sister, who wants to kill almost on hour of my day with talking. To be fair, she's handled the work the hospital staff should be doing: getting the appropriate records from previously visited doctors, their test results and specs....

And then there's me. My left ear took such a very bad knock from the noisy ER (from 7am to about 4pm last Thursday) and hasn't been the same since.

Update10/23 Tuesday: Pop's getting transferred Wednesday to a old ppl's halfway house for rehab for a few days - hope they can do the dialysis okay or at least drive him the 2 1/2 miles to the hospital to where he usually gets it :P

I have to talk to so many ppl because of this, don't feel like talking here just now. And then there's the constant shuffling of things in the hope I can compact it all, and have some open space to move about in. It's not like the hoarders on TV, but it is pretty lame!

Update 10/25 Thursday: My back is completely blown out, thanks to some old ghoul who's a known thief. I heard him pull in while sleeping (fucking Spider-sense would have to work) yesterday morning, and blew out the remainder of my lower disc getting the hell out of bed from a dead sleep. Now the hot pain is across my lower back and radiates up the right side, just below the arm pit... hurts to breathe deep, when I need to the most - taxes are very due 10/31.

Monday 29: Back better, old man still in rehab/old person storage (why am I thinking of Pulp Fiction?) Huge wind and rainstorm coming with winds sustained of 60+ MPH and I know shit will get shredded :| Anyone got a fiddle? I feel the need to play, as Rome is about to burn...

Hospital Run, Telephone Games and Micromanagement

Posted by VicariousE - October 2nd, 2012

One of the problems with growing up early, is the lack of a solid, fantasy filled childhood. Growing up In the 70's and early 80's was tough for my parents. They didn't expect my arrival and there was a serious recession going on, but nothing like what's going on now. As such, I had to work the farm, be a plumbers assistant, a surveyor and heavy laborer all before I had hair on my nuts.

I witnessed violence(s), murder (almost got caught up in the mob afterward), unexplained mysteries and emotional strife of every color of the rainbow, all before I was old enough to drive. After that there were brushes with all levels of law enforcement, but luckily, it was just for practicing my freedom, and not being a douche. I noticed as time went on, the America I grew up with had dissolved into a police state where your ideas could be charged with a crime (along with the body as well). Had I known the people of this country would have been fooled into such terrible circumstances, I would have left... but the 1980's under Ronald Reagan, were a time of pride and confidence and that kept me 'dreaming'. And pride does proceed great falls. As Ben Franklin once said, those who want security at the expense of freedom, deserve neither.

My mother could see the writing on the wall, even not knowing all the sordid details of our country's betrayal. Even she was conned into believing in Obama, but... She was a staunch Republican, listened to Rush on the radio and voted in every election (didn't help - people choose their parties like tattoos in most parts of the country). But before she died in the hospital, for months on end, she had only crappy TV... and the 'plastic educator' convinced her Obama would be different, like JFK was in her prime. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, though, at least JFK died while trying to defeat the private bankers in charge of the Federal Reserve - that much is very clear to me.

Like with all living things, life goes on, despite whatever happens to it. The scars of the past are fading on me now, as I approach 40 years of decreptitude. No one can have their childhood back - we remake ourselves as times goes on. All ya can do is cherish the moments, for they will never come again. No need to dwell on the wrongs you've committed - if it was really that bad, consider the lesson learned.

My BBS sig says, "No matter where you go, there you are", because, no matter how far you travel, you still got the same baggage - it's up to you to figure out how to tune yourself into being a feeling person.... "source programmable guidance" if you will.

My mom had excellent taste in moves and music for her age, and a combination of wit and humor I've rarely seen in others. Recently, while rewatching old TV shows on torrents, I came across something I got my mom to watch, and she got a real kick out it. Making and giving happiness to others is just as precious as life itself. Just don't forget to get a little for yourself.

Posted by VicariousE - September 20th, 2012

This Saturday is the 6th annual Madness Day, a tribute to the most awesome series NG has produced.
Here is where it all started, with a cannon, some gray dolls and a huge marshmallow. I would've had this post done sooner, but the guy 2 doors down is warming up his heavy calibers and emptying his clips :) Just sent him 2 small watermelons, in lieu of marshmallows and pawns....

Being that 9/22 is a Holy day for me, very little out-of-Madness correspondence will occur that day.

May the Madness liberate you.

September 22nd

Posted by VicariousE - September 18th, 2012

After three good suicide scares from members here, within the past year or so, someone finally tried to do it.

It came out of nowhere, but I probably shouldn't be surprised, since my hateful talk about my father's harmful behavior may have been the trigger for it.

Posted by VicariousE - September 9th, 2012

While struggling to weave my mind back into NG this evening, I discovered something about myself.

I grew up with Pong and Atari, Colecovison, and a few other primitive toys. Later on, when word processing was possible, typing was a deliberate and painstaking act, especially when I was able to do so at home in HS. I'm sure I wasn't the first kid to "creatively" edit one of my own papers for someone else... almost got caught, but I introduced enough doubt. She didn't pass me for her class and I had to take it again Senior year So.... maybe I did get caught? Still doubt it - she was as deep as a puddle in the parking lot :P

Easy words are easy, conjuring the proper spelling as you go along is a difficult thread to keep, 'specially while young and without "spell check" - but the ability to transpose words around on the page, taught me to organize my thoughts better. The technology and editing options were limited (but O so useful), the ability to highlight and move passages and even words, trained my brain into more coherent" concepts. No more pen, dodgy ink reels, bent keys.... excessive noise; the dot-matrix printer made more noise, but you could read it... no White-Out :P The hard copy made me a writer with real world professionalism [this is all pre-internet].

Fast forward 25.3 years: Typing isn't much easier; I look at the keyboard mostly :3 Now that there are actual people on the other side of the screen, I don't input precise data onto a monochrome screen.... I sing for the other human soul at the end of the psychic string.

For real, yo. This shit is witchcraft. But then again, so was typing non-mechanical keys to prevent me from gnawing at the callus on the left side of my middle finger tip, where the sharp edges of the old ball-pens, were cast of sterner stuff and would shatter like glass - I'm sure many a butt cheek were collecting shards of Krazy Glue clear shrapnel, after falling on their pride. TV was slower than too, as was the pace and course of life.

So. This is the future huh?
:) The people here, at the other end of 'the string' are amazing, smart and funny. I can live with the 'asshole-per-capita' as is.
:( Software got sucky in the late 90's and still hasn't made the menu systems or GUI more fluid.... fluid being the word - for a human being, the square edges of a screen are practical, but nature likes patterns and circles! They need to take the art tools and adapt them for OS use! "Because of the line of work I'm in, it's important to be happy." -- Hunter S. Thompson, on writing, to a long time friend in, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas

This looks like a legit scam, especially for someone with limited bandwidth and HW like myself...

Posted by VicariousE - August 23rd, 2012

We should've plowed under our quatrotriticale by now, but the deer have already eaten and beaten it down. We use it as a cover crop, to condition the soil for better things, but by letting it mature, the deer have been getting fat and happy. I almost ran a doe over, while investigating kid noises one night. We are surrounded by McMansions and I'm worried about trespassers - people can sue, deer can't.
Anyway the image below has been curiously removed from several crop circle websites, but not before it was replicated en mass across the web. It shows our solar system's position on December 23rd, 2012 and was done 4 years ago in Britain.
I was told (in the 1970's) there were 3 major multi-dimensional 'alien' species at work on our world. The crop circles are done by the lesser of the three. The other two are the ever popular 'grays' and 'reptilians' ...fuck I don't remember their names, but the only ones who seem to give a shit are the ones who do the crop circles. The Grays are ambivalent and the Reptilians are total assholes, who only seem to want us to mine and refine gold (hey, I saw that in Cowboys and Aliens, didn't I?) for some kinda shield. They supposedly live on a planet, in a solar system, that periodically intersects with ours, on an almost 90 degree angle.
Aside from the 3 straight lines on the left circle (farmer got pissed, so he took his combine out for a spin), this image supposedly shows something nasty coming from the South of our global position. Usually astronomers look at stuff along the galactic plane, where the vast bulk of the cool stuff is at.
Questions? Plenty. Answers? Well, it looks like we're fucked. Our Christmas present looks like a severely shaken Earth as another solar systems planets intersect with ours. No major collisions (at least until 2050), but as we all know, gravity's a bitch.

......and in related news, https://vimeo.com/48712245 was done by http://emily-youcis.newgrounds.com/ and is awaiting mp4 approval from Tom Fulp, owner/operator of Newgrounds.

And here's the cleaner looking NG version... 18+ only plz http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/602442

I don't have any crop circles...

Posted by VicariousE - August 11th, 2012

I should probably cite links to threads, but it still seems too scary. And I was in my 20's then. The BBS here (1999-2001) was a quagmire of both brilliant and moronic statements. The disparity between the two often resulted in some of the most breathtaking conflicts ever to be typed. This was a terrible and wonderful battlefield of the minds.

It was also bully-central, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Personal attacks and threats are a way of 'showing no weakness' in the face of real randomness; you must think to survive. It also forced us into showing who we really are, and not some politically correct, e-version of ourselves.

Live with a man for 20 years; share your food, conversation and time with him...... now, hold that same man tied up and hanging over a volcanoes edge, with a knife in your hand, very close to the rope that holds him. On that day, you will finally meet the man.

I believe time will be broken soon (galactic plane will likely be crossed, gravitationally speaking) so take the time to be yourself, before time runs out.

This place used to be tougher than High School

Posted by VicariousE - July 28th, 2012

I'm in a garage next door, getting their WiFi. Why? My car got wasted May of last year, and I have no way to get a wireless card to get a working signal from home. And since the fluorescent tube on the 7 y/o laptop is broken, I had to pull a monitor from 1991 from storage, just to get online.

So the stock market crash didn't happen this Friday, but it will go soon. So stock up on food while prices are still uninsane.

See ya whenever I get back here :| Please feel free to PM me - the post is voluminous and it's hard to catch up on things when I'm scavenging content for my comfy room, instead of this stinking bug filled garage, many hundreds of feet from home.......

Edit: July 31st - Managed to get a cheapie WiFi N network thingy, but it was so cheap, it picked up nothing! Now I have to wait to make money before I can get a refund and get a better one. Once upon a time, in the 20th century, a college website used to rate all the wireless adapters on the market, but, sadly, it is no more.... just the way the manufacturers like it :<

Video: Chinese athlete
Picture by: Shawn Cross

Posted by VicariousE - July 22nd, 2012

Until I can get new wireless N card, I can't be on here. The latest rain has fed this stupid tree (not too stupid - it shields passers-by from the massive amounts of shit my father has in the yard) into producing its seeds, which are half an inch by 6 inches long. That means even more interference with the signal next door.

Maybe if I plugged a monitor into the garage next door with my broken laptop, I could get a clean signal, but that sucks. They don't owe me that much.

If you're visiting and happen to have money in the stock market, get out. July 27th the NYSE will drop hundreds of points and wipe out any value in your investments. I'm sure buried somewhere in my newsposts is the explanation for my future-casting. Too much fake money by the Fed and too much debt in the EU will finally burst, leaving the bankers with all the power they need. Buy food now, because this time next month, it will probably cost twice as much (severe drought notwithstanding).

Wish you all the best, and hope to be on again soon.

I Can't Keep Doing This

Posted by VicariousE - July 21st, 2012

"Indeed, in a 2001 interview with The Onion A.V. Club, Breathed said of his politics, "What remains the same as now, however, is the frustration at the continuing path the world seems to be on in avoiding lessons about accountability. It's a constant line on the graph, this avoidance of blame and penalty for one's actions." He goes on, "If you'll read the subtext for many of those old strips, you'll find the heart of an old-fashioned libertarian."

So I say "Welcome Back, Opus." You've been missed. Since you left, all sorts of things that were never supposed to happen...well....they happened." An old review for a comic book and strip I used to love growing up. Bloom County was rad.

What would Opus say about the impending consequences of the Federal Reserves' actions since it's inception? "Ttttthhhhpppt"

Holy Shit! I made UOTD! True it's only for the Newgrounds Log, but it's still better than nothing :3
