Since my father is in the hospital, I'm not going to on here as much as I would like. The good part of that is that I can clean up the house so it looks like a house inside, and not a reality TV show about hoarders. The bad part is, my fathers contacts, contacting me at all hours, including him and my sister, who wants to kill almost on hour of my day with talking. To be fair, she's handled the work the hospital staff should be doing: getting the appropriate records from previously visited doctors, their test results and specs....
And then there's me. My left ear took such a very bad knock from the noisy ER (from 7am to about 4pm last Thursday) and hasn't been the same since.
Update10/23 Tuesday: Pop's getting transferred Wednesday to a old ppl's halfway house for rehab for a few days - hope they can do the dialysis okay or at least drive him the 2 1/2 miles to the hospital to where he usually gets it :P
I have to talk to so many ppl because of this, don't feel like talking here just now. And then there's the constant shuffling of things in the hope I can compact it all, and have some open space to move about in. It's not like the hoarders on TV, but it is pretty lame!
Update 10/25 Thursday: My back is completely blown out, thanks to some old ghoul who's a known thief. I heard him pull in while sleeping (fucking Spider-sense would have to work) yesterday morning, and blew out the remainder of my lower disc getting the hell out of bed from a dead sleep. Now the hot pain is across my lower back and radiates up the right side, just below the arm pit... hurts to breathe deep, when I need to the most - taxes are very due 10/31.
Monday 29: Back better, old man still in rehab/old person storage (why am I thinking of Pulp Fiction?) Huge wind and rainstorm coming with winds sustained of 60+ MPH and I know shit will get shredded :| Anyone got a fiddle? I feel the need to play, as Rome is about to burn...