[A more specific list of affected areas is now listed.... to make my point, I'll draw a map. But for right now, my sister's got me working on pictures of my father and other funeral prep]
My sister was there at the hospital while he was sleeping. His breathing slowed, then stopped. Oddly, a few seconds after my sister confirmed his heart had stopped, lightning struck. It was about 3:30 PM and I was at home, in the kitchen when I heard it... that was only thunder I had heard all day. He had a DNR and was 80 years old. My mother's been dead for 4 years now.
The funeral is set for this Sunday, the 23rd, which I was told is the real Mayan New Year/Epoch/Whatever. On that day, a red, hazy object will be visible in the Southern sky. It will resemble a second sun. It will also carry some debris, which will impact the Southern half of our Earth. The super-psychic who told me this, over 30 years ago, has been correct about a great many things and wrong about a very few.
Gravitational pull from this planet/sun will trigger a displacement of water, and will create planet-wide earthquake (and subsequent volcanic activity). The most susceptible areas will be the Eastern and Southern coastlines, due to the rotation of the Earth. The inertia of the oceans against our Northern land masses, will slow the Earth's rotation by at least 90 minutes per day, and tilt the Earth. Millions will die in earthquake related injuries, but most will be crushed by the tsunami.
I was told that the initial, rapid water surge will take out a major South American city on it's East coast, later that day... most news agencies will say the wave has subsided, however the Atlantic Ocean deepens past this point. Ever jump into the shallow end of an Olympic size pool? Quick waves at the shallow end, and many seconds later, a big wave at the deep end - the inertia is released downward, carrying more volumes of water as it moves away from it's point of origin.
The areas likely to be hit: Florida, all the southern and ocean side areas of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and East Texas. If you live in these areas, please leave at the first signs of trouble. I'm sure an earthquake alone won't be enough to scare people into action, but if you also hear about a tsunamialong the East coast of South America, it WILL come North and be more destructive as it picks up volume!
Stay away from known fault-lines. The seismic event will last for hours and vary greatly depending where you're at.
Click this to see what NASA has to say about December 21st. They released this video a few days ahead of time - it was supposed to have been released on December 22nd. I guess they figured once enough people can see this thing with their own eyes, this video will be even more of a blatant lie. Here's even more spin.
If you can stand a basey, British accent, this video isn't 100% accurate, but it's as close to the truth as I can find. I skimmed it twice, seems legit enough.
For a real corker of a phone call, a former NASA employee spills his knowledge. He had better be wrong about the EM field being that strong - too much EM can cause a lack of gravity (lab proven, cool stuff)!! There's another video, that documented how many astrophysicists died under unusual circumstances... by hook or by crook. I imagine a few demanded too much compensation, while others were found talking.
Our world is run by money. The people who have the most of it, do not want you to know. Their goal is to keep control of all the world's money, no matter what government issues it. Anything that threatens that, is 'discouraged', by hook or by crook. I was also told a major World event will take place just before this horror occurs. Sounds even crazier, but I think she said something about the Chinese mobilizing a million or so troops.... Do not let this distract you from what's going on outside your door on the evening of the 23rd and into the 24th.
Interesting article from a popular Russian news site... just caught it Saturday night.
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If you live in a wooded area, and happen to know someone with a wood chipper, a gasifier can be used as a substitute for gasoline (through the air intake, not the fuel line). FEMA had these easy plans on their website for quite a while... no more. For the more informed, this DOE paper on gasification provides details on the fuel and an expanded look at the process. One drawback: Hydrogen is difficult to store and clean up, which is why it's used as it's produced. Depending on the wood and the amount of filtering, a hydrocarbon buildup may occur. These hot running contraptions used to move cars around during WWII, but most of the people who did this never documented their work.
My father told me about a material called carbonite, which used to be used (with water in large tanks with agitators) to produce 'town gas', which lit gas-run street lights and home stoves. The devices are still buried in parts of the world, but again, the technology has been abandoned.
Best things to stock up on besides food: Halloween spiderwebs and aquarium activated charcoal. The fineness of the synthetic fibers in nylon (rayon, whatevs) are an excellent air filter (also found in dryer sheets). After a few hours of use, all filters stop trapping extra fine particles - you will need to re-stretch the fibers to create more acute corners to capture dust.
Activated charcoal is what makes water filters like Brita and Pur work - just cut open the plastic container, and refresh your filtering material. As with all (US) carbon filters, there might be an orange buildup over time; no worries, mate. Dodgy water should sit undisturbed in a tall, narrow container, to it's brim. Sweep off the very top layer of water without disturbing the water below it. Add water and repeat the skimming. Refrigerate and repeat if necessary. Then, as slowly as possible, dump the top 2/3rds of the cold water, into the cold filter. Bad stuff either floats or sinks - you want the clean stuff, just above the middle. The filter and the water must be cold! This allows a slower and more intense processing to occur.