Being a member here for 12 years isn't much of an accomplishment. It's like saying, "Woo-hoo I didn't die yet!" I was too stubborn to make a new account when I couldn't log on in the mid-2000's, mainly to show I've been here since the beginning. If I did make a new account around 2003, I'd be Level Uber-Cool and have a blam-to-save ratio to die for. Whatever right?
Here's 10 things that happened since my last Newgrounds Birthday/Anniversary in 2012, in no particular order.
1. My Pop pulled his Aortic artery. The aneurism was so big, they operated 24 hours after walking into the ER.
2. After 2 1/2 months in the hospital and 3 major operations, the last one amputating his leg, Pop expires with my sis near him. Lightning stuck when he passed, despite the clearing conditions.
3. Had surgery to remove a 2 cm long clump of cartilage disc, that was never gonna get back under the bone. Still recovering. Op went fine, but there were other complications....
4. Found 3 Asterix comics at the library that I've never read before! Still missing a few of the newer ones...
5. 4 kittens were born to the stray mama calico, we started feeding after the house guests and their dogs vacated 3 years ago. She was old when she started to get friendly to us - had seen her sulking around years before.
6. Mama calico died a few weeks after Sandy. Her two last sons preceded her, who were also born sometime after my 11th year of being here. Her 2 orange kids used to follow me everywhere, even down to the road :(
7. "Super-storm" Sandy kicked the power out for a full week. Pop had transferred back to the hospital from the halfway house, hours before it struck. Had an oil lamp and a gas stove, but no heat. Radio was okay.
8. I kept a 2 acre garden alive during a drought, yielding dozens bushels of produce no one bought. It was chucked and I was still poor. All the roadside veggie stands are gone, and the auction costs 75$ to sell at. Foreign food rips us off!
9. Saw a lot of family and my Pop's friends at his funeral, Sis stayed here for over a month, brother and his wife visited 2 days. Cooking and cleaning constantly in a claustrophobic house.
10. The cleaning and organizing and chucking of the things that were Pop's, proceeds. Sticking to the house while my back mends. I can't bend over for a month and have to wear a girdle :|
Oh, and as for all of my posts/blogs, AMA (ask me anything). Life's too short not to get a straight answer.
3/1/2013 -- Having trouble with PayPal, so it might take another day or two to get things sorted and properly started. I do not like how everything seems to be dependent on banks! I will be contacting various artists here at NG for commissions very soon! Another hitch: ancient Lexmark scanner (drivers, of course) is giving me a headache with getting additional reference pictures up :\
My only reason for living at this point :(
problems of the future, today....oh man what memories, alien hominid is how i got through school, and Toss The Turtle helped me in the darkest time of my life.
good luck to you, in "tossing the girdle" ha!
It was Tom's initial games that got me here around 1999. Began to trust the site the next year... back then you only got ONE email account through your ISP, and you sure as hell didn't want the address stolen or sold.
Heh, Toss the Turtle I played offline and beat utterly, back when I had no internet connection at home
Oh, I'm gonna wear this thing the full duration of one month, maybe more.