Not sure man. Been feeling like I'm on a downward slope as of late.
Haha. Woo laptop touch pad!
Seems pretty legit, pretty legit indeed.
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01
Not sure man. Been feeling like I'm on a downward slope as of late.
Haha. Woo laptop touch pad!
Seems pretty legit, pretty legit indeed.
it never made it to my lap, never really took it out... it'd have made a lousy teleprompter, even with a Fresnel lens :P It just stayed on a cheap white computer table.... lottsa flight simulations, bombing runs with an F-15...
Don't sweat the school.... opportunities to be 'happy in your line of work' will present themselves in the long months ahead. Life is a circle, or so the Beastmaster's buddy said O__o
hallo neew post :P
i dont know what to say aboot all that stuff though ._.
im a failure on this post already D':
and me and my fb friend are having a dramatic poke war xD
eww - e-poking? The first computer usage of the word Poke came from BASIC... they would alter the built in ROM OS for programming use. The list of pokes for any given version of BASIC were bigger than a Hong Kong telephone book (or more Chins) - 3 massive tomes, each 4 inches thick
you better keep reading my post, till you get the idea of what computers have done to human nature in the span of 40 years.
The school ain't too much of a problem really-- Other shit's been eating at me.
F-15 bombing runs eh?
ooh yeah, over Syria, Libya, Egypt..... I waited 2 hours for a driver from the CT scan center to drive me home - really nervous to be so out of control (without car and Pop was in dialysis and the center was 10 minutes from closing). Turned out the driver was from Northern Egypt and loves America (citizen 8 mos.). He said that 25% of Egyptians are Christian, like himself and a good portion of his former town. He got 2 boys, so I loaded him up with peppers and told him to stop by - and he's about my age! Got tremendous respect for someone to be able to move away and speak a new language!
well it sounds worse when you refer to it that way ._.
i guess i'll re-read it, but she keeps poking me...and its distracting xD hahahahaha
Who is she? What does she relate to in the music she likes?
You could be dead tomorrow, so have fun with her! Find the noogie button!
That is quite respectable. Starting over, almost-- People do what they've gotta do.
We'll all have that chance soon.
so i just threatened to tickle her if she doesn't admit that shes cool ._.
this conversation changed A LOT from when it started xD
keep up the good work :3
I have to sign off - it's just gotten sketchy again, blasted drippy humid East coast :(
see ya when I see ya
Night gentlemen - may your futures be full of joy.
who is she? her names carmen ._.
we're somewhat okay music wise
she likes stuff like Black Sabbath, Nirvana, Black Veil Brides, and stuff like that....
see ya later dude
well im gonna head off to bed ._.
gooodnight :P
I remember getting my first Atari 2600, my first Commodore 64 and my first Amiga 500. Funny how state of the art then is about as lame as you can get now. Technology and how things change over time. Sometimes it's good change, sometimes it's not so good change.
They still program for the C64 and Amiga! The Amiga 500 also was responsible for the effects and graphics on Babylon 5, a pretty good lookin' show I might add :)
Yeah, plenty o' crap inside the new tech to gum up the works alright!! But that's the price we pay for no standards and an open platform of sorts... but MS really should streamline shit for their progs and OS's.... way, way too much old baggage :P
Morgen alle.
pig latin/german?
sup -_-
Not much :l sup with you
just woke up so literally nothing ._.
Koolio. Been up for about an hour myself.
so im not alone then!
im bored......ur boing.......
i see we've all been up for a short amount of time ._.
I'm boing :l? Never knew :l
Interesting about redesigning the interface-- circular screen and what not.
How's it been goin', Steve?
VicariousE (Updated )
sup holmes? wat up with watson?
Thanks man - but I think if hotkeys were a bit more 'universal' in function, I could live a better life Especially with regard to word processing (reaching for the mouse sucks sometimes).
Apple owes me big for that turd I bought, but watever.... it got me a printer to actually Produce something of contemporary use! I wrote my first copyrighted work on an apple IIc and sold it through a magazine and got some great feedback :3