I'm in a garage next door, getting their WiFi. Why? My car got wasted May of last year, and I have no way to get a wireless card to get a working signal from home. And since the fluorescent tube on the 7 y/o laptop is broken, I had to pull a monitor from 1991 from storage, just to get online.
So the stock market crash didn't happen this Friday, but it will go soon. So stock up on food while prices are still uninsane.
See ya whenever I get back here :| Please feel free to PM me - the post is voluminous and it's hard to catch up on things when I'm scavenging content for my comfy room, instead of this stinking bug filled garage, many hundreds of feet from home.......
Edit: July 31st - Managed to get a cheapie WiFi N network thingy, but it was so cheap, it picked up nothing! Now I have to wait to make money before I can get a refund and get a better one. Once upon a time, in the 20th century, a college website used to rate all the wireless adapters on the market, but, sadly, it is no more.... just the way the manufacturers like it :<
Video: Chinese athlete
Picture by: Shawn Cross
well...i hope you can get your computer working again with internet and stuff ._.
we miss you here D:
well i do...dont know about nick or damitrin....
but i will say this
cool pic bro