Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Muscle spasms, The Euro crash and Psycho-Linguistics

Posted by VicariousE - May 17th, 2012

So they gave me this "pill", so I can more easily move around. But the bottle says, "Take at bedtime". I don't sleepwalk, but what the hell. The pill also make you drowsy as fuck, and since my old man likes to make inhuman noises and blast the TV while wake or asleep, shit, even better. I stop taking the pill for two days, and lo and behold, here I am taking one at 8 in the morning, a few hours before I usually give up on unconsciousness. A back spasm in a place I never had one before, wakes me up from a dream that mimics what's waking me up.

The same thing seems to be happening with the Euro, and the tethered to problem of money in general. Those who keep the money for the people and their governments, has been asking for a prescription for what "ails" them, which is more money.... spoken like a true addict. Problem is, our country is run by a bank... the Federal Reserve, which isn't controlled by anyone in government! It's a private bank that lends money to other banks, sets lending rates and prints money.... all without government oversight, whatsoever.

It's the biggest sham in human history, and their manipulation of our leaders has made it unstoppable (eg: Reagan, Bush I and II, Clinton, Obama). Once the banks fail to back our planet's paper currency, they will employ computers to make us their slaves. How? When hyper-inflation kicks in, you'll need a suitcase full of bills just to go shopping. Our depressed nation/states won't want to print any more paper, 'cause it's expensive and too easily to counterfeit.

The Bible warns us that no man or woman will be able to buy, sell or trade without the mark of the beast, which is probably going to be a credit card of some kind, to replace those worthless paper bills.

They say that money is debt... debt our nation/states have to pay. With all our governments sucked dry, we will be in debt to them for a very long time. We will all be indentured servants to our leaders thanks to the manipulation of the banks. They are just one move from checkmate, and that time is just about here.

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muscle spasms are never fun...

what is this "pill" is it just like sleep medicine? or is it something for more than just sleeping

well the more money they print the less the dollar is going to be worth in the long run
so in a way the stopping the printing of money for a few denominations would be relatively okay
or at least print less of certain ones. i heard somewhere that they were going to lower the amount of 10 dollar bills this year or something like that...dont know if thats entirely true but who knows

cyclobenzapr, dunno wat the name brand is or if the generic im taking's okay
It's all a shell game; been that way since 1911 or so... it's all pretty much in the video if you got a half hour to understand what's gonna happen next (not that they say, but with that much consolidated power, the rich win and everyone else will lose, just to keep the market healthy.... cull the herd.

hmmmm........................... what kind of inhuman noises? o_O

Yeah, look up; he got it!
It's the screamo-yawning that's the worst, but he's been behaving - if it wakes me up, I bug out and pound the wall, then it moderates and stops for a month or so.

ya know like
"ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

Cthulhu... isee wat u did there
I make noises when im really tired or waking up too, but no where near as loud or else it will hurt my ear(s).. he's more deaf than me, so sometimes I block the hurt ear and talk louder.

ah so you're taking muscle relaxers
dont know what to say about the rest of that
i may or may not have an extra half hour to kill at some point to watch that video...

ah my hearing is going at a somewhat even pace for both ears
i say somewhat because my left ear is a little worse than my right
i actually dont make really any sounds when i wake up except maybe yawn or something
hell i dont even snore...ive asked people if i do and i was told that im REALLY silent when im asleep
granted i tend to move a bit while im asleep, but who doesn't? but lately ive been cuddling up to my pillow kupia :3 hahahahahahaha

Well, I'm trying not take them. I took half of one for a while to sleep and not be in pain, but that shit builds up in your body and fucks with your normal sleep.

The 'toon's okay. Watch it, and you'll have learned what the most powerful men fear most - your knowing about them!

Shit, yeah my left ear is really bad... I'll take my last chance at a non-quack next week.

hmm so its like with acid supposedly building up in your spinal fluids then? hahahaha
nah i can understand why you wouldn't take em as much though ._.

hmm...i may get around to watch it then...

i seriously NEED ear plugs ._. dont want to damage my ears further...

I... don't know, but I'll ask. Having my back cracked often is only gonna make it more arthritic and the lawyer doesn't wan me to see anyone else (kickbacks?)

Yeah, I use ear plugs, like when I lawn mowed today. Should've used them yesterday, but I had no idea my cousin's weedwhacker was so damn loud!

Well once money goes down the crapper we're going have to Star-Trek it up pretty quick and evolve beyond currency or we might just have some Mad Max action on our hands. Good thing we know an Australian. Zombie apocalypse... Money apocalypse... however the veil is lifted I'm just happy I have TWO sized of crowbar. I may not have the answers for political problems but if anyone needs something opened I'm wiser than Buddha.

As for the sleeping. I feel for you. I know what it's like to be adjacent to a blasting tv at all hours. I did have these spiffy headphones I could sleep in and I also had a sleeping/anxiety medication, but the possibility of being needed in a minute kept me from using them.

I think those who survive in the sytx will learn to get along with each other without money or come up with something else. I know a few other states are making non-Fed banks so their citizens may have some security :\ I just don't like the feral Federal gov't. having this much control.

Ah, but what happens when there's nothing left to open but critters and bunkers?

Yeah, that's why I don't want to keep taking those pills (unlike the rest of America). My Pop's real old and one simple fuck up at dialysis, and every second will count - another reaon for me taking al loan against my lawsuit/settlement :(

I had no problem at all sleeping when I had work. But when the only work now involves my Pop's poop hoarding, it's gets too political for me, though I do try and do things where he doesn't tread much.

ah i heard that from a ton of people i know that do that stuff...
i try not to crack stuff by i end up cracking my: fingers, wrists, left shoulder, neck, and back ._. yeah...

i never use ear plugs ever ._.
never HAVE used them...
i should but i dont and knowing my luck if im ever in another band i'll be playing a show and then BAM my eardrum will collapse or something like that...

I saw wat u did there.... I thought thumbsucker had offed herself last year! And yeah, she looks better w/ out all the paint n stuff. She does gory a little too well. Hope her medical condition's better than when I thought she had, ya know.... *cccccchk* thumb across throat

Well, sometimes it's ok to crack if your range of motion is compromised.

Just buckle down and invest in some reusable ones with the blue plastic cord and the yellow ribs on 'em (no im not talking condoms or earbuds :<)

oh i know someone who does gory related stuff better ._.
im talking about the person who was the drummer in the band i was in...ya know the one who can't carry a note if her life depended on it? hahaha

eh i just like doing it sometime when im bored now...like if no one is here and im just sitting alone here until something interesting happens or if i feel like watching something

nope im getting condoms for my ears hahahahahaha
sounds like the normal thing to do xD

Really? Yeah women can be vicious and bloody, despite their motherly natures.

I think I told you about the original star trek folks? They were filming a live action thing on set and someone forgot to crack the doors, then the blast pots went off. Few days later during a lull, they all realized their ears were all ringing. Whata bitch. These days, it'd be a big deal and a lawsuit.

That's quite disturbing.

My winky pinky hole is not amused :\

yeah...weird right? haha

ive heard about that before somewhere...still find it interesting though

holy shit nicks here O:
we thought you died and were eaten by wild tigers!

Tigers in Diablo? Neoooooo.

hey who knows
anythings possible

Yah so, we dont know cause the kid's all over it like peanut butter on.... (ufillintehblanks)
and won't tell us - tough maybe i try that YT thing and see, maybe.... i just can't do full streaming video- the compressions too cpu intensive and the hd bus has small nuts x_o

the impossible is not possible! so you are wrong sir! D:<

yes, latin prefixes day that's so

yes but you can make the impossible possible! O:<


i hated kim possible....

A lot of chicks do
I didn't know what else to say.....

why? whats their reason?

Consolidation of power, just like in 1911, 1929, 9/11 and the housing bubble. If the public gets too fat, they pull the plug and follow through on their world government and cashless control scheme.

The 'people' who cause the chaos are well insulated against any sort of money fluctuation, in fact, it just dig them in deeper for more control over every free person hears, sees, eats or buys.

I'm overgeneralizing a lot, but it's about absolute power; which also means, the less people around, the easier for them to control their 'castles' and still be fed, entertained and protected.

I'm gna try to stay outa this world. I'm gna try. That vid was great.

Also, I've had muscle spasms in my back before... No bweno O_O. My brother slammed my spine and I could hardly move for about a month.. hurt like all hell. Now I have back problems at the age of 19. It's a lot better though. Don't think I'll be able to say that in 20yrs :P

The vid. Yeah. It's real sad this went on for as long as it did. Makes you wonder what the hell were the hippies doing in the 60's when all this was being set up to destroy their future....

They take pictures? I got 5 screwy disks in my spine and the blown out one is right at the bottom. Oh well, it's a man's life I guess. Trying steroid injections to get the muscles to work harder to hold things inline. Exercise everyday helps, but you gotta be careful for a long while.


Herrrrow mista hanns bricxx
hows your back today?

hi steve ._.

Yeeeah, so where the little one, I just left him my last word, in the last post, to end all posts, the end now go to sleep little boy - that was long story!!!!!:P

should I close it after she had her way with it...
oww.. I just leave it open and unchecked :P


WTF (in the tone of teh egoraptor) I should do his voice for a voice trailer/demo:P

Sup Steve :l.
I have hopped over here, like a mongoose. l:
On a side note, Diablo 3 is pure badassery.

Good sir, I welcome you to new digs, my flop, so to speak :3
Yep you got my last word on dat puppy :3 It was nice run, eh?
Big Congrats on the win, so how many deaths had you died?
Can you reset stat points before you move on?

Can't wait to ignore that slopheap of a post for the rest of the weekend, at least!

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