So they gave me this "pill", so I can more easily move around. But the bottle says, "Take at bedtime". I don't sleepwalk, but what the hell. The pill also make you drowsy as fuck, and since my old man likes to make inhuman noises and blast the TV while wake or asleep, shit, even better. I stop taking the pill for two days, and lo and behold, here I am taking one at 8 in the morning, a few hours before I usually give up on unconsciousness. A back spasm in a place I never had one before, wakes me up from a dream that mimics what's waking me up.
The same thing seems to be happening with the Euro, and the tethered to problem of money in general. Those who keep the money for the people and their governments, has been asking for a prescription for what "ails" them, which is more money.... spoken like a true addict. Problem is, our country is run by a bank... the Federal Reserve, which isn't controlled by anyone in government! It's a private bank that lends money to other banks, sets lending rates and prints money.... all without government oversight, whatsoever.
It's the biggest sham in human history, and their manipulation of our leaders has made it unstoppable (eg: Reagan, Bush I and II, Clinton, Obama). Once the banks fail to back our planet's paper currency, they will employ computers to make us their slaves. How? When hyper-inflation kicks in, you'll need a suitcase full of bills just to go shopping. Our depressed nation/states won't want to print any more paper, 'cause it's expensive and too easily to counterfeit.
The Bible warns us that no man or woman will be able to buy, sell or trade without the mark of the beast, which is probably going to be a credit card of some kind, to replace those worthless paper bills.
They say that money is debt... debt our nation/states have to pay. With all our governments sucked dry, we will be in debt to them for a very long time. We will all be indentured servants to our leaders thanks to the manipulation of the banks. They are just one move from checkmate, and that time is just about here.
This post was bought to you by: VicariousE
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muscle spasms are never fun...
what is this "pill" is it just like sleep medicine? or is it something for more than just sleeping
well the more money they print the less the dollar is going to be worth in the long run
so in a way the stopping the printing of money for a few denominations would be relatively okay
or at least print less of certain ones. i heard somewhere that they were going to lower the amount of 10 dollar bills this year or something like that...dont know if thats entirely true but who knows
cyclobenzapr, dunno wat the name brand is or if the generic im taking's okay
It's all a shell game; been that way since 1911 or so... it's all pretty much in the video if you got a half hour to understand what's gonna happen next (not that they say, but with that much consolidated power, the rich win and everyone else will lose, just to keep the market healthy.... cull the herd.