We can all point and laugh at Viper50's picture suggestion. I never owned one of those... too small and bony for a good pet. Also, sometimes I've been fooled into being a guinea pig; half in public school and half in personal and work life. I'm glad I saw all the data mining and culling stuff for what it was when I was a kid. But some of the mind numbing stuff from school, or from the TV afterward (I blame the TV), made me screw up more after finishing school. You really gotta know who you are, or you can be tricked into much.
The beginning of June of 2012 concluded the Bilderberg Conference, a meeting of the world's most powerful people. By law (the Logan Act), our elected officials are not allowed to attend secret meetings with foreign nationals. This is the most glaring sign of lawlessness our government can show. And now the attendees of this conference are at home, and are now implementing their plans. Expect shock and change.
Illisa's pig may be found here.
Spiffy. Spiffy.
They do BBQ guinea pigs in some areas of the world, you know. I wonder how it is :l.
That's rather disturbing, about the meeting :l
god why? i think rat would have more meat....
Yeah, it's amazing it's been going on for so long without incident or prosecution
And tomorrow, the plan begins.