ah its okay
it was just me saying i was listening to Nirvana...
and that is a bit of an uncomfortable subject...be everyone has to face the facts that that stuff is going to happen eventually. be it in our lifetimes or the next one(s).
i know what you mean. and id more than likely try to see if i could survive and see if i can be of some assistance after all of this stuff that is to come happens. either that or if i go out i want to go out doing something i believe in and be be proud of what i did in life and go without any regrets.
you disabled comments when i was about to send something -_-
interesting post
and interesting observations too
*strokes beard contemplating life*
i didnt know you made that post O:
i dont know how i could have missed that...
but...but...but i dont want to deal with the dire consequences of other people that have no grasp on the value of the lives of people other than themselves. if anyone should have to be responsible for the stuff that is to come it should be the people that caused them not the innocent people that could only sit back and helplessly watch as the world they knew was slowly going to hell around them >:(
VicariousE (Updated )
Sorry. I think your second draft here went better, if it got lost.
Yeah, the link takes you back to a uncomfortable subject. Again, sorry.
You make a good point, but...
The people who are going to crash society, so they can more "efficiently" control the remnants of the world, are problems we have to face before, during and after the "shit goes down".
What we have to remember is, no one can go it alone, or should they want to. I can stand making new clocks for when the Earth goes all kerfluey. I can bury as many electrical components as I can before the "fire" hits (as well as get under cover myself; I think it's going to get hot in spots).
The point is, to die with your boots on, to die for your brother or another, or die with pride in what you've done to save man's humanity. Survive free or die as a slave. Sucky options, but what the hell, we're gonna live through some amazing shit.