After the last heavy rain, we had a on-the-line transformer blow-up and get replaced, since then, WiFi from a bit over 500 feet just isn't working. I'm using a 1 yard square of aluminum foil (taken from my hat) ever so gently angled against the back of my laptop's dead monitor. If the power usage during the day continues to stop the signal, I may have to buy a wireless N USB thing to achieve a better connection. I grew up with dial-up, but this shit is ridiculous!!
I'm too lazy (and in constant pain) to put up the links, but eventually, a solar flare big enough, is going to fry all delicate electronics. It's only a matter of time before we get cooked... say 4 or 5 years from now. By then, the EM field of Earth will largely be down, and the peak of solar activity will make a deadly mix.
The more I consider the big picture, the more I realize the biggest power-brokers on this planet are the same people from many centuries ago. Those who control religion and money are the ones plotting our destruction as a race. Why? Fewer people are easier to control, especially in the wake of planet wide incidents, where truth belongs to the bullshit artist(s) who works for the New Word Order.
Also, one of my favorite PS1 games Tenchu! Never owned the game or a Playstation 1, but damn, that game and its zipline and tactics......
Enough talk. Watch Blackie bounce, courtesy of an NG OG of renown.
6/23/12 - Past day and a half I couldn't get online, due to variables I can't perceive >:( The connection I have is so unreliable, even if it did work all the time, I don't think I'd have the time to keep up with everyone, like I'd want to.
I miss you guys!!
Well how about that :l.
Nice gif you got going there :l.