Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Spiffy. Spiffy.
They do BBQ guinea pigs in some areas of the world, you know. I wonder how it is :l.
That's rather disturbing, about the meeting :l

god why? i think rat would have more meat....

Yeah, it's amazing it's been going on for so long without incident or prosecution
And tomorrow, the plan begins.

yay guinea pig :D
its so fluffy!!! ...even though its not a real guinea pig ._.

ive had A TON of guinea pigs before...one of which was a retard and jumped in the air and his spine snapped in half like a twig...

No it's better! She did a spiffy job painting rodent, doncha think?

Jumped or lept, like, to a floor or a wall? balls, he musta died soon after

I wouldn't doubt it. Rats get pretty meaty.

Any specifics on that plan that you know of or is it all buried in the dark/left to speculation?

Well, the real leader of our country, Ben Bernanke (head of the Federal Reserve company) is set to make an announcement 10am Thursday, the markets will probably start to pitch and yaw, then other bankers in other countries will do their thing. I'm guessing global markets will lose a great deal of value. It's just going to be bad news, both expected and unexpected.

After the markets crash (after the Bilderberg agenda is done), the Chinese will probably cash in from the US and other reserve currencies, then the real Depression begins.

yeah...but i like real guinea pigs...
and no he jumped into the air and landed weird and as a result his spine snapped ._.
and he died a few minutes later...we named all of the guinea pigs we had after Egyptian Gods except for the first ones we had and the ones that were eaten by their dad after they were born...

wait...what plan are you talking about?

eww, why let the males eat the lil ones? male cats will do that too, to get the female in heat sooner.

Hmm, im thinking you got these rats around the time yugioh came out O___o

as for the naming thing the one whos spine snapped's name wasn't an Egyptian God
his name was Apollo ._.
he was all black with a brown front paw

Icarus woulda been better
even had his own funeral dirge from iron maiden

we didn't "let" him eat them...someone left him in the little cage with em and he just went to town eating them left and right and there weren't even skeletons left of em afterwards...
well we got the first two when i was like 9 and then mine died and my sister's was actually the last one who died and he was about 6 when he died. so i wanna say we got em...2001?

ha iseewhatyoudidthere

Big fail that was... sorry to hear.

Yeah yugioh was just before 2000... Im up to season 4 now, where the orikalkos thing a ma jig it upping stats.... that was the last season I watched over the tube.
I remembered the first season okay, but I figured to keep watching when i could.... might do one episode late on

Oh. Well that's definitely something to look forward to.

As I heard it from a movie, "it's gonna make the sixties look like the fifties (time wise)"

yeah...well i've been getting the cards since they were first introduced here ._.
hell i even have the first rare card from the first pack ive ever gotten Charubin The Fire Knight

im confused ._.

Yyyyeah, I gotta go next door and take the cards out of the trailer.... did you ever play? The cards I found, were put in a notebook with clear plastic sheets to hold them - but can you play like that?

Talking about the planet's goons just finishing their meeting, and now are implementing their plans to "slow things down" on every level of human life.

I still have a huge-ass binder of yugioh cards from many years ago :l I got all the shiny rare cards organized in the back :l

pretty to look at sure, but if you go to play.... that's a lot of cards to yank back out :P

HELL YES I PLAYED THE GAME! and i could probably fill a few binders with my cards ._.

ah okay. well you two have fun with that conversation ._.

ive gotten packs with like 3 of the rare cards in it with different levels of rarity. like one pack had a regular rare, ultra rare, and secret rare card in it instead of only having one rare card...

i also have a card used to test ink colors. i got it in a pack of cards stuck to another card. its like color bars on the front with a normal back on it. also have two Elemental Hero Wildedge's with misprinted info saying you'd need to fuse "Elemental Hero Wildheart" and "Elemental Hero Edgeman"

How much for how many cards? wiki keeps saying it's the biggest card game (outside of the std. 52 middle ages type) on earth O___o

Maybe we should try a game, at least when i get my found deck in order. we could keep a paper record of our played cards (idk, maybe)

Is there a good rules site, or is it kinda obvious from the stats and effects? I know there are a few ways to play....

yeah, was gonna say.... cool to get those things, but kinda odd - usually test patterns are pretty elaborate looking.
after done with packaging like a cereal box or a rice krispies treat, peel it apart to see the timing marks and other color related diagnostic stuffs

What... is that?

i may or may not have one like that in my (found) binder... been a while, but doesn;t seem too odd
maybe there;s a market for it

how much for how many cards?
i like card games ._. hell i used to have Pokemon cards xD

dude i have 10 decks :3 im awesome at yugioh (not something i should be proud of...)

well the rules are really easy to follow and you should be able to pick em up relatively quick. if anything you just need to know the order of the phases in each turn, but after that you should be good.

yeah its weird...i looked it up and it said that most of them were destroyed after they were made but a few made it into packs and stuff like that. if i can find mine id take a pic of it or something...its a really cool card though :3

Yeah is it like a buck a card?
phases? though you had turns, but i guess there's an order to the things you can do before the turn expires.....

thats what one of my cards i have is ._.

i got one of those little binder things that were made specifically for yugioh cards. and i ran out of room in it, and there were little pockets inside the front cover and back cover of the binder and i was putting them in there and i found that card and a Jinzo card in there. weird thing is i bought it new

whoa a jinzo? powerful anti-trap card monster... good deal for a binder purchase

That is weird :l. Those black binders were pretty legit.
I still have my old-ass plastic duel disk thing laying in the corner of my room, probably still a deck in there xD

id rather sit down and fuck off with a card game.... did they really expect kids to wear these to school or out in the street? betcha a lot of them became future stash receptacles (they dishonored their decks :P)

good tunes ._.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BihjWa47WuM">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BihjWa47WuM</a>

its like 9 cards a pack for like $7 or something like that...but it may be different now i dont know
i dont want to have to explain things on here so heres a link
<a href="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Phase">http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Phase</a>

yep a Jinzo :3
best yugioh related purchase ever :P

now ya see sonny back in my day we didn't have those cruddy "duel discs" we played with our hands and not with some fancy shmancy device ._.

yeah that some bucks! could get a mickey d meal for that..

yeah they had kiba duel discs (oh boy, lets throw hardened chunks of plastic around) then the creepy prehistoric ones

6 phases and mention of a side deck? dat wuddnt in the toon!

maybe i should invent a card game with round aluminum cards... they can double as a throwing weapon or something O__o

yeah you could...

i never really wanted one of those ._.
they looked really big and awkward to carry around with you...

eh, we'll see

the commercials for those things looked so hokey (I've been seeing hokey for kids since they kicked it up a notch in the late 70's) - good for halloween or at home though

Of course they're big and awkward to carry around :l.
The real use of that shit's to assault the people that previously trampled on your cards when you played on the ground l:

they so do look like awesome forearm weapons :3
nothing like that in D3 huh?

i was never all that into hockey...or really any sports ._.
granted i do like pickle ball...DON'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!!

when i played on the ground or on a table the thing that trampled the cards is and was my sister's cats

and i just experienced some weird shit just now...
i wasn't touching my mouse and it wasn't moving AT ALL but the cursor was still moving around all over the screen and i even recorded some of it on my phone...

what? whackin at balls is fun!

what? a ghost in the mouse machine?
flash does things to mouse pointers...

I wish. The closest thing in a blizzard game is the Demon Hunters' dual blades from warcraft III

ill take guns and cars anyday of the week :P
in D2, I had 2 sets of rare green armor... but in hell mode, it just didn't cut it.

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