Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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Vote Power:
9.09 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 12d

VicariousE's News

Posted by VicariousE - December 10th, 2011

Being unemployed can be hard work. Variables keep piling up and intermingling with other things, causing a chain-effect of sorts. Time speeds up and the gas tank is running dry, despite your best efforts. Saying it's all relevant is an understatement; I'm starting to think there is some advanced math out there. Math, like sorcery of the Full Metal Alchemist-type.

[Excuse me, 4 (2 of each) tweenagers just walked up to the house where I use the internet. I'm in the garage, somewhat pissed that they are outside in the cold, trying to get the boy inside to let them in. When, I, am trying to use the internet! How rude!
They stood just below the steps, floodlight on, doorbell in full view... all spamming voice and text to let him in. They never knocked on the door or rang it's single function button! The most basic of all buttons, since before electricity, buttons have announced wanted and unwanted guests. "Oh how yesterday is that button."]

My Christmas wish list: A job, my middle ear repaired (car accident), contact lenses (I'm wearing the last good one in my right eye - the others were destroyed by a spray cleaner at my last job), an internet connection in my house, a car of some kind (w/ a heater that works), food I like to eat (protein to battle the cold), a woman friend to keep me sane, ... well you get the idea. I'm at the bottom of Maslow's pyramid, and I can't get up.


Just trying to keep my creepiness on one page, and not spread it around ;) Look a picture! I found some similar variables; girl, troll, explosives... sounds like a Newgrounds thing to me. Merry Holidays, 'n all! Be prepared; they like to kick you when you're down!

"If Americans ever allow banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless." - Thomas Jefferson

Gonna have to scale back NG use for next two weeks

Posted by VicariousE - December 2nd, 2011

This your anti-trolling talisman. Keep it on your hard drive and it will ward off trolls, or at least, give them a not-so-comfortable itch where they do most of their thinking.

"Happy (ha! that's a laugh) Holidays" and "Merry (frickin') Christmas"!

An early holiday present for the women of NG

Posted by VicariousE - December 1st, 2011

This your anti-trolling talisman. Keep it on your hard drive and it will ward off trolls, or at least, give them a not-so-comfortable itch where they do most of their thinking.

"Happy (ha! that's a laugh) Holidays" and "Merry (frickin') Christmas"

An Early Holiday Present for the Women of NG

Posted by VicariousE - November 18th, 2011

So there's this sci-fi flick from 1992, right? But it has, one of the bestest monologues ever for a movie set in the future AND on Earth. That being said, let me describe the scene...


After jumping from the bridge in grand fashion, the man from the past had to swim for it. Alex Furlong, a man captured before the moment of his own death by a group from the future, gropes the concrete of a long abondoned waterside dock and starts to climb up, coughing out the toxic Hudson River. A warmly dressed man of about 30 years of age, sits in old easy chair, a few feet from the panting wet man, eating meat from a foil lined hubcap. "Of all the strange things that could get washed up on this dock...", he chuckles.

Alex slowly pulls himself besides the bright eyed homeless man, unaware of his presence. Grabbing his stomach Alex professes to the Lord of hosts, "I'm beat."

"Think so?" He then spots a stern looking black man glaring at him with eyes of gentile curiosity.

"Yeah, pretty much." Alex is still out of breath, lying on his side, covered in incurable disease. Much dirtier than before he took the plunge from a moving service truck. Doing 70 mph. And yes, into the river. His previous work experience in the 20th century had saved his life, not taken it, as so many would have thought. But they were eco-hippies, mostly. His escape was narrow; his time in this future, harrowing.

"Then you're beat", the cheerful homeless man states before returning to his dinner using his fingers. "A man thinks he's beat, he's beat. You want some of this?"

"What is it?"

"River rat."

Furlong shakes his head and averts his gaze as he continues to catch his breath. "How the hell do you eat river rat?" He sits up against the concrete quay and looks over his left shoulder at the dining indigent.

"First ya gotta cut off the head and the tail. And then you gut it." Smiling as he sucks the meat from a set of micro-ribs. "And then it's all a matter of the sauce. Huh! You just don't plop down, bore a rodent on a plate, and say, 'Here's your river rat. Whaddya like red wine or white with it?' Not that there's any wine around here anyway. Haven't seen any wine since the Ten Year Depression." The man eyes Furlong briefly as a matter of concern, "Look if you want me to, I can whip you up one. This is good eatin' rats."

Immediately, "No." It came out of his mouth full of woe and desperation, tinged with a dignity, not seen by many in this 3rd world version of America. Furlong had been an Indy car driver, just over a day ago. The last meal he had before the race, was probably not so freshly killed.

The homeless man's grinning softened as Furlong checked his Glock, a present from a nun, whose church was close to his former residence. He found strangers living in his aprtment, barricaded and well armed against the natives of the lower East side. Alex grips the gun near his haggard face, barrel up, "Man, it's come down to this. What's the point?"

From his seat, the man's eye's brightens and starts to laugh heartily and strong. As he jumps up to put aside his dinner hubcap, "He riddles me the ancient riddle! Ha, ha, ha what's the point, ha ha!"

Just as the man composes himself back into his easy chair, he turns suddenly to Furlong, eyes wide and hands splayed near his own face. All look of good humor has left him, replaced with an earnestness uncomfortable to them both. "Have you ever seen an eagle flying back to his home with dinner for the missus and all the little eagle babies? And he's flying against the wind. And he's flying in rain. And he's flying through bullets and all kinds of hell. And then, right at that moment, when he's about to get back to his nest he says, 'Ha! What the fuck! It's a drag being an eagle!' And right then, two little 'x'es comes across his eyes, just like in the old fashioned cartoons, and he goes plunging down, and down, and DOWN...." The homeless man's voice peaks, never taking his eyes from Alex Furlong.

After a brief pause the shabbily dressed man in the chair continues, "..and BAM!" Alex jumps slightly, glaring at this intelligent stranger. "It's just a splatter of feathers... and then we don't have.. a national bird of America.., no more." A rueful smile blooms on his face and in his voice, "Did'ya ever see that?"

Looking away, pondering this unexpected question, "No." His eyes meet the stranger's again.

"Me neither!", a gust of laughter and good cheer escapes the storyteller, as he picks up his dinner from the dock. "Eagles got too much.. self respect...." Glee turns to dourness on the man's face, "How's yours?"

Flinching, Alex gets to his feet painfully, staring at the new 200 floor building towering over lower Manhattan. "I'm okay." Some strength and determination is now visible on the fugitive's face.

"Then you too can fly. He,he you can flyyy!", flapping his free hand like a bird's.

"Maybe I can." Furlong seats the pistol in the front of his plague-ridden pants, glances respectfully at the man a final time, and departs carefully away, past the other homeless of New York City.

"You ain't beat yet Furlong. Not by a long shot."

Unbeknowest to Furlong, a sizeable reward of 10 million had been advertised in the tri-state area for his safe capture. All who saw the fugitive from another time on the dock that evening knew it. This man was to have been mentaly erased, so his body could've been the vessel for another man. A very rich man, whose identity would be kept secret until after the mind transplant was complete. Alex Furlong was a man on the run and a hero to the domestic refugees of America.


Freejack - c.1992 Alex Furlong - Emilio Estevez Eagle Man - Frankie Faison
Described by: VicariousE, no infridgement intended.

Update: Wow. Never thought a server program could dish out some seriously strange-ass glitches (human aided o course). So this is what that icing on the pie is all about - http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 80174

And now, for something completly different...

Posted by VicariousE - November 16th, 2011

Apparently, long time NG user xxthumbsuckerxx, is NOT dead, but a fickle teenaged girl. She responded to some other human on her dA page 15 hours after I post(ed) this, so she isn't in hell for prematurely ending her existence.
I will try NOT to understand her motivations for speaking about a health problem and suicide, then closing her account here at Newgrounds. I tried to encourage a fellow NG user on her road to a safe and happy recovery, nothing more or less.
I apologize to Wade Fulp and NG user/ mod Auz for sending them PM's regarding this subject; guess I'll have to add another note...
SO. Thanks for ruining my day, little girl. May the consequences of all your future actions reflect directly on your everlasting soul. Ttthhppt.

Update: I'm off to find some nice porn. "Normal" service should be restored in a day or two. I'll be in my bunk.

Some false alarm, kids suck

Posted by VicariousE - November 15th, 2011

It never occurred to me anyone could just kill an account here! I forgot to check up on her yesterday, as she's not on my usual NG "buddy list". So I checked my fav list for artists, and she's not there or her previous work. Had to make an account on dA just to say, "Are you okay?" That's something I hadn't considering doing since the 20-th century, when user accounts were being hacked and sold off left and right.
She had said in her last post she was having bad numbers come back from her blood work (lymphoma or one of the dozens of other medical maladies plaguing 1st world countries). She used the word suicidal, but not in a big red flag way.
I love artists. I don't want to hear about anything bad happening to her. Don't even really know her - just writing helpful reviews and providing emotional support, because I never got any with my movie or TV show (back in the day).
Gotta keep movin' to see what else I can do.

update: pm'ed wade and auz in the hope of help, but they both logged off. FUCK. I was gonna tell her to cut out sugar and diet coke. Bagged sugar from the store is cut with so much saccharine, it can cause a lot of health problems. Didn't want to believe it myself, but... Artificial sweeteners are poison. No debate or discussion, it's just a heat activated poison that creates the kind of alcohol that can kill you along w/ other chems. I'd post all I know here about the evil forces, but does anyone really care? FUCK.

update 2: and while I'm here, WTF is up with this picture? Anytime I post something about weird about "them", I either loose the info before I can hit the post button or THIS happens [PIC BELOW]. The numbers just don't add up. Computers don't make mistakes, the people who control them do.

Anyone seen xxthumbsuckerxx?  Worried!

Posted by VicariousE - November 8th, 2011

We had a vote on Mayor, reps. to the State, couple other assholes and sports gambling.
The problem with voting in the US is simple: everyone chooses a side and sticks with it. We've had an immensely gay two-party system for over 100 years. Why? It's easier for the special interests to manage (pay off and influence). So by fair means and foul, the other parties were eliminated.
It's like what my friend's father once told me: Politicians are like babies' diapers. If you don't change them frequently (and at every opportunity) you are going to have a lot of shit. Shit breeds disease. Disease breeds death.
That's the state of the nation we're in. Hip deep in dictatorial crap, and no one even close to the flusher. Anyone care to comment on our eminent demise?
Picture - Panty and Stocking Ep. 1

Did anyone vote (elections) today?

Posted by VicariousE - October 26th, 2011

Which one is it? I've seen three: "Panty and Stocking" (like), "Vandread" (like), and "Gurren Lagann" (wtf, more robots?). So two out of three ain't bad, but what else is out there? I don't mind reading subtitles, but a change would be nice.
Best japanime movie I've seen, was a very long time ago. "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" was done in the early 1980's and features many elements we take for granted today. The movie also featured a chocobo and a pikachu. But an anime series....?
Any suggestions (that don't involve hatin' or penis jokes)?

Pic: Kelly's Heroes - Late Sixties WWII "caper" flick; plot too similar to "Three Kings"

10.27.11 - Thanks to the venerable user Viper50, if off to discover the post-apocalyptic wonders of Cowboy Bebop for the first time. Guess it's torrents time (uugh)! Stagevu's good for movies and little stuff, but you gotta read the reviews for quality info.
11.6.11 - Very appreciative for the all the suggestions! Now if I can make some room on my HD's... All the years working on these things (for little or no money), and all I've got is a pile of 4 gb or smaller hard drives.

The best anime ever

Posted by VicariousE - October 23rd, 2011

I don't care if you think I'm paranoid by saying this but, there are programs and data systems out there designed to keep us silent. Those who can express a freedom of will and a wish to break with Fate, are not allowed to post online.
Not all at once though.
It's a rhetoric filter - it recognizes words and phrases and eliminates them by various means, most of which seem ordinary and random. I've been using computers for almost thirty years, and I can tell you when someone's been spiking the punch!
I'm sure the customary "5 replies" with no actual messages thing will happen here AGAIN, so I'll post this now before it decides to punt me again.
It's been like this the late 90's!

Posted by VicariousE - October 23rd, 2011