Apparently, long time NG user xxthumbsuckerxx, is NOT dead, but a fickle teenaged girl. She responded to some other human on her dA page 15 hours after I post(ed) this, so she isn't in hell for prematurely ending her existence.
I will try NOT to understand her motivations for speaking about a health problem and suicide, then closing her account here at Newgrounds. I tried to encourage a fellow NG user on her road to a safe and happy recovery, nothing more or less.
I apologize to Wade Fulp and NG user/ mod Auz for sending them PM's regarding this subject; guess I'll have to add another note...
SO. Thanks for ruining my day, little girl. May the consequences of all your future actions reflect directly on your everlasting soul. Ttthhppt.
Update: I'm off to find some nice porn. "Normal" service should be restored in a day or two. I'll be in my bunk.