Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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Vote Power:
9.09 votes
Audio Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
9y 12d


................................."shy little whiny pussy?"...................fucknuts...

That's MR. Numbnuts to you (haven't employed my nuts for fucking...., oh wait, what?)
Hmm, had to search the page for that phrase, but YEAH! Cops respect strength. Here's another tip from a favorite author of mine, "Make the bastard chase you. You have to understand the basic psychology of your ordinary Highway patrolman... The bastards love to chase. So he won't know what to make of your turn signal, which is to indicate you're going to pull over to a safe location to have a calm, civilized conversation. He won't be expecting you to do a 180 degree turn in direction and speed.. the old heel-toe." Well, that's for drivers West of the Mississippi. My brother did that once (within reason), and he didn't read "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", which is an awesome movie too.
Believe me. Cops hate people who pull right over, especially where it snarls traffic. And they don't like people dishing up shitty excuses out of turn (conversation-wise). Be a citizen who respects authority, sure. But don't get angry or belligerent; just be a human, not a tortured whimpering pet... he'll wonder why he took a job defending (aka: risking his very life) such whimpering bags of poo.

my mom was a cop.................infact she died on the way home from work -_-............i've always hated her job........that was the only time i won an aurguement (a LONG one) and liking my vitory
ur a virgin? XD.................. (i didnt laugh >_>)......................hahaha XD

I'm never gonna win a conversation with you, huh? I thought we were going to have a nice happy post here. My mom's dead too ya know; now I have to feel bad for two mommies.
Virgin.....(wat so you can sacrifice mah toez?!? Yeah, I've been inactive so long, my hymen's grow'd back....................haha. Not rly, it sucks being alone with a sadistic demented father and no one else to talk to.
Go ahead... drink my tears of sorrow.... they taste sweet don't they? I hope someone's in the bathroom when you have to pee them out.

i said i didnt laugh! i just typed haha

Yeah, yeah.... but why did you laugh AFTER you said you didn't laugh, hmmmmm? At least you gotta boyfriend and a nice warm place to talk to ppl online.
'sokay. I had fun typing that last bit anyway - reminded me of Cartman in this one South Park bit where he chopped up someones parents for a chili cook off.
So do you do anything for work?

did u get a new header?
oh by the way nice card :P .....................kinda girly but yah
actually sir im engaged so that would make him my.......fiance i think? or however u spell it -_-
wat type of "work" exactly?

Oh that's awesome!! I'm very happy for you and your fiance.
Yeah, new old header... I've been slowly trying to get my cut 'n paste skills updated to 21st century freeware.
Girly? If it goes to a girl, I'm totally "the man", aren't I? Probably won't though, bu that's okay - all part of random NG experience. Plus it hardly cost anything to do... even put a stamp on the inside :3 so Tom and Wade don't have to jam it through their Pitney and Bowes auto stamping machine....
Jeez, do you need a wiki-link for the word WORK? Physical and or mental activities that results in your possession of ugly green paper w/ dead presidents on it (along with traces of cocaine and heroin). Do you do anything that makes you money (other than your cryptic, unsubscribed ceramic-type stuff)... Still think you should post a link to wherever you sell your "creations". Ugly green paper is so necessary these days.

i knew i spelled it right! :D
honestly im more of a tomboy type thing -_- but if one of those weird girly girl cheerleaders aka pink monsters saw this they'd probably be like "oooooohhh flowers and butterflies!!! :D" in a really high pitched voice that'd mkae u wanna shove your brain through a paper shredder O_O (ugh wat a nightmare v_v)
ur seriously mean in an entertaining way! o_o
i sell my random drawings/sclupture heebi jeebi at the beach like any other weirdo -_- i dont sell online.....................also by selling it to my best friends latest boyfriend ._. and random goths and emos

Now I can fully respect you, s___y25198 - your analysis of the final page of my VDay card is absolutely correct. I gave up on my original idea which had firearms and celebrities. **SPOILER** I just realized I lost what it means to be a "man", and sadly, I don't care. I would've, could've should've, as far as my card challenge was/is concerned... Someone at NG's getting that in their real mailbox soon (along with the utility bills, and junk mail I'm sure)!
And what cool work! Sell any to redemption places (arcade game payouts)? Used to work for an arcade, kiddie party place... the summers we had grudation parties and little-shit kids summer camp come in. So yeah! You should totally be proud of your occupation. I guess you have regular browsers and such...

Whoa! I just noticed your sign up date. You've been here for a good long time.

A long good time it's been here at NG. My electronic church of the mad. It's been a great home through the worst of all times in history...
Still, it's not that much better than TV. Computers were originally tools, like an ancient "book-of-everything"; now they're Trapper Keeper 2000, like in that early South Park episode - totaly whored out and ubiquitous.
There's no pause button in the game of life. I come here to renew my faith in humanity.

And I totally blew my voting day by responding^. Fuck-nuts! Like 5 or 6 years of not logging on and BSing w/ people sure did fuck up my stats.
Not really though - I'm still learning shit.

ur not allowed to use fucknuts!
seems stalkery. i wonder who's gonna get it! >:D
i am proud why do u think i have 2 art studios (ok they're not really "studios" its just my garrage and the attic) im still trying to buy a real studio thats bigger then an attic and a garrage combined.it gets annoying whenever ppl ask for free drawings or sculptures just cuz its their birthday or something cuz most of the time their lieing and they usually ask for stuff that'd cost like more then 100 -_-

Purrr:3 stalkery creepings...
Yeah, I used to get that with my professional video work - ska bands, weddings, would-be TV show writers and actors. I would never e-beg for anything online, even if I did postage... definitely trade though. Free materials. I gave a couple blocks of stainless steel and steel to a guy who makes custom buttons... gotta tell 'em pewters far easier. Pewter's cool; I know a guy who does it... but now he's reduced to selling critter-pins at trade/pet shows.
Shipping to Australia's expensive and a little too microwave/sterilize friendly.. with good reason. Just thought I'd throw that out there.... idk.

wat the hell was that?
.....i want stainless steel ._. it sounds.......stainless.....
i go to Australia every 3 years.......its nice there : I
..................why do u have blocks of stainless steel?

I live on a farm! Need all kinda shit to patch and otherwise maintain old American tractors. I've honestly grown tired of the metal and little machines, but they are interesting. My father's been the collector of such things, and has kinda killed my appreciation for these amazing gadgets. Still, does my pop know the internet or how to run an engine on wood chips (hydrogen extracted from dry wood gets sucked into the engine and fires just enough to "get 'er done"). No? Yeah well, win for Vicarious Experience!
The buttons are very nice, small detailed work for his pouches and little carry all things. The pewter stuff's great! Custom molds, plating in gold or silver, and they do custom paintjobs! I really gotta sell the NG people on some of these...
Hope I see ya after the paintjob!

I'm definitely gonna have to read all of this when I have the time. Certainly interesting.

TLTR, eh? I'll do buzz clip form here on out. Still, wigging from last night... and still able to access the internet from my little comfort zone this morning. It's a gotten a little sketchy, but it's still here - just like me.
"Hey. Don't be mean. Because, no matter where you go, there you are." -- Peter Weller in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (in the 8th Dimension) ... or was it the tenth? Why mention it here? I got cabin fever. Yeah, no car or money.. guess, that's it.

you are WAY too dramatic and open i mean seriously i didnt really need to know that you had to pee -_-

Such is life.

fuck life!
becuz in the end everyones goin to hell its unavoidable -_-

Ohh noez, not there!! Believe me, I'm searching everyday for a way outta the spiritual ghetto, Miss s___y. Despite pop'lar myth, I think it's dark, heavy and slightly chilly there... the ultimate in dirt-naps and/or the big sleep.
Either way, it's the one big reset button we all gotta face. Heaven, Hell and First Class Heaven, for those especially strange souls. Consciousness and reality HAVE to exist in those other dimensions. Why? Nature loves to breed and fill in the empty spots using simple compound equations encoded into every speck of everything.
I get philosophical before bedtime - no wonder my dreams outclass TV.... .

my point exactly
ur really dramatic and open............................ (forget about the open part bc im pretty open myself -_-)
bed time? rly?

Maybe... Just voting on the flood of new stuff that came in, in the hopes I'll have a nice shiny badge ON my user page, and not buried in some stupid link (license, registration, proof of insurance please).
Vanity in men can be worse.