Valentine's Day & Ten Things I Didn't Know Half A Lifetime Ago
I didn't know the Federal Reserve wasn't part of our government. It's actually a private bank that controls our money. The YouTube video above explains about 60% of what I had to figure out on my own - the other 40% made so much sense, I had to post it here (and take up even more of your time).
The world going to be truly fucked very soon. I covered this in the bottom half of my last post. It also covers what should be a Nobel prize winning theory of evolution. Fffft, like that'll ever happen to a guy w/ out a college degree. Or a rich Uncle.
Sperm in the vagina.
My older buddy in Washington state told me he had read an article confirming his hypothesis: Women need spunk in their special place to function normally. Apparently somekinda biochemical reaction takes place there. That reaction provides a necessary chemical to female brain so it can work properly and contently. That explains so much, I can't tell ya.
(On a side note, I asked my sis about the efficacy of this conversation and she said, "Hell, yeah! No doubt about it." She's got a degree and is about as prim and proper as a Sunday school teacher.)
I didn't know most "city" water that comes through the faucet has tons of chemicals in it. Every so often, the water company or town will mail a fancy report listing certain levels of things... but not the all drugs our neighbors take, or whatever else gets flushed into the sewer. Sewer water is "cleaned" by letting it sit, then pumping out the clear stuff in the middle. It worked great before exotic chemicals were created that exist at all levels, no matter how well it's processed. What to do? Add more chemicals so you don't notice. Grooaan...
Bottled water has no FDA or State oversight. Could have beaver whizz in it. Or the ultra cheap plastic packaging could be leeching something that'll grow breasts on men. But the biggest hazard is unclear, semi-translucent plastic, like the one's they use for milk. Don't have kids if you get milk this way (I do drink milk in those containers actually. I don't plan on breeding and hope the constantly cold temps mitigate the leeching process somewhat.)
Airplanes artificially keep the temperature of the planet low. How? Contrails: those white fluffy clouds formed by the little bits of soot spit out by the jet engines at high altitudes. A study of world temps. were done the week of 9/11/01 - they found with almost all air traffic stopped, the average mean temp. of the Earth shot up by 4 degrees; a big amount.
There is also some credence to the theory that there are unnecessary chemicals in jet fuel, some of which lower the birth rate among human beings... that would explain Africa and Australia's libido overload then, since there's not a lot of jet setting going on down there.
The best way to deal with a cop (while on the road): Pull over in a safe spot (where he or she can't get run over or cause an accident by gawkers), preferably where you can't speed off, like in front of telephone pole or a high curb. Turn off your engine, and keep your hands on top of the steering wheel. Do not move an inch. Speak only when spoken to. Don't move unless asked to. When you do move, move slow and keep hands visible at all times; return hands to the wheel. Maintain direct eye contact when speaking - if you have to lie, don't blink or look left (indicates lying), just answer quick. You shouldn't lie anyway; most cops appreciate candor (got me out of getting a speeding ticket and a "swerving" ticket). Most important: Don't be a shy little whiny pussy. These guys have to deal with the public constantly, and appreciate normal behavior - a well timed joke is the least you can do for 'em. After all, they have to talk about something when they get back to base...
Okay... You're probably not aware, but sometime after WWII, factions within our gov't were thinking things would be easier if Americans would just be good workers. So they formed groups to better control our population, much like every other gov't on the planet. They basically stole the Nazi playbook and put it to use.
A teacher's job is to say "There are 5 lights" when in fact there are only 4. You do that enough, people won't question what they hear or see from "reliable" or official sources. Why do you think Americans didn't question what happened on 9/11? Building #7 suffered no damage whatsoever, then it just collapses. WTF? I knew the whole thing was BS as they collapsed.
I'm sure your teachers are not evil. It's state policy to teach "the curriculum" as it was approved. Teaching alternates sometimes brings about debate, and that kinda slows things up anyway. Independent thought: bad; follow orders and be a good worker bee: good.
Gasoline sucks. When my dad was a kid, gas would work even after 12-15 years. When I was a kid, gas could be stored up to 5 or more years before it started to go stale and wouldn't fire an engine. Now: under a year. Same with some booze too. I used to drink Mohawk Blackberry brandy (much better than Leroux; that stuff would make me chuck 'cause it had ground up grape skins and pits to color it). If I didn't finish the glass, I wait a day or three and it'd be fine. I tried some this year: all the alcohol would evaporate within 2 or 3 hours! It tasted like non-toxic nail polish.
The news and the financial report are the same. It's always about the greenbacks: just like war, movies, politics, TV shows, sports, religion, music, cars, laws, school... Banks and insurance companies own your money. "Money is debt", I've heard it said. In the Bible, toward the end where it gets all creepy, they say that the "Beast" passes a law that says you cannot buy, trade or sell without the mark of the beast upon your forehead or your hand/wrist. Sounds like something the banks would love to do alright... Take away physical money and what you have left is pure command and control of everything everyone does.
Okay, my Debbie-Downer act's over with. Below is my submission to the NG V-Day Card Exchange Thingy. I haven't done any "for print" graphic arts since my cable TV show days. My copy of Adobe Photodeluxe 2.0 from 1997 still kinda works! But I had to use Gimp and a cut and paste approach I would have found primitive and distasteful back then.
So... if you were he/she/it who received my card, sorry it was so politically correct - like another guy on the thread said, "I don't want this (card) showing up on Dateline with some crying parent looking to put my head on the front of his Buick's hood..." or something to that effect.
PS - The day after Valentine's day will mark my (shudder) 11th year here! Although I lost my password for a few years, I still came and voted my one point vote at every opportunity. This place is a God-send to freedom, life and penises. Long live Newgrounds!!
2.8.12 Update I am officially creeped out w/ the redesign (good, bad ugly). I am spiritualy shocked that I'm able to access my "borrowed wifi".... from MY home (there's no traffic outside, whatsoever - no jets, choppers, cars, semis... it's like the pod people are at work replacing us)! The signal's 2000' away! What...? It's a Full Moon tonight.
Seriously creeped out
It won't last though, and I have a "nerve test" around Noon to prepare for. Needles and electricity, from what I hear. Seriously. Creeped. Out.
The silence is deafening. This must be how city people feel, when they hit the country. I want the silence, especially at night. You can feel traffic from 2 miles away; hear it, from 5-10 miles away. It's very sparse out. What forces are at work to "modify" this lunacy, which is the madness of the full moon?
I think those forces are largely natural and bigger and more clever than we are. Man has his part, in the clouding and enslaving of his own kind, and with his sorcery...
I have to pee.
>end of line<
................................."shy little whiny pussy?"...................fucknuts...
That's MR. Numbnuts to you (haven't employed my nuts for fucking...., oh wait, what?)
Hmm, had to search the page for that phrase, but YEAH! Cops respect strength. Here's another tip from a favorite author of mine, "Make the bastard chase you. You have to understand the basic psychology of your ordinary Highway patrolman... The bastards love to chase. So he won't know what to make of your turn signal, which is to indicate you're going to pull over to a safe location to have a calm, civilized conversation. He won't be expecting you to do a 180 degree turn in direction and speed.. the old heel-toe." Well, that's for drivers West of the Mississippi. My brother did that once (within reason), and he didn't read "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", which is an awesome movie too.
Believe me. Cops hate people who pull right over, especially where it snarls traffic. And they don't like people dishing up shitty excuses out of turn (conversation-wise). Be a citizen who respects authority, sure. But don't get angry or belligerent; just be a human, not a tortured whimpering pet... he'll wonder why he took a job defending (aka: risking his very life) such whimpering bags of poo.