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Good talent to be (sorta) working with! Ah, who cares, it's 4:20 twice ah day yo
Nicely expressive and lush. You always seem to be getting better with experience :)

Thank goodness she didn't stuff her bra, that would've been cringe worthy. You certainly have an aptitude for storytelling/animation, I hope you're continuing to be creative, maybe even come back to NG and have some fun here!

Oh hey, I've seen your work before :) This is your 4th project on NG, and 3rd school assignment? Nice to know you're not dead! It's a little too fast paced to be a decent presentation for educational purposes, but it seems to hit all the bases. (Btw, have you considered uploading the audio used from your YiGiOh animation? You've a nice singing voice!)

Any time you can't figure out something in Flash, check out our Flash Forum, and if need be, ask! I'm really glad you're continuing to share your work with us, thanks :)

I recently referenced this submission to a young animator just starting out. Why? To show what one man can accomplish, given time, tenacity, and the skill of being objective about your work.

This is the author's first episode of his Magnum Opus, a showcase for presenting the best story he can, and... he did, and Alpha-Nuva's only gotten better over time. All elements of production are cranked to 11 in sophistication and style, something young animators are afraid to do.

To the artist: thanks for going balls out on this one, it's a pleasure to see outrageous done so well

Alpha-Nuva responds:

I've been talking with some friends in the past few days about the direction and future of my work, Stainville being a main topic of focus.. I'm at a crossroads whether I'm deciding to stick with the series any longer. Stainville is something that a lot of people close to me feel that, while it was initially fun to make and watch and still holds a place in my heart, is becoming a very played-out idea, evidenced by the lackluster performance of Episode 4. Whatever the outcome, it's nice to know that people still enjoy watching it and it could potentially serve as inspiration for others' work. Thank you for your words.

Was quite good, though I was hoping some Goth chick in a suspiciously Newgroundian looking tank, would run the whole mess over... Great frame rate, fluid motion, brutal action, kudos!

Fantastic detailed work, and expertly written! Hope this animation sends you over the top here ;)
Very fast flowing indeed, I can see a mountain of work went into this, hopefully some of the visual assets will be used again. So for a full 10 minutes of production, how many frames, how long did this take to complete?

Macchia responds:

Thank you, you make my day!
Because I know 10 minutes can be a loooong stuff on the web…
Well…I started to do this about 6/7 months ago, during my free time, but I paused, suspended & restarted it many times, so I don't know how many real time I spent on it.

As an adult, who has seen the world grow darker as time goes on, I can relate.
Thanks for sharing your work with us, hopefully the kids here can take understanding...
I really hope you can find a meaningful, good job after you graduate :)

Over the top, well thought out script, though a guest voice or two would not have gone amiss (you really are a -great- va, but out of how many characters?!). Even one female hou-frou would've boosted the score, but wonder how male-centric computer currency really is...

All the other production quality factors are very good, compelling as hell too. The current score's low, because the kids here have their parents worry about money, I guess |: They only mine Minecraft, not other stuff

It'd be nice if a newspaper/site reporter would link this work to an article.. a more than tasteful portrayal of the minds behind the ethereal currency :)

ZenithQuinn responds:

Yeah, it never even occurred to me to add a female character, but now looking back i wish i had! Oh well. Yeah SonicMega is a beast when it comes to VA, but he's the only one who consistently delivers great VA for me, if you know anyone else I'd be happy to consider them! :)

Nice Danny! It all makes sense now: you can see further than we were meant to, yet, "No matter where you go, there you are!" Same asshole, different location ;) Wanna go further down the rabbit hole? Check out Spirit Science by JordanD, maybe even continue where you left off in the other series.. you did a sequel, laid out a buncha stuff..

Ah well, best of luck taking an interest in things, that haven't yet inspired you... 'cause you haven't seen/done/been done by them yet.

MisterHerbal responds:

You Sir, just hit me on a molecular level. I will check out Spirit Science for sure. Thanks man.

Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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Joined on 2/15/01

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