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A pity there's no description, but does it need one? "Yeah, yeah here's your treat puppy... the head another unworthy subject." A nice satirical cartoon, that boasts an excellent and heavy shading, and thin limbs to nicely accentuate the subject matter. Rare to see such a style of drawing these days.
I had to knock a half a star off for the slightly over-extended lip line and it's shading, but that's petty compared to the whole piece.

Gotta have respect for this actor- he's done it all and well too.
The "likeness" factor you mention.... you picked different features from different points in his long life, I think. The background shadows are accurate in shape but not opacity (given the face lighting), and I noticed the darkening on his ill rendered jacket resembles the shadows too much, so that's a bit of an error. Shouldn't perlman be one of the tags?
Still a nice likeness and approach that warrants further experimentation.

"My CPU is a neural net *fluffy clouds* computer, a learning *to paint a happy tree*". Bob was the man on PBS, and I'm sure he'd approve of your cybernetic implants. A great concept that lacks Bob's organic stippling and brush wizardry. Still, everything's in-line and solid; just looks a bit rushed.
My sis met the man a few times as he left the studio. He was always as calm as coleslaw, rarely missed work or went out. By all accounts, a quiet family man - the antithesis of The Shadling, if you will.

This looks great on canvas!! Great use of space and color. But the bird looks so derpy! I've never seen such an understated legendary, wingless critter before... What are the shapes around the bird? A plasmatic field of some kind? I like the fact I have no clue what I'm looking at, and I don't know why. It's like a tribute to the mundane, yet powerful forces all around us... that or my medication's kicking in.

Butzbo responds:

Huh, well the shapes are something like that, though a bit more inspired by something along mayan glyphs. that's where the , sort of 'legendary' bit comes from.
HUH, if it's not your meds, maybe it has something to do with the frightened, perhaps paranoid yet static (oh well, 'derpy' works aswell) expression of the bird. which, manages to still appear as a sort of relevant creature while it's surrounded by this 'plasma field'.

The shading behind the eye looks a tad heavy, and too similar to the other shadings. The drawing of the hair is awesome! The paint around the skull gives a nice disembodied feel, but looks a bit rushed as well. Was this a collie in it's former life? Overall this has a nice composition and feel of depth.

You need a fly colorist now, bro. The half ring of letters has a nice feel of depth. The "I" needs more dark lines in the middle to be seen AS a letter. The eye and tentacle pads are of an exceptional (check my reviews, don't think I've used that word yet) quality. "How good can you free-hand draw a circle"... anyway, your score just went to a full 5. :3 This is really great and lifelike.

Hoboweasel responds:

Thank you so much for your review! I'm not one for color (it's just not my style), but when I get some watercolors or something I might do some colored pieces. I see what you're saying about the 'I,' though. I can draw a pretty decent freehand circle, I guess (though I usually try and do less with circles now and more with strange shapes).

Pose, hair, expression, bewbs.. all of it's a perfect likeness of the movie poster (or was there another 50's movie picture reference you used?). Her elbows and upper ankles could look a little more angular/ defined. Her arms are just a tad skinny; I know how you draw Linda so... The shadows, coloring and highlights are excellent!
She's just pissed. If she were really mad, her tail hair would look like an 80's hairdo. Great job and improvements in rendering!

The robotic crabs must've been pretty small! This piece is much more fleshed out than almost all of your other works. It's got conventional, solid subject matter. The shading with colors and fine lines (in the bottom left areas, especially) are the best I've seen yet - digital suits you... whatever program your using, it's still your style, 100%.
The overhanging top half of the roof looks a little confusing though. I'll buy ya all the bagels you can eat if you attend the NG NYC meet in May!

Butzbo responds:

Hheh, regular Photoshop seven.
Funny how i wasn't too sure the small windows were good evidence of the size of the crabs.
Huh, wish i could attend a NG meet , too bad there's not that much of a NG community at Chile.
Thanks once again for the review!

Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

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