Very elegant, good interpretation of the character :)
Very elegant, good interpretation of the character :)
???interpretation???? the fuck are you talking about. i just drew the bitch.
One of my favorites from the series :3 Colors look a little on the light side, boots a little on the dainty side, but overall, perfectly rendered and shaded in a great setting.
She was one of my favorites as well! Yeah, admittedly, there are a some things that turned out a bit awkward with this (boots, wrist guards, capelette, etc.) so I'll definitely revisit this sometime in the future. Thank you so much! Your input is always appreciated.
An automotive propulsion engineer's concept car from the future, yay! My first thought: the overall design has seeds in current supercar technology (mechanical output, with some electric recovery/delivery tossed in to increase BHP).
However it looks a bit too tall from this perspective; high center of gravity vehicles make okay SUV's but not sports cars, the tires almost looked tacked on. Also the cockpit looks way too small to accommodate a driver. In my old job, I used to have to build from drawings (much worse than this), and hoped they'd translate onto to the screen well.
A well deserved 5/5! Looks like a F-1/F-1000 kinda car, but likely would fall in the category of modified production/normal street car, with a body kit and an aftermarket tornado tunnel on the back... slightly Rat Finkish considering the mass over the back wheels :3
WOW you seem to really know your stuff
To be honest, most of the parts i put in there is simply because i thought it looks cool without any knowledge of how it will actually work. Vehicles isn't something i'm an expert on :p but i find your advices helpful for me to remember next time. So thanks :D
It's like a bit o' Crunchy Frog (or Anthrax Ripple, Ram's Bladder Cup, Cockroach Cluster), innit? The last image, waaay at the bottom, sums it all up nicely ;)
yes1!, in fact when i was drawing these i remembered these HAHAH.
Good job making the cancer-crab imposing looking. It's almost a bunk review on my part, because I'm familiar with the ref for this, knew it as soon as my eyes set on it ;) I guess I'm not crazy about all the features in the crab or the lady, but all the form's surely there.
Yep you got that right. :P
Good composition, subtexts.. really nice piece!
Thank you very much!
Very lush, warm and inviting!
Thank you :D
Really glad to see your commissioned work, looks so damn good! I knew when I became your fan so long ago, you'd improve in so many ways, congrats dude!
Thank you! Going to strive to get better and better!
Very impressive! I've seen many street/amusement park artists come close to this level of coloring and detail, but this is likely a smidge better! Nice to see this level of skill here, you made a fan :3
Oh wow, that is such a nice thing tot say. Thank you very much!
Pretty good first art submission, very detailed, looks naturally lit.
Thank you :)
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01