The pain came on very strong within 90 minutes. I thought it was the late night chicken I put in the toaster oven (so fucking hot out, why run a big gas stove?). I pooped just a tad, but the pain above the left side of my hip persisted. Then I noticed the few drops I peed were just blood. Scary and mortifying. That was around 11:30 PM Sunday night.
I sweat profusely, like I was outside in the humidity and sunlight. Guess I'm used to strong pain, so I haven't thrown up yet, though the urge is there. Luckily, I had a full strength Vicodin pill left over from my back surgery, otherwise, I would not be able to type this now. I have some half strength stuff with acetaminophen, but I have to watch how much of it I take. These pills only last for a little while - they peak and taper off quickly.
Called my sis and she called my bro, who's had this happen 3 times before... looks like I'm breaking the family record for holding onto a stone, since the longest he had one was for 5 hours. I've had the pain for 5 hours already |:
That's what I get for sweating my testicles off outside... because I know if I come in the house to cool off and hydrate, I ain't going out again till I stop sweating, and that usually takes over 1/2 an hour.
Ow. This really sucks. Hope this passes. It's just past 4:30AM. I really don't want to have to ask the neighbor to bring me to the hospital I can't afford.
5:30pm - Oh this fucker burns man!!!
Just after midnight... pain stopped. Didn't realize it, even as I managed to sit down and watch canned content, without severe discomfort. Didn't want to jinx it, so I finished watching, then went downstairs to pee in a cup. And I did! Caught some bits of stone, and the rest of the urine went into the john. Had I known how little urine I was holding, I would've drank more, but I guess I sweated most of it out :|
Hopefully, that's the end of this insanely painful and paralytic saga. Almost a full 24 hours of internal pain.
To anyone who's gotten kicked in the kidneys or the testicles: felt like both and then some.
HOPEFULLY, THE LAST WORD ON THE SUBJECT: Almost precisely 6 days after the first signs, I guess I passed a solid chunk of stone, while taking a healthy tinkle. Halfway through weeing, there was a noticeable restriction, like someone ran over my garden hose! Definitely felt something GTFO, binging off the sides of my urethra.
That pesky thing was hiding out this whole time!!! The rock basically shed some of its parts, to appear as though it had left my body. Took me completely by surprise. This is what I get for watching too many sci-fi and submarine movies - a piece of rock that knows the art of war O_O Hope I can spot this little bastard in the ceramic bowl.
Got tough stains in the toilet? Try using a false teeth cleaning, fizzy tablet.
The End
you been drinking yer water? if you have been getting those tasty liters, or at least a few cups throughout the day, then you may need to take a closer look at the water you drink. heavy mineral deposits, or in some cases, deficiencies...can cause stones.
Since you have them now, you could google some feelgood remedy...the body is so complex and there are very many kinds of even just kidney stones, so I wouldn't advise doing anything weird to further upset the balance of your body like eating a bucket of lemons or something.
just make sure that you are trying to drink all the water you can stomach as long as possible. it will grow if it stays, 5 hours without any symptoms? Drink that fucking water man or you'll regret it.
obviously, aspirin will reduce the inflammation, but most important is to avoid alcohol and drink all the water you can stomach.
you may already know, but very few kidney stones require surgery. as you know, it runs in your family, which suggest a mineral deficiency. I advise taking a reasonable multi-vitamin...half of one in the morning, and the other at night....once the stone has passed.
finally, you WILL get them again unless you take preventative measures. As I says, half a multi-vitamin twice a day and ensure you are drinking water throughout the day.
Health is no laughing matter...now please excuse me, I have to smoke a cigarette.
I'm shocked it got through it.... with my dignity in tact (intact, with tact). Hooray for pharmaceuticals! That was my last 7.5 mg tab, but I didn't puke or call for help. Very awful 6-7 hours to be damn sure.
Were you just being a good scout and did the internet leg work for me, or is this kidney stone thing something you're personally familiar with?
Now, I'm dizzy, happy and ready to pass the fuck out, while it's still seasonable in the house - outside thermometer just hit 100 and the humidity will make it worse. So I sleep before it gets to hot in here lol