Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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I guess you will need quite the fridge for that, also butchering the deer would be too much work thinking about it, what a hassle.

Weird last time i checked Yellowstone was doing quite fine with the reintegration of wolves to the ecosystem.

Oh man, you have no idea! Peeling a deer is bad enough, but cutting the bits off is quite a chore, but it does beat the shit out of prepping squirrel or rabbit, which are also healthy meats.

Eh, the wolves really took off, to the point where cattle farms near the park, were getting attacked, losing a few head. Shame I found this.... http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/593833-yellowstone-volcano-eruption-in-2014-some-believe-animals-are-fleeing-park-see-it-as-an-alert/ and this http://news.yahoo.com/apocalyptic-prophecies-drive-both-sides-syrian-battle-end-142641298.html;_ylt=AwrTWfwc7TpTWXgAjanQtDMD and this http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/republicans-fear-obama-will-let-russia-seize-internet-power-20140402 and this was the final icing on my cake today http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/02/report-epa-tested-deadly-pollutants-on-humans-to-push-obama-admins-agenda/

1.) when it comes down to it, prostitution in the US is legal- just call it an escort service, where instead of paying for sex you "give a donation for the company of a women and her services" it's the street walking that will get you fined or in jail. kind of reminds me of that family guy episode, where a bunch of feds bust into a room with people having sex, and then the guy sets up a video camera, and everything is ok.

2.) youtube really is the only video site that works on my fucked PC nowadays....so I download other videos/streams and run them through VLC. I think it's the poorly optimized code, saturation of abrasive ads, and necessary flash updates that seem to continually require more memory that are to blame.

3.) it wasn't even that long ago that the major source of video porn demos where 10-20 sec downloadable clips from galleries. Now practically everything's streamed. I prefer the former, as I would rather focus on a particular scene looped then watch the whole video. it's 2013+1 but I'm still a picture and animated gif guy.

Never saw that episode of FG, huh. I'm pretty sure the cops still make fake escort services, a kind of Dateline/COPS entrapment... but you're right, the odds are better.

Ah, something to try streaming through Flash/YT... in task manager, lower the base priority of FF to below normal, that will free up enough CPU to handle Flash, which usually works better fullscreen (to avoid the browser from running crap you're not seeing). I love VLC, but rarely use it - too cpu hungry. Media Player Classic runs well on a low spec PC..

File sizes like that, were common in the late 20th century, and you're right, there's a certain spontaneity....

So you also get rabbits, squirrels and other critters, or those were just examples?

Man did that escalated quickly! from Yellowstone to Syria to Russia or China (though that one is just politicians doing their usual trying to sabotage each other), and then back to the US, lets add Fukushima, the Amazon rainforest getting deforested, Africa suffering from a new spread of tuberculosis, and good old global warning.

@S3C 1) oh interesting, i still don't get the logic behind that XD.
2) adblock!
3) I actually prefer images or short videos, not really a fan of gifts or long films, in that case i gues NG is quite fit for my tastes, hehe.

Groundhogs (kinda like a marmot) do the most damage, then rabbits, then squirrels, then chipmonk, which are all here on the east coast.

Yeah, anytime things go bad, they go bad fast, like a gunfight... 'first smiles, then lies, then gunfire', to quote Stephen King, though he probably found it in a pulp fiction western...

And are all of those entering and leaving the farm, or has the deer claimed the place as a territorial ground?

I wonder how much time would pass until they start blaming the Russians or Chinese for the volcano in Yellowstone...

I think they claimed the whole pace :p

Ah, the blame game. If earth goes to pot, do we blame god?

Damn those are some baddass deer XD.

I will blame those that expected god to do something... and while they waited, did nothing.

Yeah, they're Rambo suburban certified... they say fuck the police. Most of the time, it feels like I'm working for them >:(

Sure, God helps those who help themselves... though I wonder if the rich and powerful even care about Earth... we know they could give two shits about humanity, they already have most of the world's money.

Is the revenge of the Deer coming back to reclaim da land, hide yo kids hide yo wives! and your land certificates.

Well i haven't heard of any realistic plans of humans successfully escaping to any planet that could host them in the same nice and tidy conditions as earth.
So they either care at least a little, or... they are a bunch of suicidal maniacs dragging us all down with them to their graves. And sometimes i do think that they have a mentally that reflects the second option.... or they could also be delusional and think that everything is fine and dandy.
Scary shit nevertheless.

Once, a cop was driving nearby to me, deer popped out int front of him, crashed through the windshield and kicked the shit out of him! Motorcycle hit one to the south of me, deer's leg got caught in the drive chain.... nasty.

Durr yeah, there's no escape from Earth. Unless... ever see SeaQuest the TV series? The final frontier was the ocean, in that one... just got done watching an episode. http://watchseries.lt/ I knew the day I'd find a db with all the old TV shows, my real life was over....

Sometimes, when people learn too much (especially proscribed sciences), or control too much, they believe their own hype, and not their own heart... kinda like the Grinch

I got the April Fool's day NG TP today. Took about 48 hours, product perfectly matched the advert pictures. Smells and looks brand new, but squished slightly by my ham fisted postman. Would order from seller again 5/5

how would law enforcement setting up escorting agencies not be considered racketeering? it's not illegal to pay someone to go on a date. it's not illegal to decide to have consensual sex afterwards. I mean, isn't that essentially how relationships are, just a lot less direct and involve emotional baggage? After all, women want men who have "goals and aspirations" which is just a euphemism for saying they want men who are financially secure and/or have a good social standing.

good point about viewing videos full screen, i never thought of that.

RE: nietzlawe- I think there are correct/efficient and wrong ways to do things, but there is no one correct way to something.

It's a nasty kind of entrapment they rarely do, but in some states it's legal... Honolulu cops are able to sleep with hookers, to secure a conviction... maybe. Might've been reversed already, I think the law on the books had been there for quite a while. They got a thing called Sugardaddy.com that's more upfront than escort services... I just don't know anymore...

Yeah, and on non YT players, click the shit out of the screen upon loading, to get the right hand menu option to dump the quality to low... if you wait, you'll likely be stuck with no option at all.

Ah, the ambiguities and trappings of mortal life...

I guess that makes a free deer then, road kill edition.

If it wasn't because the ocean is all fucked up too.

Yeah you have to believe reason not the hype, don't believe the hype! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vQaVIoEjOM

But since we are also part of the public, we are to blame, and they are part of the public too, so they are also to blame, so the public is to blame, which is made out of us and them...

Any change of seeing pictures of that trophy?

I find it hard to call the financial elite part of the public... trophy? What trophy?

Edit: Any chance* of seeing that trophy?

You don't mean the two rolls of TP? At least the angry faic stickers look like they'll come off, and still have a bit of sticky left to them...

"it's the part of the public who stayed silent and/or reinforced indoctrination upon the rest of us, for decades"
"It's the part of the public..."

Sounds like the financial elite are also part of the public, unless you are talking of someone else, in that case, i am also talking of that someone else XD.

Are you busting my balls man?

The way I heard it, 6 white men control over half the Earth's money and assets. One of them, is the guy who's in charge. They spread their influence through the planet's financial systems (and by default, the planet's governments, educational and medical systems), which in turn influences the corporations (who control the media, and what we eat and drink).

Those 6 guys are about as far away from the public, as the moon is from the Earth. They live behind glass, steel and hired guns. They might share the same deluded thoughts as each other, but 6 people don't make a 'public', or assures me, that they have humanities' best interests at heart. They want to consolidate control, to ensure they're the last familys alive and in control of the Earth, and want for nothing.

Yeah the toilet paper trophies, since there is no longer a store.

Yep, the store was we know it is closed, but they still sell supporter upgrades, they just don't want the hassle of mailing stuff (besides ad-rev checks) to us. That software they use to make postage paid labels costs a few hundred every year, whether they use it or not. Plus they wanna move soon, and don't wanna lug the store to some smaller place....

why just 6? why not 7 or 5?

The fuck I know? Shit rises to the top |: who's to say how many turds support 'the big log'?
They're just very old families, who've been at this a long time, since the middle ages.

which six families

._. I just checked and they list Bill Gates on top with 77 billion, but he's not in the club, so far as I know. The families (which are harder to account for) who are part of this cabal weren't in the top page searches, and they definitely control a lot more than 100 billion apiece.

So since these guys control the market and the media, then the public is not at fault for enforcing their ideologies? are we powerless in front of these giant stock holders? nothing to do, just watch?

Are the Rothschild part of these six? they don't seem that powerful and notorious, maybe some hidden assets?

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.

Yep, most sources say they are the ones. Durr, the rich never act rich, lest it bring the ire of others |: That family has the most hidden assets of them all, to be sure.

Yeah. - Cyberdevil 2014

Now i am really curious to read this list, because i sincerely know little to nothing about these Rothschild fellows, and all the other not as showy but behind the table line pulling families.

Yeah, they suck. Allegedly own the Bank of England. But from what I gather, every investment or business they 'spun off', they still have a stake in. And by stake I mean, "You shut up and do as you are told, or there won't be much of you left to burn at the stake."

I also suspect it's them (or JP Morgan) that runs the Bilderberg con-flab every year. I really like how they finally started posting their guest list, like it matters |: We all know that the meeting is private, and any US official attending, is in breach of the law... the law states that no elected official may attend a meeting that does not keep public minutes, especially if it involves foreigners.

They've been at this a long time, and have been careful not to push too far and too fast... but with non-westerners getting their own posse together, it won't be long before they throw our bodies into another war.

But you are already involved in a war kind of... to get another doesn't sounds that rare, even more when we take into account that we are talking of the country with the greatest military budget, so if they decide to do it, it will happen, however i still don't know who are "they", the Morgan family doesn't sounds that powerful either, is frustrating but these all look like families that survived from their former glorious days, to be behind the cords is good and all, but public presence is also important.

Oh good old funky Black Sabbath nice, nice indeed.

I know God was right, "Money is *the* root of all evil". I think SC3 and I kicked that subject around a little, but I still stand by that quote.

Yeah, there was something about it... didn't even know it was a BS tune, till I heard Ozzy. First I'd heard it, was on a college metal station, and thought, "WTF is this doing on a metal station?" then I heard the guitar and Ozzy and, wow, epiphany.

Oh yeah i remember passing by, it was not so long ago, evil will surface even without money and, money is just an incentive for evil to appear, and not really the "root/origin" of evil, i think that was the thing, or maybe it was on Nietzlawe? anyway, it was among those lines.

Yeah early old-school Metal is so damn funky! is really something else, metal overall is great old-school or not, but if i haven't heard it, wouldn't have guessed that those were the beginnings of the genre.

You could almost classify that version of BS as prog-rock! It seemed like after the sappy 60's music was over, artists were stretching out, trying new things... still mostly analog, but a wonderful variety of instruments and sound.

Yeah. - Cyberdevil 2014

oh cool you like jazz!! any particular sub-genres/eras/musicians??

for fucks sake it's S3C not SC3!!! i am surprised at the amount of people who get that wrong, it's only 3 characters to remember lol

i believe i said something along the lines of "money and fame isn't evil, it's the desire of money and fame that's evil" to append to that statement, it is those that value their job (i.e paycheck) over their work that will contribute to the downfall of a civilization, but then again everyone's got to make a living right?

There was so much jazz going up on the radio.. other than Dave Brubeck, I can't name anyone specific. Cowboy Bebop's band released a pretty solid volume of work.

Ha, I knew the first time I screwed that up, you might take issue ;)

Money's amoral and just a thing, but it's basically liquid power. And power, as we know....
*Jeremy Clarkson* POWERRRRR!!! Power solves all things.

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