Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
9.09 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
9y 12d

Ah it would have been fine. I think I can get over my recitative of making new threads.

Nah I don't out-rank you....at least I don't consider myself out ranking anyone on here ._.

Whoops, rewrote a response I already responded to.?.. I have to shut down and resume session a bit to keep the memory requirements low..

Nah, you got rank, it matters.

The hell?

Nah rank doesn't mean anything ._.

Also I keep nearly falling asleep ._.
Like right now. I'm typing with my eyes closed and if someone were to walk by they'd probably think I'm asleep right now. Except I'm moving my hands. So....yeah....
I'd go to sleep, but I don't want to miss voting on stuff and whatnot to get my exp like I do every night at 11 ._.

Guess keeping a schedule for voting is good, can't believe I missed 2 days depositing in the past month. Least I lvl up momentarily!

Yeah....though I don't think it'd matter if I got my exp at 11 am instead of 11 pm. I'm probably going to get home at like 10 something or before that tomorrow morning though.

Early congrats on leveling up .-.
No longer will you have that gummy worm.

From a gummy worm to a sucker.. not a big upgrade :| How's your jaw and the rest of you feeling?

Okay I guess. No different than normal.

Oh, I thought your jaw pain was a new thing, a fleeting buggerance ._.

Nah its happened a couple times in the past.

That sucks :| Just remember my yapping advice from before, maybe they'll be even less frequent? We both need real healthcare, and this obummercare thing's going to take a long time before it's effective, if at all. Lots of doctors are leaving my State because of this |:

I'm probably going to go to bed after I get my exp.
Also I think thats a caramel apple. Not a sucker. I may be wrong though.

Sweet. Hope the paper sniping goes well broseph.
Rly? May-be... hard to tell scope with the icons.... I got a whole bag of apples for my sis and she split soon afterwards, and only grabbed to before hitting the airport last Friday :\

Night man. Still wish you went back to having a monthly top 10 post. It was usually a slightly boring list, but it's nice to see what's been on your mind - plenty of fodder for discussion.

There is a kitten walking around on the desk and getting in the way of the screen....

I don't know what to think about all that Obamacare stuff anymore. All I know is I want all of the Government shut down shit to end.

Oh it wont....but it IS $200 so I can't really complain. Also I PMed Tom about it and he confirmed that there is a way to buy stuff in the store with PayPal. And told me how to do so.
I need to get more apples....I only have 1 left.

I may do that again at some point. Don't know when though.

Man, I never had a tolerance for cats being on human surfaces... I allow spots near windows, so they can look out, but I sure as hell don't want pussy fur strutting around where I eat ._.

Since I don't anticipate Tom fixing the supporter upgrade notification thing anytime soon, I bought one on my birthday (Tuesday) along with a tankman, penicorn and a few more stickers which I'm too chickenshit to post in public streets/places :|

Plus, I don't think the non-black NG shirts are all that bad looking |: I'm just going to make one myself anyway...

Happy Belated & Secretive Birthday.

Thanks bruv! It occurred to me lately, that birthdays only really matter to little children and single adults, because they don't have a spouse or kids to help celebrate those things... I hinted to 1 or 2 friends I might like a birthday thread; didn't happen, so what, big deal.

I'm okay with em crawlin all over stuff. As long as they don't sit down and decide to not move from right in front of my face.

You got a penicorn? Also I was thinking about getting a Tank Man but decided not to when I saw how much they were.....

I suppose so. But I'm thinking about getting an XL grey tank shirt and seeing if I can get it to shrink in the wash a bit or something since XL is too big for me. They don't have any shirts that are large except ones that are in that green color.

The cats outside have picked up some peculair habits, like jumping on me like dogs, and pawing my hand towards their faces O_o

Yeah, both are kinda expensive, but I figure the tankman will make a nice dust collector

Ah, we hope they'll shrink, but I know the kinda shirts they sell... and they won't shrink :| What's wrong with green anyway? Don't we have rank in the NG scheme of things (military OD green)?

Sounds like the cats here. Then again they ARE around dogs all day every day. My sister's dog even acts like a cat every now and then....

I also wanted a copy of Super Meat Boy but thats also too expensive for me....

Damn....I was hoping it would. So is there no way they'll shrink then?
Theres nothing wrong with green. I just don't like THAT green. But if it were Forest Green or something like that I'd be more inclined to buy one.

You mean like a lighter green? Use the the hottest tap water, a little Clorox, and it should look fine. I'd do it in a tub, then wring it out, then add it to a load of wash (that's already got water in it)

Nah I'm thinking more of a darker green.

Ah, hot-hot water, after a few normal washes, black Rit dye.... shouldn't be too hard to find.

I have no idea what that is ._.

Also I got my new Red Fang CD in the mail.
It's the Deluxe Edition of their new album Whales And Leeches. It's supposed to be released on the 15th but I got mine 5 days early :3 and since it's the deluxe edition it comes with 2 extra songs. There IS a pre-order deluxe edition bundle thing that I could have gotten that apparently comes with a banner and a shirt but I didn't find this out til after I ordered my copy and I didn't feel like having 2 of the same CD. I mean, I have 2 copies of Murder The Mountains (their last album) but thats because one is a standard edition CD and the other is on "Pizza Vinyl".
Heres the A Side http://tinyurl.com/RedFangPizzaA
And heres the B Side http://tinyurl.com/RedFangPizzaB
The original URLs were MASSIVE so I had to make em like that. They SHOULD work.

It's a little rectangular box of clothing dye

Totes cool tribute in teh snailmailbox, though hell, that's a crummy deal to release a super deluxe set to late in the game... guess they figured sales were slower than expected, maybe tried to go the high road...

A: Not bad, weird acute glare at the 12 oclock position (o it's an actual picture of the disc!)... woulda preferred brighter za and darker beacon

B: Looks good, I like the brown napkins, very gas stationy of them

And the exams passed, and i hope i passed them, and now it is like vacations, but with classes, so no real vacations at all!!

You hope, you're not sure? I usually could tell within 10% how well I did on tests, though, high school tests and exams were pretty predicable, since all they did was teach to the test.

Ah. I actually need some green clothing dye. I'm planning on making a "pot leaf green" denim jacket and cover it with Stoner and Doom Metal related band patches.

Well actually they DID have it at the same time as when I initially ordered the album. I guess I just over looked it. Wouldn't have minded having 2 Red Fang shirts though since I have one thats exclusive to this bundle thing Relapse had with a single Red Fang released earlier this year with ASG. It's a cream colored shirt and it has a bunch of tiger stuff on it. Though Relapse apparently shipped out 500 "bootleg" copies an entire week before it was supposed to be released to people who ordered the album. Though I didn't get one of em. The "bootleg" copies are completely white and only say Red Fang Whales And Leeches and "[insert number]/500" on them.

I was actually considering seeing if I could get that made into an actual pizza. Then taking a picture of it next to the vinyl and posting it on Red Fangs official page on Facebook, haha.

Also gotta love the bloody bandage thats like right in the middle of it all. My copy is a tad...weird. It's not completely flat like it should be so it doesn't play 100% right. I'd see if they could get me another copy but I decided not to since well....it's only in an edition of 1000 and I don't know if they even have any anymore. So I'm probably going to see if I can possibly get it all signed and whatnot and then frame and hang it up on the wall or something.

Very, very hot water. If I had to do it today, I'd fill up the bottom of a trash can, get it boiling, mix dye, add cloth, keep it just below a simmer....

You got Italian restaurants/pizza joints next to you? Frozen pizzas can be so depressing...

Huh?! LP is warped, or just improperly pressed? Better tell them about the crap quality, at the very least man ._.

man, i just can't imagine NG without you :P i used to see you here since i joined the site ^^ good to see you pal :)

Thanks man, I spent more years lurking than logging in though... I lost my (long) password after NG had a redesign in late 2002 (long story) - it took a long time before I found my password again. This is a fine site for freedom loving, creative folk, the rest of the internet can't compare!

Just... take care of yourself, and the 'hood where you live. What we have here at NG, CAN work in real life, if people speak out against violence, and speak for unity.

I got a new vinyl yesterday ._.
I posted about it in that Record Appreciation Club thing

Damn, you're up late... or early for newspaper dissemination duty.

Gotta get some wireless speakers soon, life's too short to be without good tunes. Almost forgot about that thread... after the auction, I'll have room at the farm to bring up my moldy oldies. And hope they're all okay O__O

No man University test are more ambiguous, i have got more than once the infamous "good procedure wrong answer" or the "i see where you are going with this but that was not it exactly" so close calls are really another way of telling you that close calls can't save you.

And that is why i'm not sure if i passed them, because what i believe is right may not be, and it may even be right but under a different context.

Hmm, hadn't considered that... ambiguity sucks.

I have to ask, where are you from, and where is the university you attend? Sometimes I get the impression you speak more than one language...

Yeah....I was up kinda late ._. not even entire sure why.
Also there are no papers today because of Columbus Day.

You need to listen to them o: so...yeah ._.

Oh... really? I though only kids and Fed workers had today off.

I need to listen to... anything :| My music hoard is on the desktop PC (which is a pain to switch over to) and all I got is an 80's boombox to plug it into. Been busy ignoring/doing other more important things, rather than ordering parts to a new PC... the prices are sure to drop even further, at least.

Maaaaan, dont wanna go to jury duty next week! Gotta use the county website to beg for another date :<

Didn't see you responded to my other comment ._.

My only problem is I can't find clothing dye ._. My sister bleached a jacket before though.

Yeah. But they're a few towns away from me.

It's a tad warped. And I WOULD tell them. But I've had it since last December.....

And now for the other response.
Nah we don't do papers today either. There also isn't any school.

Good luck with all that jury duty stuff.

Yeah, could only get on for a few minutes at times ._.

Pretty sure they stock Rit at supermarkets, it's probably in the cleaning isle, where everything stinks ._.

._. I will send them my excuse. If they honor it, good, if not, fuck em, let them arrest me and bring me up there

I speak Spanish and a little bit of extremely basic Japanese (and since i can't really use any technical words in Japanese, to lets say make a decent essay, so i some times wonder if that even counts, but is something i guess), plus this one (English) i think that puts me in 3 or 2.5... And i should known basic Portuguese, but i never took the classes, why i don't know, i find Portugal, the Guyanas and Brazil to be unable to catch my interest, nevertheless sooner or later i will have to face that language.

I am from Colombia, and im currently seeing civil engineering and psychology (more of the second one actually) at a local university "Universidad del Valle or Univalle" the second best of the country last time i checked the rumors (or should i say facts, but to separate propaganda from the facts always gets blurry with these things, so at worse is at 3rd place), planning to make a transfer to study overseas (but if is in the same continent does that count as over seas?!), and that is why my interest in Canada, you may wonder, and why not the US? well for once i have been following quite closely the state of the DSM-5 and the position of the APA, an easy thing to do considering that most of the ally countries use the same guideline, and i have concluded that it really doesn't benefits me at all to change into a place with the same model. So UK or Canada it is, the problem lies in the fact that the more you know about a place the less you like it, so that leaves me with Canada as its problems sometimes get so ridiculous, that you can't help but think that there may be an information blackout.

What else? i have a 10 y old dog, a Labrador called max, i am 20 y old, Sagittarius, single, and incredible boring, no real cultural identity to anything, i like to believe in Kant, but i act according to utilitarianism, but my mind is filled with moral relativism, no religion in particular once a christian as a kid, atheist as an adolescent, currently agnostic, and if i ever convert it would be to Buddhism the one without the 9000000 gods, the one with the original Buddha who ended the cast system.
Ah and since my University is quite close from my house, i really didn't had to move once i entered, the difference gets down to living expenses as i practically live alone.

What else may i tell you?

Huh, an old friend of mine translated some Japanese for a kid's book... gotta ask him about that; he probably told me about years ago when we were doing public access TV in the 90's. I met a few girls last week who speak it, damn pretty language, but I can understand your reticence, since you grew up speaking Spanish.

Colombia seems like a great country, diverse and progressive. I guess up North here, it's all about Brazil, Argentina, Chile... the BRIC nations. Seems like when I grew up, Miami Vice and other shows and news, drew attention to your country, for the Iran-Contra scandal.... other stuff - you know how Uncle Sam likes to have bad guys in it's crosshairs... keeps them (Americans) looking around different corners, and not where it matters

Interesting observation about Canada! Yeah, it seems after many decades of sanity (and the same party), they've gotten a bit more protective... of their oil businesses, infrastructure and heritage. Something definitely changed there... ask http://videogamesrule.newgrounds.com/ about it; she's really nice, and I've known her for over 2 years.

"Emanuel Kant was a real pissant, who was very rarely stable. Hidigger hidigger was a boozy beggar who could drink you under the table....." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b7r5jIEe9s

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