I beat bumfodder!
100 fans!
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01
I beat bumfodder!
100 fans!
Yay, we have a winna!!!
Cookiez for Night Owl Roost!
Whats you excuse?
Also I'm considering signing up for that Halloween Collab thing. I can record some spooky sounding stuff for background music. But I don't know if I should do it ._.
http://www.ritdye.com/ j00 twit ;|
The auction.
What's to loose by trying, plus you gain xp bruh... got any other pressing matters?
hey man , hows life with you ?
I've seen better days.
Really depressed and physically hurting atm
Oh. Okay.
When do you have jury duty? And when is the auction?
Well I DO have something recorded that could be used for a halloween (or alien o.O) themed thing.
But I suppose I'd have to upload it for it to be able to be used. Also the deadline to sign-up is on the 28th apparently. So I have plenty of time.
Also.....there IS something else. It's not really important but I don't feel like discussing it here ._. It's not at all important or anything but if you wanna know you'd have to PM me.
._. court is wednesday, auction is 2 weeks after that.....
Odd, I felt like PMing you anyway, on what's hopefully a totally unrelated subject....
I see.....do you have any idea how long it'll be for the court stuff? Because those can last for awhile.
If you read my PM then you'll know it's not xD
No idea. The paper sez for one day or one trial :< Gotta be there at 8am... I hate shitty cities
"Colombia seems like a great country, diverse and progressive."
Great country, mmh it depends of the interest you may posses in the country...
Diversity, that nobody will be able to deny, you find everything/everybody from everywhere here, which is crazy because i really don't see the appeal at all.
Progressive, it definitively is doing some progress, the problem is the direction of the progress that is having which can be horrible, a world of privatization without an agricultural reform and a hard investment from external sources (being the mayor investor the US and its 2 wars, the first against communism, the second against drugs, which was a byproduct of the trained forces transformed into drug-lords from the disbanded paramilitary forces, which the incompetent government allowed to breed and grow, because farmers and revolutionaries are evil, so more opponents against these groups are welcome, even if those will become one hell of a problem not only locally but globally) just plain suicide.
Now i wouldn't say that this was a wrong move, this world would be incredible different if in the late 80's the communist movement had won, the thought alone may put fear in a lot of people, as for the lack of an agricultural reform, that is inexcusable, and the current fuel of more than 80% of the problems of the country, the rest are things that the whole planet is going through.
Oh thanks, it is always great to have someone locally who could give you info, i will try one of these days.
Monty Python is great haha, yeah most philosophers died alone, and pissed at the world, others where quite happy, then not so happy as they faced the reality they exposed, others were drunks, and most of them if not all (because there is always the one who said nothing) were great minds.
Sry for not responding right away... what you said about your country, certainly got me thinking though. It seemed like it was easier to keep up with world news, when newspapers were the norm, but as time went on, real news became an endangered species ._.
Hmm, guess I've been philosophizing too much lately....
So what kind of trial is it?
Is it a murder trial!? o:
They don't tell you ahead of time
Petit juror, not grand, so it's nothing major ._.
do you know why you are depressed? i know that feeling, physical aches and mental depression usually go hand and hand. i've been feeling sorta the same way (although i've had much worse days so I shouldnt complain), since school started in mid-august. for me it's a culmination of minor feelings, just kinda feel like i'm in the wrong place in life, that I have been a hypocrite and have sorta pushed people away for no good reason, like my opinion in matters is just fuel for cacophony, a general lack of motivation, just an overall feeling like I cannot make a difference in society...anyway, i hope you feel better soon...
Heh, yeah, I got totally legit reasons for being depressed, especially lately. But it'll come to a head and mostly die out I hope. Can't say I do well with change.
Any good friends I made IRL, just move away, for financial reasons... NJ sucks for taxes, cancer, lawyers, laws, congestion, pollution.......
I made my own Zombie emote for emotes on here o:
Ya know. I really wish they would make seasonal emotes as well as level icons. That'd be pretty interesting.
Lol, that's pretty good! Johnny Utah did the emotes? Call him out on Tom's newspost... maybe that can be 'a thing', and why not? Too bad the emote stickers are going the way of the dodo
Eh it's okay. I just pieced it together using the prexisting emotes. I saved em and went into paint.net and have made like 5 emotes already. One of which reminds me of Neo from The Matrix. And going off of what the emotes look like like I'm pretty sure you can guess what the one I'm talking about looks like.
I have no idea who did em. I think it was JohnnyUtah. Though you'd have to ask. I know he made the level icons. He also made that Jet Fighter level icon for himself but ended up not using it and instead of getting rid of it he just left it on there.
I suppose I can do that.....but I have never visited Tom's page on THIS computer ._. only on the other one. I don't go on any of the Staff's profiles actually....no real reason why. I just tend to not feel like doing it.
Yeah.....they're cool. Now I gotta get mah moolah together and get a PayPal card so I can put money on a PayPal account and buy the shit I'm buying. I added more stuff onto what I'm getting and it's going to cost me (with shipping) roughly $71. And thats for: 3 Angry Faic stickers, NG logo shirt, 4 Emote stickers, Saga Of The Dead poster, Newave poster, Physeter poster, and the NG poster 3-pack.
I was going to get the Supporter thing but I'm going to wait on that because I'm already going to be shelling out so much as it is......
You don't have a bank account? ...
Wow, I used to be a sticker-o-holic, so I got respect for your purchases! NG poster 3 pack? Huh, can't recall what that is... but I do know Tom must be getting a lot of dough... and wasting hours sending this shit out.
If Behemoth is doing so well, why not hire some help to fill in the gaps?
....no ._.
This is the 3 pack posters. http://www.newgrounds.com/store/product/ng-poster-3-pack
No idea.
Yeah, not too big on official NG posters... but damn, never saw this one before http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/johnnyutah/ultra-demon-cannibal-force
Really? I find that weird ._.
Hate to say it, but the NG posters are just that: posters :| Not prints, or illustrations, or lithographs. Sounds snooty, but they look kinda like.... kiddie fare. Still, in a garage or playroom framed... might change my tune ._.
Philosophizing is not bad at all, if is done right it helps to keep the mind sharp, so you better continue.
You know they may be just posters... but they look so damn great!
Well i never got the idea of Halloween, i was not a fan of sweets (at best caramel apples, and you hardly find those nowadays wonder what happened...), and really after you dress up as an astronaut, is like you hit the epitome of disguises, the whole thing starts to lose meaning.
A turn table, you are a DJ?!!! you should do a mix with @Nietzlawe, and talking about him.
Hey Nietz, what about entering the writing contest too? apart from the song thing?
The hamster that powers my brain is going to die of exhaustion soon. My introspection knows no bounds. But as Ben Franklin said, "We have great thinkers in abundance, what we lack, are great doers."
Odd, my level icon just turned into a caramel apple... on a stick. Sticks make boring food fun for everyone! And yeah, your analysis of Halloween is spot on: it's for little kids to have some fun, and to explore their identity. Old peoples already got demselves figgurd out |:
Oh Gob no! I never DJed! VJed a few things, embarrassed to say. Oh man, I'd love to work with Nietz on something.... anything! My creative pussy juices have long since dried up... happened not long after I joined NG. NG just sucked all the 'creative' outta me.
lol...creative pussy juices
It gets better in the next (newest) post lol!
Yeah man, seeing all the bonkers creative types here (at NG) early on, just put me into permanent zombie mode - that muscle of creativity just atrophyed into a veal cutlet :| It's nice to get lost in other ppl's little worlds, and flights of fancy.
Haha oh man creative pussy juices, but don't worry i am sure you still can get wet and back to action, go gurl! XD
You know i am dying of curiosity of seeing your VJ work, as a fact i didn't even knew that a thing like VJeing existed, my lexicon expands again!
Yeah, as far as i know Halloween, has expanded to the whole world, just as Valentine days, of course i prefer Halloween, the lesser of 2 evils if i have to choose.
Indeed circus music is creepy as it gets.
Tubular Bells III? i like it, are there other tubular numbers?
An apple on a stick? Ha! i got a zombie head on a stick!!!
Hey i remember Asterix, he used to be really popular in Portugal during the 80's and 90's.
Hope you're having fun at the Pico Day party.
Hey brother, I saw your name on the Twitch feed, along with Clatform and some others. Sorry I couldn't have been more helpful to the viewers during the party, I hope the other kids jockeying the feed didn't ignore the viewers long.
Asterix is a man of the world... just not in the US. Uncle Sam doesn't like upstarts like Obelix, Getafix, and Vitalstatistix (British translations of the gang's names).
Good memory. I couldn't manage to stay all day on the stream because of the different timezones but i did manage to stay during most of it, it was nice seeing people's faces, most of you didn't look anything like i imagined you would.
I got fat and fanciful lol, it's rough after such a hard winter to run with the kiddies, I'm more a seasonal worker. People can say what they will, my stupid, no-haircut ponytail keeps the sweat from dripping down my back, always hated that. So it's either wet hair or wet underwear. I'm sure my look was perfect for keeping teh young ladies away.
Unlike a few others there, I really start and begin my love for Newgrounds, on Newgrounds and nowhere else... because you're here, and she's here, and the guy who made the Front Page background art is here. I guess every place, real and online, have different groups who mingle, or don't, or simply just wanna have fun IRL.
You didn't look that bad, just a lot older than i'd imagine some people here would look like, it's weird for me to imagine people over 25 on this site. Not that there's anything bad with that.
Fuck, I told this one artist lady (was looking for her for hours!), that she looked 29, when she's like 22 or something... I meant it as a compliment :O It's hard for any artist to make an impression on prospective buyers, and I thought she had a very attractive, yet alternative look that gave her an air of maturity and trust....
All the core NG people and producers are over 25, it just sucks the streaming event wasn't that keen, maybe if it were produced like a pre-Emmy show. Next year I'll ask Tom if I can't set something better up, so everyone who couldn't go, gets a chance at meeting their peers.
Hah, I remember Asterix!
Loved the cartoons as a kid!
Sadly never got into the comics, but I do have the "Tour de France" arc somewhere...
Damn, that's some old stuff.
Old (comics) indeed, but thankfully, even older than I am ;)
Yeah, growing up, TV/movies were kinda limited... didn't get cable to the farmhouse 'till 1985, 3 years after "Video Killed The Radio Star" aired on MTV, which actually did like music back then.... the VCR was an awesome thing though - it made the limited, clockwatching dribble of visual entertainment something else entirely. There was a video rental place right down the street, though pedaling my ass back up that 1000 foot long hill truly sucked - used to sling the tapes in a white plastic bag, hung on the right handlebar