Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Indeed all those things that i listed are derivatives of desires that get out of hand, because desire itself is also neutral, but i think we all agree now that money is not the root of all evil, and that was pretty much the point, so thanks there S3C.

Nah, I think like lots of shit, desire picks sides :| Good is a very narrow path, paved with nonjudgmental love.

The chances of a camel passing through the eye of a needle, is less than chances a rich man has, of entering Heaven. -- Bible, kinda.

Unless you are a protestant, in which case money is the reward that god gives to the hard worker, so it can survive his times in earth before entering heaven.
- The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (not an actual quote but a resume)

I do agree desires picks "sides" that's why i said that those are derivatives that get out of hand, into the rights of others or into extremes, but in essence desire is neutral, to want something, if we remove that part of man, that part that lingers for things, like lets say, love, knowledge, health, fun then we end with an empty husk, hardly worth of being called alive, because it also loses his desire to be alive, even unicellular beings have this, and that is the wonder of life, that it persist being.

Funny enough, in these religions with life after death, the person has a facility to separate itself from this desire of being alive, so it can pass and be in other places, luckily some solve this by making suicide an evil thing, but then again is not giving yourself away in defeat to join a god in another place also a form of suicide? to stop fighting and resign yourself into death? to embrace an end? just because you think that "your time" has come, and now you get the believer that refuses treatment and just wants to die and go to the promised land, inst that person giving up his life in pro of another supposed one? isn't that subject committing suicide? suicide disguised as transcending?

I'm a druid :| Money is an invention of man, and "Nothing man does, is perfect." Ben Franklin

Ah, but desire must spring from someplace, just like love, and love is just as corruptible as money can be, depending on how one deals with desire. Everything's academic, when Man is removed from the equations; true, some of these emotions are present in animals, but only Man can reason, and turn it one way or the other.

My Pop passed away last year (and Ma, five years before that), so... all I can say is, "He who lays down his life for another, shall find a place beside God", or something. Suicide goes against nature (dunno about those lemming-things, and even they only do it once in a great while, and for whatever reason: genetic cleansing, bad wiring). It's more a subject for science these days, because science can prolong life artificially, and when that's all that's keeping the body alive... my Ma didn't want that, but she went through it :| It sucks.

You are awesome

Aww, thanks young sir/madam! While there is fun in badness, I see no reason to try and enjoy it, so, awesomeness it is :)

Well the thing with the lemmings is a myth born from that Disney movie haha.

Oh i wasn't being as extreme as artificial life prolongation, i was thinking more about normal surgical procedures that people refuse to go under, in that case they are not doing any kind of sacrifice, only sacrificing themselves, since there is no risk to their dignity, unlike with most life prolongation procedures nowadays which degenerate the appearance and life of the patient.

I will confess now that i may have manipulated into my favor the similarities between desire and will, but my point remains because thanks to it now you have said that money is a fabrication of man, which had "evil" before this one was created hehe.

As for where desire may come.... that i don't know, but some say that it comes from necessity, but there are desires that serve no purposes other than empty entertainment, and this can easily become self-harming.

Never saw teh Disney movie... just The Cat from Outer Space :| Saw it twice in a theater.. so did lots of others :| We were the lemmings lol

Now, that's an interesting one, but I understand it better now - it's a matter of faith, and like laughter, can heal some shit up. also kill yer ass too :| either way, you can choose what's best for what ails ya.

Just so (to paragraph 3 of 4).

Guess desire is love's willfulness.... I got a touch of Asperger's, or HLA, so it's sometimes academic to say..... Some brain techs banished 'Aspergers' for 'higher level autism', and now that's the law of the land :\ Easier to pronounce anyway

EDIT!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-functioning_autism

Well yes faith is a double edged thing, that is why people should at least see if their faith is blinding them into committing an easily avoidable mistake.

Mhhh i'm sadly not familiar at all with the concept of desire being love's willfulness...

So higher level autism eh? sure lets rob mister Hans Asperger out of all his credit, we are sure he will not roll in his tomb, and isn't HLA already used for the string of antigen which is really really important for the study of our immune system and thus still relevant, which then will run the risk of being misleading? even more since this occurs inside the medical field? but lets forget that part, poor Mr. Hans Asperger...

It sure is, but faith manages, where science has yet to venture.

Well love, like hate, needs some motivation... even then, it's hard to associate proper terms to what goes on in that gray mushmelon we call a brain.

Yeah, can't find the article now, but it was kind of a shock. Every occupation has their own language and abbreviations... hopefully, they won't confuse the two :\

EDIT DIS TOO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-functioning_autism

I don't know if you've heard yet but it's official.
We're having an "Assassin Game Jam"

Ask and ye shall receive! Hope there's a star studded line-up of media whores....

Oh man that is great an assassin game jam, about time!!!

Yes you could say that is how it goes, with faith and science, but what about having faith in science? ain't that the weirdest, like biologist that don't believe in evolution... is just bizarre, yet it happens.

Yeah and neuroscience sure is trying hard to define those things, the problem is that the line between love and infatuation is so... undefined that we may never knew:
what is love?

Oh, uh, I made some corrections below :|

Yeah, that shizznit's over due!

I like how scientists have faith in God, and keep working, not letting faith blind them, but motivate them into finding out all God's stage secrets.

Nnnnot touching the L subject... too much has been written about it for me to put a dent in it. Look in a book of quotations, "Love is...." has the biggest section, by a country mile.

Haha i was expecting you to respond with "baby don't hurt me"

Ah! so HFA High functioning autism, well it sure makes more sense, still poor Hans Asperger, i have to check the DSM-5 to see what it says about it, the wikipedia artcle is not that informative about it, but it probably still works it as Asperger, and it does... for now, the APA is being so assholish (for quite a while actually) which is not convenient at all if we consider the kind of things we will be able to do (and suffer) http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2009/03/neuroengineering1?currentPage=2

Lets face it is going to be used for everything except human wellbeing.

I did a good job of insulating myself from crappy songs during my formative years lol!

I'll check the article out proper later, but was fascinated by the amount of cutting pasting they did.

Indeed that's the bad part of "journalist" publication, but the scientific article doesn't has a video http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11779476, and the video i know of is in http://www.jove.com/ but i can't find the link.

I liked the "we're not getting all the government money we should" disclaimer...
As a layman, it seems that the new compound and procedure yields more directed results, and not all witershins.

Yes it does, it is going at quite an alarming peace, is advancing faster that the ethical constrains that we can put on them, the solution to brain illness or a life of direct mind-control, forget about all those conspiracy theories we can implant memories and control your movements directly, it may not be as refined as that, but i give it 5 to 10 years, the practical uses for the well-being of humans will come after, and people in general love to defend these things, just like with nuclear energy.

Oh, I think the research the super powers put into low frequency brain manipulation/communication is quite legit, as there are examples of how well it works already. I like nuclear power, I just don't like how slip-shot the industry is... bad enough Japan is going to irradiate the entire Northern Hemisphere quite soon, along with the rest of the planet :|

Nothing like hearing the fire brigade/department, banging away at some Obama-rails (steel guard rails, National program, 2009). Drunk driver decided to try and SSX Tricky rail-slide it, with his truck at 2 in the morning... the neighbor next door isn't well either :(

Other dramas and IRL diversions also prevalent. Hopefully Sunday I can get back to Newgrounds.

"It sure is, but faith manages, where science has yet to venture."

and science never will, by definition both are two realms that are entirely separate from each other. Science can never validate or invalidate anything that's predicated on faith

Oh, I dunno, the glory of God is in the details, and science merely discovers, rarely creates
and such

The county guys got done beating on the steel an hour ago :| Damn sleepy :| Steel makes a particular sound when forcibly crinkled; Krinkels style yo; more Carmageddon than Twisted Metal

Well hopefully that ends just as a 2nd Chernobyl, otherwise the new-coming Olympics will get quite interesting (Akira)

Man so sorry that those crazy people are going are nonsensical nose near your, but why are they being so obnoxious again?

I've seen some projections (time/radiation spread) of what's already leaking out of Japan, and it's very depressing.

Hmm? Oh you mean the drunk driver or the guard rail guys? Eh, I'm sure they get paid time and a half for working nights.... by law they have to get replaced soon, hope there isn't any post driving... moved around a ton of shit, can imagine some piles and leaning things might succumb to gravity.

I was changing a tire on my car on teh lawn (didn't wanna lie in the driveway). Jacked it up, pulled the tire and the brake pads, went in for lunch.. then I saw the jack slowly tip over from the kitchen, as the house shook from their post driving :|

Dude you are 30 and look like Trevor? that is in no way good Mr @Nietzlawe why? well after all Trevor has all those drug usage issues you see?

Back with you Mr Vicarious that is one hell of a truck if it evens affect your house (which as i recall is a farm and thus shouldn't be that close to the road).

I give it a look, to the spreads, and shit either example is awful, in one the United States gets served in a plate (it was just too perfect for propaganda), and in the other the whole pacific gets fucked all over, but even if the 2nd one seems uglier and scarier, it is also the more realistic, the horrors.

No, not too close to the road, but is above it, and sound, like radio and seismic waves, travel up and out from it's point of origin.

But largely, the Northern hemisphere is quite fucked in the next few decades, before it turns into an atomic fog. See what smoking does?

Correction one of those is actually a tsunami spread and it even has its level charts ranked on Centimeters, and not radiation levels, which translates to one being propaganda, and the other disinformation to incite hate, but that doesn't appeals to nationalism.

Man i found one with readings from 2012, and it seems, yeah by sea currents that LA is going to have it quite ugly in about 10 or 20 years... with that said i still want a 2nd more decent spread, even more after the 2 faulty ones i found at first.

Oh. That's still just as nasty (tsunami), as modern civilizations have stupidly moved to major ocean coastlines; good for transport, lousy for survival |:

Yup, what goes around comes around
Just noticed a huge muthafuckin groundhog outside, but he darted the moment I opened the storm window (small shotgun and earplugs at the ready)... for the best - road dept is outside doing the guard rail. I coulda made them soil their shorts... not a good way to begin the work week

That's why i don't smoke i don't want to end like Trevor, haha of course there are other things too.
So it seems I will note move to Canada.

Still if the sound travels all the way to your house, that is one potent engine that truck has.

Hope that game makes it to PC soon, and shit goes down, the world 'round, though Canada's a bit more practical and reserved (they've got lots of private gun ownership there as well)

I was upstairs when the truck ripped the steel from its posts... then he tried breaking free (part of this front massive tire was caught on the other side of the rail). Someone came to try and tow him out, but the cops showed up soon afterwards, told the guy to walk I imagine.

Got a morning sausage on the boil....

Morning sausage? oh shit is way pass 7!!! damn i didn't have to study today so let myself go and look at this, i forgot to sleep it is just like vacations but with coming up mid term exams, aaagh.

I got to get the dumpster filled before it rains, and before tomorrow morning.
Don't wanna |:

what we will gamble away when capital becomes redundant?

I bet you a beer, people will never stop gambling, so long as they're bored or in need of a kick. Strip poker comes to mind... wish I'd had the chance to do it more than once, and to completion (her parents came home).

So....I missed your birthday? ._.
Happy B-day then

Eh, I thought I dropped enough hints around...
Thanks man, was really hoping someone would make a thread... tried to have fun yesterday, but the streets were bare, and those left were desperate for money. Well, more so than usual. Scary.

Oh. Well if I remembered I would have made one ._.

Well, my birthday was technically 24 1/2 hours ago.
Guess if you wanted to, you could make one ._.
At least there's a slight story to the OP's statement....

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