Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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27,256 / 27,750
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8y 11m 8d

well its not one of my big record players. its just like...a table top record player thing
it also has a cd player, radio, and cassette player in it

i still hate that cat....even though she was the cause of the most insanely fun thing ive done all week

A very temporary cat spoiling a legacy machine? Heresy.
Don't hate the cat - it cannot deny its nature :|

Gonna split for a lil while (not the not-hour i mentioned before) to get cleaned up, rinse my sinsues.... but if the cat makes its way in the BR again, I may be a few more minutes giving it a 'shower' with my wet hands.... poor thing is greasy from not being outside in over 3 years :| and she knows it. This is the first year she hasnt shed properly :P

hi steve .-.

yeah hit n run tactics by yers truly.....
back soon :3

well have fun with all of that
i'll be here...like i always am
all day...every day.....24/7...365
god damn it im lonely.....

well im going to go collapse on my bed and cover my nose and mouth with my pillow and breath really deeply and fast for a few minutes and see what happens ._.

ive missed out on so much stuff in life ,_,
im disappointed in myself...
and i feel like a failure as a human ._.

theres no such thing as a failure in life or human

im still a failure ._.

who says? everyone has different tastes....theres some people out there who would prefer your life over theirs -_-

i says ._.
and what do you mean by "different tastes"?

also im just really fucking depressed right now.....

so am i.....
well what i said about prefference

im still confused as to what you're talking about ._.
i feel like curling up into a ball in bed and just staying there.....

i was looking up at the celing and making a list of stuff i hate aobut my life...........a lot came up.....so i made a list of stuff i liked.......not much..........then i made a list of stuff i would completely change about my life.............and i went back to a lot........

oh and that tastes thing.....just forget it

i think i could fill a book with things i hate about my life
and maybe fill WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less than half of a notecard with things im at least mildly okay with. and even then i DO NOT like that stuff either....
same goes for stuff i would change about me life but in that case theres pretty much nothing id want to keep the same.
but seriously im a boring (dont say im not), fat, ugly as sin, fucktard who no one (other than you guys for some odd reason) wants to associate with ._.

*annoying fucktard
(that sounds about right :3)

dude in all complete seriousness I DONT THINK UR BORING!!...i mean seriously would i spend this much time with u pretty much everyday if i really thought you were boring?

<a href="http://www.google.com/imgres?q=rainbow+barf&start=103&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=674&tbm=isch&tbnid=VsotX4w2AXf31M:&imgrefurl=http://weheartit.com/tag/barf&imgurl=http://data.whicdn.com/images/25125264/vomit_rainbows_thumb.gif&w=240&h=200&ei=_dpCUPDwCsWzygGs94CQCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=219&vpy=134&dur=143&hovh=160&hovw=192&tx=162&ty=77&sig=117843742706773054707&page=5&tbnh=148&tbnw=178&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:103,i:133">http://www.google.com/imgres?q=rainbow+barf&am p;start=103&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=674 &tbm=isch&tbnid=VsotX4w2AXf31M:&im grefurl=http://weheartit.com/tag/barf&imgu rl=http://data.whicdn.com/images/25125264/vomi t_rainbows_thumb.gif&w=240&h=200&e i=_dpCUPDwCsWzygGs94CQCg&zoom=1&iact=h c&vpx=219&vpy=134&dur=143&hovh =160&hovw=192&tx=162&ty=77&sig =117843742706773054707&page=5&tbnh=148 &tbnw=178&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:13,
hahahaha it might as well be me in drawing form


also its not letting me see what picture you're talking about. when i click the link it says
Redirect Notice
The previous page is sending you to <a href="http://weheartit.com/tag/barf">http://weheartit.com/tag/barf</a>.
If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the previous page.

i object ._.
keep doing down until u see the drawing of a girl with glasses barfing at her laptop screen

[swirly loading circle]........

hi steve

why is it so hard for you to admit im boring?
and i see what you mean now ._.

yeah i peeped the girl ralphing on a laptop....

you know, it might be you're a white dude.... white dudes always have first glance privileges, but women are damn near equalto men now, soooo, maybe that's dami's point of view?

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