In exactly 24 hours, I got Vampire the masquerade bloodlines 2.3GB and Iron Maiden's Somewhere in Time CD WITH pictures (pity it ain't the full album art). I guess the average speed was about 70 kb/s, idaknow..... still pretty dern slow, but now I got a backup if the signal goes out again.
i dont give a flying fuck that im white. still doesn't change the fact im REALLY lonely and have NOTHING going on in my life at all and no one to talk to other than you guys and at points you guys end up leaving for hours at a time and im stuck here all alone for the longest time having no one to talk to while you're off having lives and im stuck here.
Bah. She's still doing better than the both of us combined.... which is good. More dangerous being a woman without money/property than a guy.
You just need another avenue of socialization.... don't feel bad, I see less ppl than you do. Though tomorrow will fix that.... can;t wait to post pictures of my Produce signs :3
Maybe put up some flyers around saying you're willing to pay or trade for vinyl..... good excuse to travel to strange moldy locations, innit? Did the same thing in HS and it got me some socializations