i see...well i like that kind of music ._.
granted my taste in music fluctuates like crazy. i could be listening to Speed Metal then Disco then Big Band then Grunge then Classical and so on and so forth....
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01
i see...well i like that kind of music ._.
granted my taste in music fluctuates like crazy. i could be listening to Speed Metal then Disco then Big Band then Grunge then Classical and so on and so forth....
*mad scientist laugh*
hi all
hey brandon do you know the area code yet?
hi steve!
can't you just try the most likely area code(s)? there shouldnt be that many for fla.... and if you know generally where
jOO kidz grue ups wiff teh interweb, use it or lose it mons!
hi steve
...no? nightraid PMed you. not me ._.
hey man, how's your body doing today?
my tooth still throbs but no spiking pain every minute
i saw "expired pencil" ._. I WEEENNNN!! >:D
glad to know my typing wasnt wasted
oh why not? ._.
i did use it steve!
before i could finally sleep this morning some dude did a documentary on living purely from the internet or craigs list... no house money or food, just trading skills and begging
wow that took too many spell checks
just try the 2 or 3 most likely if you dare
Oh well, time to troll some people on omegle with my gas mask. :D
at least youre dressing for the occasion
it wasnt wasted it was recycled! :3
sounds like a song i heard on rockos modern life......
its in the normal amount of constant pain im always in :3
i dont know? i guess he felt you needed to know it more ._.
i saw this too.....(with the expired penicillin)
have fun with that.
oww, fuck, its the honey in my morning tea!
hope that stuff kills watever bug likes honey.......
still too lazy for a new post, maybe later after the soups done :|
Soup and mail check... Im sure the old man will yell at me for being... me :(
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NePsaJC3nBE">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NePsaJC3nBE</a>
I haven't drank any tea in awhile...the last thing i drank other than pop was a can of Watermelon juice i wanna say....2 days ago
mmmm watermelon juice :3
see ya later steve ._.
My cousin's middle filed is swimming in cantaloupes
and we got a few watermelons which should be ready by months end
its damitrin O:
hi ._.
damn it...im bored, tired, and lonely right now...
i feel like laying down for a bit ._.
well...at least i have my pillow
i can hug that if i want some form of physically interaction with something.....
see ya if i feel like coming back later ._.
im feeling depressed right now...
Now im bored
i be alive again!
me too niether