Lol. OK
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01
Lol. OK
hi personistilldontknowthenameof! :D
._. no
this is the first time i noticed the 1...............god im stupid!
im serious! was it there before??
Hehe...yes. :3
sweet............i've become even more stupider
just visual shorthand is all...
*Thumbs up*
ah, the great Colosseum of Rome, where the gladiators and disposable people are turned into real video game sprites, ready to be killed or spared to die another day.....
*Thumbs sideways*
spoken like a true centrist.
holy globing god fucks a thumbs sideways!! :D
i'd expect no less of the great destrayop to find an undiscovered middle ground
holy globing god fucks a steve!! :D
where teh hell did I come from right?
bye steve! i gotta eat!
aww, enjoy your vittles!
my soup came out pretty good
also pickled some cucumbers and picked cherry tomatoes
guess i'll come back....
had no choice huh?
still running around a little, but its in the house, not where the deer and skeeters play....
nah its not so much that i just felt bored just laying in bed staring at the wall for the past 3 hours....
im in the middle of playing a game but the fucking controls keep screwing up. its playing it and i slightly press a button and i fly to the other side of the screen when i dont mean to.
heres the link <a href=""></a>
its like...Tetris coming down from the ceiling while you shoot little blocks into squares. im fucking amazingly awesome at this game. i got a score of well over 400,000 on a handheld version of this game on my first time playing it.
Gave it a quick 2, but ill vote higher when i get the chance to futz with it.... playing for medals are we :3
it might be worth a look into catatonia - some weird science
haaaiiiiiiii i bak from faitin my hungiez
as long as it wasnt kittie kibble im okay with that
the bbq friskies my Pop got are oddly good smelling
its irritating the hell out of me that the controls are doing that. its making it so i haven't gotten a score ANYWHERE higher than 232. if it were the other game i would have easily destroyed all the scores on the scoreboard by now.....hell the high score is like 500something and two of the medals are over 1000 and over 9000 (go ahead and get your dbz giggle out of the way)
...yep that sounds like me
so that means im a schizophrenic ._.
keyboard repeat rate? no clue till i try it
nah i doubt its as cut and clear as that, but it might add to your health picture
hi damitrin
back from satiating your hunger i see.
like death and taxes, food must come to us all
sorry i figured no one was here so i went and took a shower