Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
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Vote Power:
9.09 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 12d

that sucks :/
its been over a month though
you should have gotten SOMETHING by now...
you could try to see if someone got you card by accident

hmm interesting...i would have thought the cats would've attacked it or something...

A popular artist here got the one I made. I still haven't received one yet. Probably never will. Apparently, these things "happen" with NG events, so... I trust them with my email address, but that's kinda it.
Nah, cats figure it out quick, especially outside ones with everything to lose (like myself).
That stupid skunk cub is still in there. Seems like it's ready to bugger off when it's real quiet. I'm sure it doesn't want to repeat the mistake it made by stepping on the pad, and closing the trap.
Meanwhile, the neighbor just left her kid, 2 other boys and three girls alone in the house.
Whereas, I have to deal with a critically ill father, some dopy cats and a scared skunk.

that sucks :/
oh well...

ah okay. well the cats here are stupid...so they'd go after it

in her house or yours?
and sucks about your dad :/

someone i barely knew that i went to school with (apparently) died 2 days ago in a car accident with her younger brother...she was 16 and her brother was 12 and her birthday was the next day
i know more details about the crash but they're a bit...gory...

The kids are in the rental house next door, where I used to live and pay rent. The mother buggered of to her boyfriend's in another state
Yeah, Pop's on borrowed time... plus he picked a cough from his last visit at the blood filtering place.
I'm sick of just being stuck here.

and about the birthday thread thingy you were talking about...
im kinda on the fence about that
i mean i dont want to make one (not 100% i can...)
dont wanna risk getting banned since ive never banned so far...i mean its not like they're gonna be like
"Viper50 you made a birthday thread for yourself so you're getting banned for __ days" and so on and so forth...but i would feel weird asking someone to do that
so make one if you want to i guess
it wouldn't really bug me

I've seen other people do it themselves, and I can't help but to layer a thin film of "fuck you" in how I say Happy Birthday. You're right, it's a bit much to post your own Birthday thread. You certainly wouldn't get banned for making your own...
S___y wouldn't do it 'cause she's sick and never goes on the BBS (good for her, huh?)
I won't do it tonight, but may do it tomorrow sometime (after the Saturday morning cartoons would be best) - I could spam the thread with links and pictures you might like.
Guess it depends on how quiet my old man'll be tonight... I used to sleep and poop like clockwork before I had to move in with him.
Well, it's the 17th... Happy Birthday Viper50!

ah okay that makes sense. i guess...

that sucks D: i hope he gets well soon
and im sick of being here (in town not NG) its boring here ._.

ah okay. well i still wouldnt do it though. i was going to make Kupia one, but for some reason i decided not to. dont know why...it was on the 7th. our birthdays are 10 days apart O: thats awesome

yeah...and even if she went on the BBS and wasn't sick still wouldnt do it hahaha
that would be interesting...but isn't there a limit for how many posts you can do on your own thread for a specific amount of time? thats why i never say anything on threads i make.

and...thanks VicariousE :D

That old fart kept me up till 5 in the morning couching and swearing (more than coughing)... I had to sleep on my right side (my left ear's a bit deaf) just to doze off.
Yeah, I don't know what the post limits are, but they're generous enough. Still, ... you could make a new post yourself and mention how much older you got... at least you'd be listed in the news and on the bottom ticker thing.

I truly hope you have a nice time and an awesome meaty-meal!

that sucks...and both of my ears are a bit deaf (i should probably get ear plugs to wear while im playing my geetar but i dont for some reason)

i was thinking about making a new post today and mentioning its my birthday today for my 100th post

thanks dude :D

No prob.
I should make a new post too, considering the lack of subject matter.


oh and quick question
have you ever had coconut water?

No but I just bought some coconut Bacardi for the neighbor...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coco nut_water
Hmm, looks interesting, both scientifically and nutritionally.
I wouldn't try it on a full stomach though... in case of hurling.

it tastes weird when you first try it, but you get used to it after awhile.
kupia likes coconut water
dont know why...
well she told me she likes it, never seen her drinking any...

Wonder how expensive it is where she's at.
Sounds like a staple food like... v8's are to Northerners.
My pop buys pomegranate juice... at 10$ a bottle! It's strong and easily be diluted though. Again it's unusual, but tasty.

did you find the easter eggs on the stat site?
if not right click those little things that show your blam/protect and experience icon thingys and for the b/p one click play and the other one click the thing that says "this does not lead to an easter egg" and music plays

Eggies? Well, I'll try not to follow your instructions word-for-word, but I'll scope it out.
I could use the ha-ha's.

Yeah I found 'em. Flash still has plenty of untapped potential... it's a shame to see big files come in the portal that look like crap and only last a few seconds. If these were the old days, I'd switch my aura to dark and leave it there. Even Tom's for blamming these fools, especially the shovel-ware.

i guess it would be. but i dont drink v8...
$10 for pomegranate juice O: thats a lot

i hope you have fun finding them...

I had more fun looking (only have one damaged contact lens installed) at the tarts my neighbor's kid had over... short shorts. Instead, I get to listen to my pop coughing and swearing all night.
I gotta tell his mother to stay the fuck home and watch her kid... and NOT give him money for sluts and booze (he's like a freshman in HS and shit!)

ah okay
wait you wear contacts?

why the hell did she do that?
people these days and their...drinking...and rock and roll 8-tracks...

Yeah, but the last ones I got were made just before Katrina hit NO... but I'm looking though an even older lens. They don't make them as chemical resistant as they used to...

She's dating someone from a different state... she's been divorced 2 -3 years. Her kid doesn't like the guy she's dating, so on the weekends she goes there. A little too convenient for the kid IMHO.

thats really old ._.
never used contact lenses before...

still sounds bad that she just leaves over the weekends and leaves her kids alone

Glad your peepers are in working order... too much welding and videogames on an old TV's did my eyes in.
She's got three kids, two of them are out of the house. Her youngest kid is blonde boy who attracts "interesting people". His lesbian friend almost got smooshed on the road (which is 50 mph), trying to skateboard drunk... while two cops passed by. Good thing she was wearing mostly black.
I hate it when emo kids will do something dangerous just to see if someone bails them out.

although i may need glasses eventually and im gonna look weird wearing them
if i end up needed them i might just get contacts or something...

when i read "interesting people" i remembered when my little brother was in the cd section at walmart and 2 emo dudes went up to him and started bowing down to him...it was really weird

all the rest of that i dont really know what to say. ive been feeling kinda sick today and i just woke up from a nap like 5 minutes ago or something so im kinda...dead right now

I napped for half an hour while the old man was ducking out.... a friend of the family called when he was out before - their septic seems backed up or something. I'd said I'd have my pop call back when he arrived... he didn't. He's still dry coughing like hell though.

Masteraardvark, the animator here wears glasses and his hair's gotta be at least as long as yours. I'm sure he gets some trim. (Hope s____y doesn't read this)

There were emo's running around long before I went to school. They're called depressed hippies.

ah okay. well while i was taking my nap my dad was trying to get me up so i could go to a party for my grandma (his mom) because we share a birthday...but i locked the door on to my room because i seriously do not like people barging in here while im trying to sleep. so i missed out on that. and when he got home i got $20 from my aunt and uncle (they own a motorcycle shop) and i got a cool skull ring from my uncle that my sister keeps taking, but i took it back and i hide it or wear it so she cant steal it from me.

really...i actually have the longest hair in my town guy wise. seriously no dudes here like growing their hair out. its a bit...depressing to me. but i dont care i like my long hair :P

the people around here that are deemed "emo" are now scene kids that listen to shitty music.
have you ever listened to The Cure? i like a few songs by them. but they're goth rock. i also like some songs by The Cult. not really related to the cure that much, but for some reason i get them mixed up some times...go figure. here people call themselves hippies if they smoke pot or do drugs...

I've had similar things happen, missing events and all. I like loud music, not people.
Yeah, those bands were pretty big back in the day... the divorce rate was just beginning to spike then, hence the emos attack!
Just made a work list of things we'll need to fix my buddies drain problem - they were doing clothes when things started to back up. It's not roots, so it either the tank's clogged with solids or super mario got his big fat ass stuck. They've been there 10 years, but it be something that's been there previously. Likely hair or scale from too much conditioner or detergent / softener...

hmm okay.
same here, but i got used to living around loud people...

woo emo attack. im gonna cut myself and wine about how my life sucks and while listening to fall out boy while wearing my skinny jeans and go crying in the corner. hahaha sorry i never get to say that EVER.

that doesnt sound good at all
(god i hope mario isn't in there...)

i was just going on an Electric Wizard downloading thing and i got 2 splits an EP and an album that i thought i had on my computer but mysteriously disappeared...weird...
seriously i gotta thank Kupia for showing me a shit load of bands that ive grown to love :D
because of her i know: Electric Wizard, Bathory (kinda knew it before but not that much), and Acid Bath. she also got me more into White Zombie, Marilyn Manson, and bands like that. im also listening to GG Allin more than i did before too.

Type O Negative is about as emo as I get. I'm surprised any of those guys are still alive; most are over 6'3".. now they got families and shit!
Yeah, my pop, used to wake me up early and often when I was a kid to go to work with him, That was a very unpleasant experience when I needed to sleep and eat more, and probably the main reason why I'm not as tall as I should be.
I'm glad tight pants went out of style... our science teacher said our sperm count would crash and girls ovaries would be misshapen.
I haven't listen to much music since my good speaker set blew... plus I'm living with my father, so I can't crank it late like I used to. GG Allin? Know the others, but... do they sing in english or just scream a lot? That's why I like early Otep... a battered blonde singing and screaming about the shit she went through.

i know more bands because of her but i didnt feel like listing them all...

No need to. I'm backed up on recommendations anyway. I can't even get to the audio portal... just funked out lately.
Hope S___y's doing better.

i do like Type O Negative...it sucks that Peter Steele died :/

well im relatively short too...i was the second shortest guy in my grade

i would never wear tight pants no matter how much someone would pay me. i prefer my comfortable somewhat baggy pants, not too tight and not too loose. im actually loosing weight and my pants are getting to be a little too big for me now.

that sucks :/
and this is GG Allin
its a person. and he died...
and yes he sings in English. and screams...
ive actually pretty much never listened to Otep...then again im actually not a fan of blonde hair...weird right?

i hope shes doing better too...its a bit too quiet without her here haha

Damn, I didn't know Peter Steele died... after checking wiki, yeah, I heard of every band was was with. Thank God for WSOU south orange, the hardest rock around (college radio station kept a lot of us sane during the Top 40 years.....) At 6'8", he had a full life - most tall people like that don't live long.
And GG Allin? I've heard of,. only in whispers. Never saw much of the video, but the poop throwing rages, yeah, I had some friends who used to go into the city for performances. I bet the guys from Gwar took in a few of his shows.
If you listen to any of Otep's work, The Ascension would be best album to start with.
Just hoping s___y didn't get what her bf had... plus she's got people in the house... who knows what plagues they bought with them.

yeah it sucks :/
we dont have a station here that would be deemed "college rock" anymore...
they got shut down i wanna say in November

really? i only know (counting Kupia) 2 people that listen to him. the other being this Satanist Horror Rapper dude that lives like 4 or 5 blocks away from me or something.
im not a big fan of the poop throwing...but his music is good.
and i haven't listened to Gwar in awhile...and for some reason when i hear Gwar it reminds me of Manowar...dont know why

hmm okay
i might give em a listen if i can find time to

what did her bf have?
is it contagious?
is it Tuberculosis? (holy shit i spelled that right O: )

Nah, not college rock, all kinds of metal, some punk, mostly local bands.... what better soundtrack to listen to whilst traveling Thunder Road (Routes 9 and 18 -- Springsteen) at rush hour?
She never said, but it was really rough on both of them, I'm sure.

well we dont have a station like that anymore either :/
its all either: crappy country, rap, or classic rock now
so i only listen to the classic rock stations.

and i hope they both get over whatever it is they have

I think I'm getting sick from whatever my pop spread.... when mom or I got sick, we never spread it.
That's probably why I just yelled at him. A houseplant would've been a better father.

weird thing is...
before i met Kupia i almost never got sick...
but after i did i got sick all the time
must be because i used to stay up til about...4am everyday talking to her
i loved doing that :)
then she had a bunch of tests for school then we couldn't talk as much...
and now she has tests this week...
so not talking for pretty much the whole day again :/
and im trying to find a way to text her because for some reason my phone wont let me text her
and since she has a ps3 i was thinking about getting one too and then we can play stuff online and talk on there too
but i dont know if i should...

Yeah... you gotta keep her looking forward to Norway in a joyous manner, and not overplay it either.
She's got a full schedule of surviving going on, and time's on a budget, so regular contact of any amount should do. Just a hidey ho and some Norsk words will win her heart... or at least keep it interested. I dunno. I'm way out of practice with women relations.

Jaxxy is cool. You just discovered this?

Well, I didn't know of her till she published in the Art Portal some years ago (she's been here ten years!)
I'm sure I wrote something to her blog or other work a few times, but I've only just gotten to speak w/ her regularly (I've had to travel for internet for a long while). As long as Tomomoto can keep up her her, she should be doing fine, despite her hectic and ambitious schedule.

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