Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Audio Scouts
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9y 12d

scouts as in Boy Scouts Cub Scouts or something like that?

hmm i might do that...

actually it looked in amazingly good condition considering where it was. seriously that guitar is like the same age as my dad. and if i could play lap steel i would have totally tried harder to have gotten it...but since i cant it would have been a waste of money for me to get it. granted i COULD learn how to play it. but i suck at playing slide guitar...

Cub and Boy Scouts, but maybe a year in each. I learned some things, I guess that's what mattered.
The angle's wrong, right? Haven't played guitar in a good long while, but a slide guitar would take even more getting used to. Still, when you can do multi-track recording in your own home, the sky's the limit... I was always on the look out for sound effects or BG noises to set the mood

Pop didn't bring enough money for food shopping, so, I'll be off NG today, as it was a bad day.
No meat for supper sucks.

i was in cub scouts for about a year and boy scouts for about...a month

well for slide you have to use a slide on one of your fingers if you're playing on a regular guitar
and if its a slide guitar you have to play it on your lap while sitting

that sucks :/

Yeah, it's like foreign or something. A stringed instrument you put on your lap's probably older than the regular guitar. Given enough time, even Shakespeare can play a vuvuzela.
We had to hand all our meat over, along with a small bit of mozzerealla... wanted to make french onion soup. And the one person I knew there, doesn't like me and just talked to my dad as I hopped along, using the cart as a crutch (damn electrodes jarred my muscle meat yesterday).

We hadn't gone shopping in a month. The prices were staggering! My mom and I share a nightmare: food shopping w/ out enough money. My father's mistake, not mine. Still hurt plenty.

dats wat they do....America's doin it too....selling basically EVERYTHING made by the Chinese
Leslie's....... a guy name? O_O
u were a boy scout AND a cub scout?? O.o i was a girl scout bc my mom thought it would help me get friends who are girls or atleast friends who are normal v_v
no i get new colors once every month ._.
the only time my hair gets messed up is after a shower -_-

Well, we sold them our iron and steel works (along with *countless* other industries)...
Yeah, my Junior English teacher's name was Leslie or Les be nice about his name... he may've been queer, but I think he was just isolated, as I've become. Decent writer too.
The kids I had scouts with:1/2 were pussies, 1/4 tough guys to be tempered, 1/4 solid people (very sane)... guess I was one of each type!
Once a month hair color change... how like a wheel a woman is. To roll with the tides of the Sea. To change aspect as the moon shares her nuanced glows.
Say, poetry's easy!
Use a hair cap thing for the shower?

America. Aka New China. World War Three, Challenge accepted.

They won. By bankrupting us, they eliminate the competition.

so in a way i was right? O_o

Yeah. Same thing happened when Ronald Reagan let tariff free stuff come over from Japan in the early 80's. Europe couldn't afford to sell cars or electronics here anymore... all those cool rides from then just dried up, like a field that blooms flowers no more.......

Well, China just owns us via bonds, but they need us, or they lose a huge investment.

True. But if they cut their losses by cashing out first, they win the war, because America will just eat itself alive. Without a moral structure, like back in the '29 crash, we would shti, go mad and howl at the moon.
I have reason to believe the Chinese are going to cash us out before the end of the month.
I still can't believe I ate all that blind obedience crap they sold us in the 80's.

no i keep my natural color i just get random highlight -_-
wat kinda poetry was that? like wat form?
every girl there thought i was creepy but fuck wat they said most of em r used to be whores and strippers now (see that mama u failed again!)
yah i'll wear one of those in my coffin -_- those ugly lil cum bags!
oh yay i was kinda right! :D

Okay, highlights sound more fun! I was thinking a heavy, rinseable dye thingy.
Thanks. Not bad for alittle blurb, huh?
Momma tried... prbably helped. I'd say a third of either troop I was in, were wet noodles.
Ha, ha - you said it, I thought it! Couldn't find a phrase that wouldn't offend you in time though.
Yeah, cookie time... 2 vanilla and one choco, or vice versa? ... I'm easy.

uh huh! i dont dye my hair it'll totally damage it and all the shiney, smooth, softness will go away :(
mummith never tries......she does without thinking first
u still thought it!
hit me with a choco not rly a fan of vanilla......but if its french vanilla then yes :D

Yeah, it's a nice light french vanilla. It's like a Hydrox cookie, only tasty. If you can get to a good dollar store, you check there first. Three sleeves for 2$ something... Only one row of chocolate, so good choice.

Amateur radio kits! Awesome!

The early ones had quartz (or some kind of) crystals to get a specific frequency, but they'd go bad over time, then you couldn't pick up or send squat. The early police and EMT scanners had little crystal plugs you could install on a board (just threw mine out).
The real deal was what you could make out of a project kit... moisture detectors, burglar alarms, electric eyes... true, some were shit applications, but the rest (were) pretty damn handy MacGuyver tools. Still coming up short on the project book....

well the first guitars were around before like the 1500s or something like that
but those were 4 course guitars so they had 8 strings.
(course equals 2 sets of strings 1=2 strings 2=4 strings and so on and so forth)

oh...that sucks :/

I got used to playing in a 1/4 school year, jrhs course... then years past and I got a cheap-shit sedona which I gave up on. It was a golden age for metal, so I thought, "There will be plenty to listen to w/ out me trying to play." Wrong! The late 80's early 90's were all about Top 40 and rap (which was great up until 1992, when the record execs wanted to cash in on the people in the ghetto drug culture).
Not having money to pay for groceries in the middle of the day sucks. Now all we got is tuna fish and spaghetti.
I think prices are going to get much worse when the market crashes and hyper inflation drives everything up... probably later this month. The bank are ready to foreclose on the EU as are the bank here going to foreclose on America's assets (and people). Well, the government has the task of dealing with its people.... the banks just get to play God.

well...i like rock music from the 90s
but even though i seriously LOVE Nirvana
its kinda because of them that Alt. Rock bigger because of fucking Nevermind
nowadays we got shit bands. seriously if it were possible id go out and "erase" the new crap music, and let the masses listen to good music, and not have them force feed us non-stop crap.
it sucks i was born in 1993...but whater ya gonna do

i hear that dude...
seriously we have next to nothing here
and my dad delivers bundles of papers and doesnt get paid for another...i wanna say 8 days :/

The grunge replaced rock n roll for a while... who knows what rough beast makes these trends happen, like, how long dresses are or what the new "black" is...
Gas is over 3.50$ here. In the upper mid-west, it's almost a buck cheaper. True, things in the Garbage state are pretty close, but with all the colonial roads, traffic lights and new towns every mile or so, gas gets used up pretty quick. My pop's killing his brakes, cause he has no reflexes left... it's almost if he's a two footed driver.
You and your pop might want to consider a tuk-tuk wagon or something... maybe even a plug-in milk truck or something. In the mid 20th century, they used electric heavy machines - diesel generators powering electric motors... supposed to have been more efficient.

yeah...and i do like grunge music...
well gas is about $4.00...unless gas went down A LOT since the last time i went outside
towns are kinda...far apart here. the closest town is about...10 miles away then after that its another 10 miles then on the other side its about 20 miles or something...

my dad had a car where you HAD TO drive two footed or else the car would die
is was a 1982 Dodge Aries

yeah...but we have pretty much no money to get really anything anymore :/

4$ gas here would cause some bad things to happen. I could see serious problems ahead if that were the case.
Guess economy runs were what I was good at (hyper-driving... those news media simpletons would call it), when I WAS driving. Pop's got a 6.1 L 'vette engine in his 2000 truck.... no, unless you're hauling something to make money, it doesn't pay to have it.... especially since our car ins. is just sad.
That was the first "K" car, ya? 4 cyl... gear ratio's bad?
Any supermarkets throw stuff out? Who gets it? Very few do here, but some is better than none.
We got Shop-Rite here which has good pricing, but, nothings cheap here anymore.

u know the old ppl thing doesnt sound so bad anymore becuz when your argueing over something you can just look down and say "I win cuz i was born first!" i always do the to my lil bro and he gets pissed.
wat bout chocolate AND french vanilla?? O_o

I've never used that argument... I'm a nice sweet guy who happened to have been around longer... like something in the back of the fridge that turns out okay...!
Weel, okay - turns out there's more choco's left aways. There are pretty good; just had two myself, after a blah spaghetti... in the 70's here today.

wait...according to your logic doesnt that mean I win because i was born first out of the two of us?
then VicariousE wins no matter what i guess...

Balls to that idea.
That's just s___y's way of getting at her lil (allegedly faggy) brother.
Just because I ^should* know better, doesn't mean I always do.
You figure a tree that's been around long enough's, gotta have good roots to stand against the winds of change.

unfortunately yah but in a very hillarious and secretive way i win above all >:D and i wont explain it bc its supposed to be secretive

You battle in your minds.
Good exercise.

yeah i bet...

thats gotta go through gas like its nothing...

i think...and i dont remember what happened to it

and not that i know of...

The car I smashed was an 89 chevy with the "iron duke" 4 cyl. 100 hp on a 2.5 liter? A Nissan Ultima is a 2.5 and it's gotta have way more juice than my old cast iron engine...
And then you've got the weight problem (newspapers) and all that stop/slow and go... The trick's always been accelerate when needed and DON'T BRAKE - cause that just generates heat and loses momentum.
But I'm the one who couldn't stop in time... Women are such aggressive drivers.

soooooooo..........wait battle in my mind? like battle ship where u have to guess to battle?? O_o

When was the last time you played that? I tried playing it once or twice 'till I was 12 or so. It's kinda unfun somehow.

u had bisghetti?? :(
i didnt...but i want some i'll probably make some......

Biscotti spaghetti
Pissghetti, is what we had tonight.

Knocked me out, had to nap
I was unoccupied, as it were sry.

haha and now i win! >:D

...I hearby declare sandy2-5-1-9-8 has become
the 100th post in this thread, as of 3.16.12
Her claim of WIN has been substantiated.
Now where's your prize... I ate it.

oh i agree with the women being aggressive drivers thing ._. bout 2 hours after i got my licence i crashed into a cop car then tried to back away to make it look like nothing happened......but it didnt work
fortunately and unfortunately it was my mom ._.

Busted lights and body? How fast? Wrong fucking pedal??
Lizdexia at it's finest :3
My foot slipped off a wet clutch pedal at high RPM's (should post...) and dented the plywood on the back of the garage with the loader bucket, and dented the aluminum dome covering 2" blue stone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fre nch_drain) ... not bad, really. No need to repair or even paint.
I was 10 y/o.

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