IDK, this one seems to have better contrast. Have you tried coloring b&w pieces on a computer before?
IDK, this one seems to have better contrast. Have you tried coloring b&w pieces on a computer before?
I don't use digital, bodget to low for a decent machine to work with :)
Never tried thanks for tue input :)
That's okay Nathan Fillion played the role of the 'brain supper', he's a bit of an eccentric, I'm sure he wouldn't mind lol pink nails
Throw in a cup of coffee and a lit cigarette, that's me in the morning! I always have the radio on in the morning, kinda deadens the impact of a new day... a little truth, a little propaganda, a little word from the companies to want your obedience and cash. Looks like NYC radio, all lame and drabby ;)
Did you do this piece before or after I left home?! Looks like he took a hard fall to the left as well, hmm. I'd like to take a stab at coloring and texturing this someday, it could be a kinda partial self-portrait. Not that I'm into self-loathng, but the mirror does not reflect the whole story...
It's scratchy but simple, well composed. I see context in this, expression, inability. Cool.
it's actuallyplans for a little painting. inktober has been great with conceptual stuff and practicing inkwork and revisiting these stupid bigheads.
Dunno what's it's referenced to, but it looks like a city girl noticing a country boy, very nice! Though in my experiences, city and country folk don't mix well derp.
This is really a nice piece, the symmetry and symbolisms couldn't be more perfect, same with the sepia background. I'm very glad a written work inspired such a wonderful piece of art :)
I have my own ideas and plans for what it means, but what matters is how the viewer sees it as far as I am concerned.
Happy that you like it.
I know that feel man, but what you finished looks really good (aside from a missing breast)! All the linework looks sharp and attractive, as does the coloring and the pose. Don't beat yourself up, you're definitely improving :)
Haha, thank you! :D
I had to see the video, to really get behind the joke you drew here, soo that bought you an extra star or two :3 Have fun with your folks whenever you can!
I don't know why I like it, but I do. It's like a creature jumped out of the cartoon movie Yellow Submarine, took one look at the internet age, and went blaaaaaah!
Oh wow, somebody actually noticed this thing? :D
This is kind of a mixture between something i remember vividly and the animated pattern i see if i look at the sun through closed eyes or after i rub my eyes while i'm taking a shower, if that makes any sense.
Not as distinct as the tracers from moving surfaces that reflect light or strobe effect if i wave my hands in front of a crt but it's just one of those things that came with the package.
If I've got this right... you sometimes draw human parts on robotic bodies, so technically, this guy might not be a cross-dresser. Nope. He's just as poor as fuck, and just got himself an overworked pleasure model body, with an aftermarket spinal airfoil wing-thingy installed, ready to prowl, rrroar!
I like art that raises questions.
Well, we all remember that time when Motoko got her adult human head grafted on a 10-year-old girls body in ghost in the shell, so this is HARDLY the worst that could have happened to this guy here. At least his body is of consenting age.
That's pretty damn good man! All done on paper, yeah? The hands look okay, except for the scratchy lines on the inside. This might be worth cleaning up digitally some day, maybe add a background too :)
Originally she was going to have fingerless lace gloves, but I decided last minute to give her all white gloves. I should've cleaned jt up but I'm going to recolor it again after more practice
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01