It took many months, but the second prospective buyer followed through, and bought the 13.9 acre farm. Sometime next year, it'll be sub-divided, the lowest section will be 'gifted' to the town... and people will roost, where crops were once sown. Seems kinda wasteful, considering how much of our country isn't farmable...
I'll be taking over the phone service soon, so I'll be back to wasting some time on Newgrounds, while also searching for a new homestead. The prelinimanry agreement allows me to stay for 2 months (?!), but the new owner says he can extend that, no problem... so I'm paying 500$ rent for what used to be my childhood home.
In the meantime, here's a turkey, which really should've been America's national bird ;) I took this pic last year... why did the turkey cross the road? Be seeing you all again soon!
Damn it, hit the button again!
+24 comments/interactions
I haven't forgotten my old post's comments, I'll respond soon..... from home >:)