July 2nd, was when the founding fathers got around to signing thier names to a document, which could've gotten themselves killed, as traitors, spies and enemies of the Crown of England. After signing, Ben Franklin said, "We shall all surely hang together now."
July 4th, was the day, all the signees finally agreed on what they wrote.
Still have no internet at home, the sale of my parent's farm has been delayed for another 3 weeks (and may or may not be sold), and my savings are almost completely drained. So, I'm not happy in general.
At the very least, all the watermelon, canteloupe, pumpkin, basil and corn seed is in.... finally ._. We'll (my older cousin and I) see how things progress; we had a lot of rain just before planting, and there's a chance the seed moved around under the ground a bit, but it doesn't look like any of it got washed away. Also sprayed some putrified egg whites and garlic juice on the pre-existing plants, to keep the deer (and hopefully, groundhogs) away.
I have a huge complaint: big companies. Take McDonald's for example. Here's the most successful fast-food joint in global history. It's sales are finally dropping, their menu is all over the place and it's corporate governance is (also) finally souring.
Now, you'd think they'd be proactive about things. No. Everything in between sesame seeded buns, causes loose stools.... not a good selling point.
Since I've been offline, I've noticed the packaging, from almost all Fortune 500 companies, are utter shit. Not so much in structure, but what's printed on them: cheap, lame graphics. I saw a plastic cup advertsing an African-American arts festival In New Orleans, with a pastel graphic of a happy woman... looked like total shit, would've gotten under 4.0 in the Art Portal, and more than a few unsatifactory reviews ._. And that's the best I've seen!
It's all a waste of good ink, and good money, on the part of the American people.
So, in conculsion, fuck these big companies, they have no heart or soul, and should have no part in our culture. They are morally bankrupt and a hinderance on the things that matter most in life.
I have no idea why I wrote, what I wrote. Just pissed off, lonely and frustrated, most likely
The work below is a commission I took out with http://sucho.newgrounds.com/ last month... nice, huh?!
At least I'm amusing....