Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Happy Independence Day, From The Colonies!

Posted by VicariousE - July 2nd, 2015

July 2nd, was when the founding fathers got around to signing thier names to a document, which could've gotten themselves killed, as traitors, spies and enemies of the Crown of England.  After signing, Ben Franklin said, "We shall all surely hang together now."

July 4th, was the day, all the signees finally agreed on what they wrote.

Still have no internet at home, the sale of my parent's farm has been delayed for another 3 weeks (and may or may not be sold), and my savings are almost completely drained.  So, I'm not happy in general. 

At the very least, all the watermelon, canteloupe, pumpkin, basil and corn seed is in.... finally ._.   We'll (my older cousin and I) see how things progress; we had a lot of rain just before planting, and there's a chance the seed moved around under the ground a bit, but it doesn't look like any of it got washed away.  Also sprayed some putrified egg whites and garlic juice on the pre-existing plants, to keep the deer (and hopefully, groundhogs) away.

I have a huge complaint: big companies.  Take McDonald's for example.  Here's the most successful fast-food joint in global history.  It's sales are finally dropping, their menu is all over the place and it's corporate governance is (also) finally souring.

Now, you'd think they'd be proactive about things.  No.  Everything in between sesame seeded buns, causes loose stools.... not  a good selling point.

Since I've been offline, I've noticed the packaging, from almost all Fortune 500 companies, are utter shit.  Not so much in structure, but what's printed on them: cheap, lame graphics.  I saw a plastic cup advertsing an African-American arts festival In New Orleans, with a pastel graphic of a happy woman... looked like total shit, would've gotten under 4.0 in the Art Portal, and more than a few unsatifactory reviews ._.  And that's the best I've seen!

It's all a waste of good ink, and good money, on the part of the American people.

So, in conculsion, fuck these big companies, they have no heart or soul, and should have no part in our culture.  They are morally bankrupt and a hinderance on the things that matter most in life.

I have no idea why I wrote, what I wrote.  Just pissed off, lonely and frustrated, most likely

The work below is a commission I took out with http://sucho.newgrounds.com/ last month... nice, huh?!131385_143742080483_38ab34633437b8de5c066cb1190a2abd.png



At least I'm amusing....

drinking beer, eating fresh summer veggies and having target practice.

now, that's what I used to do! growing old sucks

Not one of them would suspect, that three hundred years into the future - that a conglomerate of crazies from America, Asia and Eastern Europe would be spearheading the import of hentai into the UK. No one did.

Shit, some say we never really broke away from the Brits, or rather, the Rothschild banking conglomerate, which is far older than the US...

So happy with McDonald's downfall. I wish it would die altogether. Along with every other large, awful, fast food company. Places like Wendy's were decent back in the day, when the founder was alive. I remember how good a cheese, bacon sandwich was. Now they taste like mushhhh. There are so many better options to choose from.

Yeah, even the good burgers from Mickey Key's always loosens bowel movements |: too much poop in the meat, freezing the paddies below 40-F just kills the bugs...

I used to work at Wendy's in the late 80's, still remember the day my manager yelled at me for toasting buns in the morning... had to throw out all the toasted buns, because Dave died, and the new CEO decided to sell all the toasting machines :p

Also got yelled at during lunch, when I bought a single and a double burger, and asked the grill guy to make me a triple burger.... "corporate will never go for it."
"They'll never offer a triple decker burger on the menu... never ask for a triple burger again!"
A year or two after I quit, they finally busted him for bothering women in the restroom O_o

I just go to the Tilted Kilt ('breasteraunt') or a local deli for burgers anymore... same price, if not cheaper, and a shit-ton more product to eat, which doesn't cause diarrhea

that'll teach ya...why are you buying McDonalds and plastic cups that are advertising 1920's Cajun Negro Jazz Festivals lmao

Lol, I should bring my own whatever-ounce receptacle next time (if at all), huh?

It just sucks they don't even bother hiding the fact, that everyone in charge is dull and uninteresting... and their dullness has worn off on Western civilization :(

+16 comments... stupid catch-all Yer Feed button

all this talk about fast food is making me sick to my stomach ! that's all i have to say

Bluh, me too, had a burger and 6 petrified mozzarella sticks last night, damn near broke a tooth on the first one

p.s. small world: you and Cyberdevil both have to go to a library for internet access and live on farms atm

I think he's got it at home, but when he's on the farm... no data, unless he heads into town.

besides who eats ground beef anyway...when you realize that it's random meat of 100 separate cows...just a health hazard waiting to happen...if you're gonna eat burgers best go for chicken or turkey burgers...

More like a thousand cows per lot of ground beef (should be illegal), and whatever poop happens to enter in the butchering process, which is usually done by 'undocumented workers' under quite hazardous conditions :p

another thought: Fortune 500 companies are Fortune 500 companies because they don't spend their money on graphic designers lmao

Besides, art implies freedom, something I'm sure they're loathe do to

and that's the problem with capitalism: the illusion of success married to futility. As I've always said, success is shallow, empty, has no real worldly value. Not surprisingly, so is McDonalds. They are successful in terms of generating revenue, but their food is nutritionally worthless. There toys that come packaged in Happy Meals are utter garbage. Their playpens are breeding ground for pathogenic microbes. Ronald McDonald is a pervert of the worst kind. Yellow and red are the color of dire bowel problems. The restaurant as a whole is analogous if not a microcosm of a third world country.

3rd world country with machines backing it up. But if we kill the machines, billions go unserved lol

but it sure paves way for teenagers to get work experience ! that is, a capitalist system that allows(ed) for minimum wages to be payed out to teenagers still in high school, "mooching" off their wealthy parents, when they should/could be participating in extracurricular activities, playing sports, studying, ya know, doing actual important stuff that makes the world a better place one square inch at a time. Beyond that, it's employment for people who made poor life choices whether it be a frontal neck tattoo, narcotic addictions, felonies, etc. or in some cases individuals who have just been bogged down by too much misfortune...sh*t happens

I worked at a Wendy's and at Farrell's while in HS - had to quit Wendy's because farming and digging ditches for my Dad were getting to me. I quit Farrell's because the Rutgers students' writing skills were unreadable (I worked the ice cream/soda bar, couldn't make out any of their orders)

but yeah...organic non-GMO non-pesticide is the new way....until Monsanto FRANKS and RAPES you with their rouge aerial seed dispersal across privatized farms...whoever enacted the law that makes biopiracy an actual thing is a GOT DAMN idiot...it's a lot of sweaty bollox, at the end of the day we are all patchwork plagiarists. P.S. Monsanto be hella salty lmao noone cares about your crap seed. Instantly, you can see a parallel with McDonalds. Monsanto has a monopoly on soy and corn, McDonalds has a monopoly on burgers, democrats have a monopoly on more or less forced multicultural enrichment, Justin Bieber has a monopoly on music, Twilight has a monopoly on movies, large diploma mill have a monopoly on education, Johnson & Johnson have a monopoly on pharmaceuticals...you catch my drift. Most seasoned, well-cultured, and sensible individuals can agree that the artistic quality, and integrity of these people/institution are rather pedestrian, at best.

..and that's a damn shame! You'd think they'd patronize skilled workers (artists)... that's what Americans used to do. It's good to display art, create and share beauty.

nm...just some snippets of drivel plucked from my mind's random stream of consciousness...but the irony of capitalism is simply astounding...I mean no profit driven institution is going to lessen their revenue stream by employing millions to middle-man and silly jobs that are not necessary or can be done via current technology for free or approaching free. Yet in this culture where "free-market" is interpreted as the best available model creating (useless) jobs is seen as a success and employing machines (including mechanical and digital) is met with adversity to a certain degree...A truly profound notion, when more than 50% of America considers their work unnecessary. The point of being a human is to grow as more complex beings. We are in an electronic age when we can let technology do much of the antiquated, rather old-hat work, and let the human mind analyze, interpret the data, imagine the future, display our emotional side- the two latter actions being an action computers will never be able to do. Instead, brilliant and creative minds are being put to waste- if not thought as a threat to the way of life of our corporate overlords; and forced to work retail and other menial jobs further stagnating our evolution.

Well said. But would you wanna legislate profit taking? Too socialist, though having a high tax rate for the 1%, is what the US used to do.... and still, the local rich would give locally... it all goes back to Wall Street and the Federal Reserve who gives it high calonic enemas quite regularly.


is the alternative to capitalism always a socialist based system? Not necessarily, most first world countries currently implement capitalized and socialized institutions simultaneously. But what you speak of is mostly irrelevant. We live in an automated, information age. If what I said below holds true, capital is becoming exceedingly redundant. For example, what do you think is more valuable, the physical, industrial capitalist process behind building a computer, or the information and ideas a computer can be used to produce? The latter is intellectual property, can be copied and pasted for virtually free, not something that can be defined by any economic, especially capitalist system. The US government at one point even mandated that there was to be no profit made from information and new patents, just the physical production process itself. In the end, information can be shared for free, and is a benefit to everybody.

or who knows. Aside from all this I think the most salient tidbit would be the fact that it's never been about the system, but about the people who make up the system. And in this f*cked up world, perhaps the system we have now while far from perfect is the best one. But when things are f*cked up sometimes the appropriate option is to cleanse our way of thinking and try something new.

Besides what have the local rich done for you? Other than frank you out of your home. Did the McMansion urbanization engineers even fairly compensate for your expenses (rehousing, having to break the lease, transportation) on the last failed sale?