Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Still offline, still getting worse

Posted by VicariousE - June 14th, 2015

I'll know by the end of the month whether I have to: move immediately; stay, and find a new home; or stay, and cope with being dirt poor and moving all my possessions out of rental containers... lovely ._.


Saw the new Mad Max movie yesterday, first movie I've seen in a theater in 15 years.  I was thoroughly unimpressed.  It had the action, the characters... but Max behaved oddly, the script was watery, little to no humor...  I guess this sort of thing happens when they do a storyboard first, THEN write the script (which makes an 'international' property, that much easier to make a buck from).  Also, I didn't see one Chinese person!  That's like watching an American road movie, without seeing a Mexican O_o


To sum up:  It's going to get a lot worse, before the post apocalyptic movies I grew up with, become factual... time's almost up!

Still coming to the library to get online, so PM me or leave word below, if you're curious...


And then there are articles like these:

I've got a lot of respect for George Miller, but not Hollywood or it's money, which seemed to shine through.... plus, Max was chatty and atypical from his 3 previous films.

Wanna watch a legit Aussie post apocalyptic flick? The Rover.

Hang in there man! You seem like a great guy. I'm sure this whole situation will resolve itself in the future. Just put up with life's bull shit a little longer.

Doing my best mate, but one thing I've noticed after 42 years of life: things always get worse before getting better (if at all). It's a rapidly resolving situation, which hopefully leaves me with a bit of cash and some hope of a future, where I'm in more control, than I have been..

Last time I saw you post something you were talking about looking for a new place, I can't remember if you said you were going to buy or just rent, are you on a lease? Moving is such a pain in the ass when you have no money and a limited amount of car space, I'm sorry man

Ah, the problem is have is age: old ppl love to hold onto as much as possible, for fear needing it later on. Yeah, late last year I was supposed to move, then it got delayed till early spring, then another buyer popped up and split just as fast... If it was me, I would've stayed still and waited for the check to clear, on the purchase of my folks farm, but my baby-boomer siblings wanted me wrapped up and ready to be a refugee.

Still, it's good that I've been both poor and rich before, makes improvising, overcoming and adpating easier... if it wasn't for my age lol, I'd weather it all a bit better.

....watermelon, cantaloupe and corn seed should be here any day (still have to farm, right up until the deal's done, or not done, to keep the farm assessment)
(hope you have fun reading this, library staff, not)

hello hows it going with you?

Eh, still in the same holding pattern. Just hoping my neighbor gets her internet back, more for her sake than my own, since it's doubtful she'll ever give me the code to her wifi again :(

Either way, things should shape up by the end of the month...

good luck my man

Thanks bro, I'll take it where I can git it ;)

Aw man, that sucks.
Hope you'll be able to do your part in the Writing collab and that things will get better for you, i'm currently trying to find some authors to help out in case we need replacements, your part's coming up pretty soon (you're 19 and we're waiting for 18 to do his) but no worries if you can't do it, just try to tell me so i can give the ok to the other guys.

Yeah, I'll be there... kinda confused about the order, but I'll write up the 19th segment of the story.

BTW, loved your contribution to the story, was really hoping someone would write outside the box, before it concluded ;)

Damn, hit the button.... 58 (unviewed) interactions, in addition to whatever the last count was :|
Not really cool with conducting NG business on a public computer

Looks like I'm stuck only being able to access NG on my phone again. There is clearly SOMETHING wrong with my computer because every single time I open anything on there it immediately stops responding and just stays that way.

I remember seeing a thread a while back about how many tabs you have open, and you floored everyone by saying you had a few hundred... gotta be a FF issue.

You mean like opening a program? Sounds like that bug you picked up never got properly eradicated :/
Hope you get back to fighting shape soon!!!

ehh, your predicament and the whole uncertainty of the situation further affirms that this is a f*cked up world
The sale should be confirmed before you even have to start thinking about packing, a month or so before you officially leave
and if the buyer backs out, they have to pay a hefty fee

What you say is true for most everyone engaged in this kinda commerce.... but given my father was a bit of a pack rat, and my siblings are high class, they wanted me suited booted and loaded for a trip elsewhere. So far this assurance on my part's cost me more than a few grand

It's just a problem in general. Not just Firefox or WMP or whatever. So I seriously need to get it looked at.

You run Windows Update often? Usually that removes the mainstream viruses... if you haven't run it in a while, woof!

You like to talk right? Maybe the sleepycast guys have a spot for you? I've been listening to their podcasts a lot lately and there's occasional guest appearances. Their hq is in philly I think, you should totally ask them, if you haven't already.

I'd love to, but without an internet connection at home... hell, even before I lost it, I haven't been going to Sleepycabin... so much to do and see here! What few animated Sleepycasts I've seen here, sure do sound good!

Maybe when my life gets straightened out.

Today marks one week from closing, and the buyers haven't said much... they've got all their test results. If they back out, I'll be completely broke within a month... GGggGGgrrrrrrrrrrrr

Eh I guess I can give it a try.

Also I saw the new Mad Max movie. Was pretty good.

Too Hollywood for me, Max was way atypical, the SFX was conspicuous... blah

... if you haven't done it in a while, be prepared for a lot of downloading and installation time

When post-apocylaptic movies become factual, always look for secret hidden caches marked with the Fork Logo. You take care out there, okay?

Good Lord man, I hope someone at least made you a b-day thread in general... got i minute left on the library computer before....................

To find the secret caches, look for the fork logo with the ^_^ mark. The secret entrance should be right below. Avoid the fork logo with the D: mark. Those are booby-trapped explosive death halls.

Dude, I gotta write you into the 20th anniversary writing collab
so fucking rushed >:(

A... writing collab, huh?

... its either my sleep cycle readjusting itself or code burn, but I have no idea whats going on in there.

Me neither, been on auto-pilot for the past few weeks....

+54 interactions... stupid button, must be up to about 150 missed thingies :p

Oh something will work out for ya I know it

whats up?