I got the call just before I finished dinner. A deposit on the farm and the buyer's signature went on paper Wednesday. The builder's gonna bring someone over Monday to check for metal tanks under the ground... Guess I'll have to move my stuff back into the containers... six months of waiting for one asshole, and another one shows up to, apparently, close the deal.
It's not going to be kept as a farm, though the builder-buyer will probably want to, to keep the property taxes to a minimum. I'm sure the house will be bulldozed within a month of closing, along with all the other out-buildings.
I got hosed bad last time, trying to rent/lease around here, so I might find a long-term hotel somewhere cheap, maybe move next door to Emily in South Philly, or Killadelphia, as the more well heeled suburbanites would say....
All the cats will have to go to a shelter, I'll leave the diesel mower at the house next door, and hope they don't kill it.. well, it's already killed, just picked a battery up for it today, with a 35 dollar markup for some recycling bullshit. Fucking thing wasn't even charged up |:
Anyway, I'll do my best to follow the 20th Anniversary Writing Collab, and do my bit when the time comes.
In the meantime, I gotta keep packing stuff away, my sister will be here next week, and is likely to go nuts as usual... I may have to kick her out of the house, if she starts getting too anal. Maybe I can find a decent trailer park....
May 22nd UPDATE: My sis had a rough flight, but she's here now, and the new buyer's coming over today (hopefully; he was supposed to have been here Monday to look for problems with the farm). Anyway doing my best to control my anxiety
Here, use this 'Analaway' spray I picked at hentai land for 2$.
Yeah, better keep it lubed, the show ain't over yet. Hate the idea of living out of boxes for a while, I'm too old to be a refugee :p