Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Time to Stop

Posted by VicariousE - October 28th, 2014

Unless something drastic happens in the next week, I'll be forced to move off the farm before the end of this year.  And as New Jersey is a fuck up of a state, I'll have to move out of it.  Since the farm is part of 'the estate', my older (by 18 and 19 years) brother and sister will fly in to 'expedite' things.  Last time they were both here, things were stolen, mismanaged, and otherwise, pissed me off, as they only have a limited amount of trust in me... and sometimes they act as though I'm one of their employees (default management mode).

So, I'll be lucky to deposit here regularly, let alone treat this place as a daily hangout till next year.  Just hope I'll be able to get decent, cheap internet wherever I end up.  And a decent food store.  And water... fuck, any one familiar with rural, eastern Pennsylvania?



Man, that sounds pretty bad. I'm actually somewhat familiar with Pennsylvania. It's a pretty hilly state. I wouldn't really recommend the rural areas much just because you might have to drive a bit to get your groceries unless there are local shops, farms, or super markets around the area. There's probably going to be an area near you with some fast food chains and a Walmart. I don't live in the state or anything though, so you'll get more information from someone who lives in the state. There are some pretty well known users that live in Pennsylvania, so I'd ask them. I hope all this craziness works out in the end pal.

Thanks for your support dude, it does help! I've been through PA enough times, but not in the areas I was thinking about farming... and you're right about distances and hills, both are factors in my search. I asked Wade for some info, and he came through like the champ he is :) Either way, I gotta roost in a rental for a while before I can settle on a permanent nest.

Sorry to hear that.

No idea what I can do about the unfixed farm cats, if I give them over to animal control or a shelter, they'll be caged and killed in somewhat short order :\ Doubt I could transport them to a new place... hopefully it will all work out - being homeless sucks ass, especially this late in the year

Yeah, that sucks. Hopefully you can find something out.

Yeah, old crazy cat ladies know, I'll have to find some and ask! Just sucks, they always bring me a shrew, mole, bird or mouse as tribute...

Hey vicarious! I just read this and I'm so sorry this is happening to you! :( I will send you all my best wishes and good thoughts and hope it all turns out okay in the end. Take care man!

Aw, thanks so much! You've always had my best wishes for your success :) but you've done so much to promote your diligent and thoughtful work, ya hardly need any help from me!

In a few months time, I'll have a permanent home where I can put up one of your posters :)
: I'm over 25, gotta have framed artwork, not taped up posters lol

that really sucks :( I hope you find some place soon...

Lol before the end of the month, sadly, but it gives me time to fill it with stuff that would otherwise be trashed. I love old metal and fabrics and stuff, it was all made from sterner stuff, balls, I'm using my old baby food containers for herbs and small stuff.. has what looks like wax threads on the inside cap, with a clever thread.. glass of course, sigh.

We'll all be waiting for you right here, so don't worry. We've got your back! And let me know if things get really bad. I'll probably fly over there in a military attack jet and put some shock and awe to anyone trying to steal your stuff.

I'll be downloading satellite maps of eastern Pennsylvania and looking for places that you might like. Lemme know if there's something in particular that you need.

Lol, that might work! It's a question of raw weight and mass, I'd love a device like they used on the last Star Trek series... lousy series, but there was one where they found a small ship from the future, and upon entering, found it was much, much bigger inside - kick ass tech for the hoarder in all of us

Flat (non-hilly land), rich top soil, smallish lots... idk, I'm going to have to rent a place and embark on a holy digital crusade to find a new new mamaland

I should really post your Flash B-day card to me on this newspost!

Damn dude, I hope you find a good place at least. Brothers and sisters should be lovin' and caring. Not stealin' shit. but anyways, I wish you the best of luck man!

Thanks brother! Nah, so far it's amicable, but I really need to find a box on wheels to store some shit fast! Just looked at a very small rental house in a small town; no parking within 2-3 blocks, and no right of way into the backyard to stow my shit. Apartments in NJ can be quite creepy, and I'm too young to set a sweet pad in a 55+ type 'hood. Too old to rock and roll, too young to die (if you know any Jethro Tull tunes)

Looking forward to whatever creative material you can belt out! You know, you've got enough fans, maybe you should beg/commission some dough for a new HD and whatever other gear you need... you're a helluvan animator!

That sounds like a pretty crappy turn of events... right in time for Christmas and the hallowed Happy Holidays too! :/ Seems like the farm's been having trouble for a while? Money trouble? Was surprised to see your name in the honorary sponsor slot for Emily's last Alfred flash though! :O

Well, anyway, best of luck! Hope you find a fantastic batch of verdant farmland somewhere remotely amazing, surrounded by a moat with a boat with a lake in or other vacant great things. Can't say I'm familiar with any rural parts of the US though...

Nah, my parents wanted it sold after they died, so we 3 kids wouldn't fight over things.

The problem is, I've got a month to leave, so I have to rent a place to stay, and move my stuff somewhere, where it doesn't get thrown out, sold, or stolen. Big money and effort for a temp move, but I need the time to find a permanent place.

Ahh, so it's getting sold now? Glad it wasn't other lifely issues forcing the move! My grandma died last year btw, and my mom, her sister and her deceased brothers daughters are still trying to work out who gets the house, how the land's split up; who takes care of what payments for which part of the funeral process. The will should've made all of that clear, but her sister felt the split was unfair, and suddenly it's all hairy and scarily near a tear in great friendships, prepared over years. :/ Seems like these things always cause problems...

Damn, that sounds rough, something similar happened when my gramma died in the 1980's.
So far, everything's been more or less legit, though I'm not happy about pulling up stakes on such short notice!

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with eastern PA...just the western/central parts. On that note, I can advise you to avoid State College (Penn State equals tons of problems), York, and Harrisburg. The last two, good luck walking down the street without getting mugged. Adams County, where Gettysburg is, may be an OK area though. I have some college friends living out there and it seems to suit them. Just make sure you GTFO around reenactment time for a week though.

Sadly, I've missed all the reenactments at Monmouth, where Lee screwed the pooch, and Washington fired his ass and won a good stalemate, even though he could've gotten the whole enchilada in high summer heat...

Yeah, I just need a little patch of flat green to work, not much else. The USGS is a joke, no help to the pleb at large, the Grange halls got corrupt, vacant and closed years ago... gonna take time to look :\

Thanks for the info, just wrote it down! It'll come in handy once I've gotten all my gear elsewhere, and can careful dig online, plan my visits, etc.

Rrr, some guy I faved a few days ago is from your town, and I forgot your name... now I've forgotten his!! Oh well, thanks again for the info, maybe I'll end up living near Wade. In the summer, I can stop by and give him my zucchini ;) lol

After reading that, it makes me glad I stopped talking to all my family members (except Shannon). They were all a pack of gold digging idiots. I don't miss those greedy shitheads one little bit.

I think it will all be done equitably, though I am concerned that they may overprice some of the things I'm taking, and may not properly apply my 33% discount :\