Today's the day we remember how our nation got started. Considering all the the things that could have gone wrong, one could truly say, it was divine providence the United States of America, was born at all.
Since our very beginnings, we have inspired Earth's people to justly rule themselves, in absence of royalty, forms of privilege and a stratified citizenry. In time, we made good on our founding promise, to recognize all human beings as being created equal.
However, the same things that drove us to rebel against a foreign king, are driving to rebel against a covert government now.
In this short episode, you will see some reasons why. The cartoon Liberty's Kids was based on a book (of roughly the same name) of collected stories, written by the two main, juvenile characters in their later years. A great deal of it is historically accurate, though, the winners do write the history books, don't they? Children were often used by the American rebels as spies and couriers.
Asterix pwns
We're both old, short men, who are sick of crap from decadent Roman rule