Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Take A Moment...

Posted by VicariousE - July 4th, 2013

Today's the day we remember how our nation got started. Considering all the the things that could have gone wrong, one could truly say, it was divine providence the United States of America, was born at all.

Since our very beginnings, we have inspired Earth's people to justly rule themselves, in absence of royalty, forms of privilege and a stratified citizenry. In time, we made good on our founding promise, to recognize all human beings as being created equal.

However, the same things that drove us to rebel against a foreign king, are driving to rebel against a covert government now.

In this short episode, you will see some reasons why. The cartoon Liberty's Kids was based on a book (of roughly the same name) of collected stories, written by the two main, juvenile characters in their later years. A great deal of it is historically accurate, though, the winners do write the history books, don't they? Children were often used by the American rebels as spies and couriers.

This will open the embedded video, on this page. Enjoy!


Asterix pwns

We're both old, short men, who are sick of crap from decadent Roman rule

I heard that the NSA's spying was a topic on CoasttoCoastAM about two years ago. Something's up..

Guess who just ranked up and now has a new shiny GOLD shield :D
And I am now ranked #2,500 for exp as well.

Big congrats dude! What's the story behind the Pararrrshick level anyway?

Praporshchik was a rank in the Russian military. It was abolished in 1917 by Bolsheviks and restored in the 1970s in the former USSR for non-commissioned officers and was equivalent to Warrant Officer rank. (thank you Wikipedia....)

Warrant Officer has a damn fine ring to it. I might have known that fact once upon a time, but such info eludes me, the farther away it originates... hence my lack of knowledge about anime. So. Much. Anime. Out. There.

Indeed it does. Though I think they should keep it Praporshchik. Mainly because people would have a hard time trying to pronounce it.
Indeed there is a lot of Anime. There is even more Manga.

Also I finally got a NES :3
Now I can play my NES games. Super Mario Bros. 2, Hogan's Alley, and Paperboy.
I'm also thinking about getting a copy of the original Legend Of Zelda game. Ya know the one with the shiny gold cartridge and a copy of the first Castlevania game. I found a copy of the latter for $25 and I can get the former for kinda cheap.

True and true again

Jeez, do the vacuum tubes on it still work O_e? Awful pricey, but... it was always sought after ._.
Don;t they make a thing with all the NES games on it... like a controller you just plug into a TV?

And the NES isn't working. Great.....

Vacuum tubes? o.O
And I think so....but I wanted a NES ._.

Shit, sorry to hear it man. A lot of electronics from back then, just didn't make good resistors and mini capacitors (especially them) - they just lose their magic |: I had a Coleco-vision and my Apple IIc crap out the same way

Well the store that I bought it from said I had 7 days to return it if its not working. And I have til Tuesday to bring it back.
The issue I'm having is that I have it hooked up correctly but when I turn it on the power light flashes and the screen flashes a bunch of different colors.

Hope you get there in time... and they don't have an extended weekend :P Probably got a box full of them thar NESes.
Yep same thing with the coleco :| only there was no led light to let you know it was on, I think.... atari didn't have one either.

They only have 3 NESes. They also have 5 SNESes, a Sega Genesis, Coleco Vision, 2 PS ones (not PS1 PS one), 3 PS1s, a few Xboxes, 2 Xbox 360s, a PS2, and so on and so forth.
Its an Arcade with cabs from the 80s and also sells older (and newer) game systems, games, game merch, and so on and so forth.

Wow. They got a website?
I took all my best PC games to a place I though was like that, they basically took them for a few dollars a piece.... total rip off, and they had tons of old stuff but nothing even remotely cool :| You'd think on the East coast there'd be legit places everywhere....

As far as I know they don't.
Hmm...that sucks ._. I've been thinking about getting a new copy of Dungeon Keeper 2 since I bought Oddworld and am awaiting its arrival.

Well, I don't know what to say about that.
I miss video games, not having a multicore computer or a console makes it harder to find fun or free stuff... it's really hit and miss here, and worse, I gotta be a medal junky

I was considering telling them about this arcade game I found here in my town. Its a tabletop Tron game. Ya know not like the big cabinet arcade games its flat and you have to look down while playing it. Its $1800 ._.

Same here ._. but I think I'm good when it comes to computers and consoles for playing games. Though I can't find any decent games I want to buy or download or whatever. Hell so far the only reason I'd even consider getting a PS4 or any next gen console would be for Kingdom Hearts 3. And I don't feel like shelling out $400 just so I can play ONE game.

The tabletop arcade game were really cool, but annoying after a while... bending straight over to play a game kinda sucks. Price sounds about right, if a but pricey... that BomToons guy's got his Flexicade at about the same price or lower.

Yeah.. you're not into shooters, just junior RPG's kinda limits your selection. I should try and find Dink Smallwood, an older PC RPG I never finished. The there's the Leisure Suit Larry games...

I haven't used a tabletop arcade game ._. though they look like they'd be a serious pain on the neck after awhile.

Nah I'm not really into shooters. Can't say I've ever found much appeal in those kinds of games. So I don't play games like COD or anything like that. The only FPS game I have is Wolfenstein and even then after playing it for awhile I find the camera to be annoying as all fuck.
That reminds me. I found a copy of a Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust the last time I was at Gamestop. Though I wouldn't want that game. It's has ONLY negative reviews when it comes to it and is considered one of the worst games of all time.

Yeah, they had their shovelware period, but I think I had one for the PS2 that wasn't so bad, but it was insane to try and get any nudity out of it :( No useful codes either...
Sierra used to make em in the early 90's as a mail order thing....

Oh wait. Duh! I have Doom. Thats like...THE FPS game.

I've never had a Leisure Suit Larry game....
I have a Gameshark for me PS2 and I think theres some codes for a Leisure Suit Larry game on there.

Also I just had to get my hands sprayed with bleach and then wash them (and my arms) for the past 20 or so minutes.
Long story short as to why.
My sister nearly hit a kitten with her car last night. She picked it up at the side of the road and brought it home and its in her room. She took it to the vet today and it has ear mites and a cold in its eyes. So she has these eye drops for it but we can't hold it or anything like that because we'll get the smell of the kitten on us and then we can't touch any of the other cats or dogs after that. So we have to spray our hands with bleach and scrub em like crazy to prevent that from happening.

Gotta try some Doom mods... never had the original, just the demo and I never cracked the code... same with quake :\

Well, then it might or might not be worth getting a LS Larry game then huh?

Hm, maybe the cat belongs to one of the houses near where she almost hit it... take a few pics and get her and the cat out of the house and change the locks on the doors - end of suggestions.

So the bleach is to protect the other cats from... that cat killing thing, distemper? or the mites or the eye stye? anyway, you don't need any more pussy. change the locks bro.

I got the original one for free when I bought my SNES for $5 I also got a copy of Super Mario All-Stars which has Super Mario Bros. 1-3 and The Lost Levels.

I guess?

We were thinking about asking around in that area because there are a couple houses that were within the general area where she found it.

To be honest I have no idea.

The other orange cat turned up last night after being missing for a day... yeah, check around, no one likes missing kitties. As much as I love those fuzz balls, I can't see spending any money on them, other than for food and to get fixed :| so there aren't more hungry tribbles walking around.

sup brother ._.

Eh, ignoring reality.. trying to :\ This laptop's only got 1/2 a Gig of memory, so playing games here can be awfully rough... when it is, I only run the bare bones.

*ack* sprayed some weedkiller that's been sitting the basement, in a sketchy container, for many years :P Kill dem weeds good - it better, cause I think it killed me more