Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

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homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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RIP Sexycat's Son, 2013-2013

Posted by VicariousE - June 24th, 2013

It might have been cool up under the hood of the truck, but it cost this kitten it's life. He always got into places he shouldn't have. The stainless steel strips didn't keep him out of the disused flower bed (pictured below). All the fucks I had to give today, are gone. Sure I've shot lots of animals, even feral male cats, but they were all pests. I haven't killed a pet since 1991; on a back road, I ran over a cat that shot out in front of me.

It sucks when someone old dies, but it truly sucks when the young die, before they had a fair chance to live.

That was Monday. Today, Friday, his sister was the one one sucked up into the cruel engine. I pulled her out, but have no idea if she'll live. Her one eye is blood filled and her back foot is slashed deeply along the top.

I added more Green Slime to the tire that's been leaking since my brother came here and used the damned truck. I left for physical therapy. 2/3rds of the way there, the tread on the opposite tire lets loose. I pulled into a private parking lot, got the spare with the bent rim down, got everything ready..... only the 1/2" ratchet I needed to get the damn jack working WAS NOT THERE.

It was a long trip back home at 15 mph.

Why? I even banged on the truck before I started it, and I didn't hear a thing.

RIP Sexycat's Son, 2013-2013



no thanks, I gave at the office

I was about to make some *censored* joke, then I saw the title, glad I stopped, thank god.

Poor cat, RIP. :(

Also, do not blame yourself.

If you remember what you were going to say, please say it, could use all the ha-has I can get!

Yeah, wasn't even a cat yet, and had so much directed energy and friend;y as hell - if he were more anti-social, I wouldn't have been as broke up about it. We lost at least 3 cats to farm accidents, but luckily, I wasn't at fault. One time my cousin started the tractor with the power take-off engaged.. it was hooked up to the brush=hog (massive grass/brush cutting deck, with 6 blades on 3 spindles). The old gramma cat was underneath, but luckily jetted out in time (before the RPM's would've pureed her) - she had a tore up ear, but it healed well enough.

You could try to lock all the pets inside the house before doing some heavy work and until you are done. It may sounds weird but better safe than sorry. Or you could try to horn/make loud noises whenever approaching some bushy things.

:( Do whatever necessary to protect the pets.

My Father was the one who wanted to shelter these things, before he himself got hurt and died... nah, I'd be a nightmare locking up 8 cats at night. I can't afford to keep feeding them anyway. After a few years, the cats get smarter, even the little ones. It's just hard to have to go through this again

It's always sad whenever a kitty dies :(

Horrible is when you have to pull the bleeding limp corpse out from underneath the truck :|

The joke was: Now PETA will get you!

The joke is valid :) Although, the real joke is: this is far from the country I grew up in.
Of course, PETA was recently accused of gassing their precious charges (pets) at one of their bases in the NE of the good ol US of A
hypocrisy > accountability :/

That reminds me of my cat. When she was a kitten the tip of her tail got singed off by fire. So we named her Singe.

Sorry to hear she got hurt, hope she's accident free the rest of her days.
I lost so many cats and kittens growing up, I stopped naming them... a friend of mine here named the momma cat, but I'm not going to come up with any names for the rest of them.

:-( :-( :-( :-(

Tell me about it. One brother kitten dead, the sister kitten is very, very banged up, all in one week.
I hope she's doing better tomorrow, really worried about infection setting in.

Yikes... I can't think of anything to prevent this from happening again...

I also almost killed my cat a few hours ago, with a very idiotic move. I was drunk sleeping on the chair, my GF told me to go open door for my cat. I walked to the door and swung it open as hard as I could. Then immediately I heard something flew then slap to the ground. It was my cat... The poor thing was waiting for me to let it inside, like every other night... At least it didn't get scratched. We are gonna take the poor thing to the vets later, just to check out everything... fuck me...

>.< If our pets could talk to us, it could have been much much better.

Yeah, only if they could talk...

Turns out her one eye is okay, but the cut above it was pretty deep... back leg still looks like shit.
There's a blood spot on her stomach which worries me.
No money for a vet, or tires.... one's completely flat the other lost it's tread yesterday.

So what do you usually drink? I can at least walk to the liquor store :|

Losing baby cats is hard. My family has lots of stories of little ones who didn't make it. It's tough.

As for feeling the way you did about shooting animals, that's natural. It's a lot harder to deal with hurting anything if you do it by accident. For me there is even a different feeling for stepping unknowingly on bugs and stomping them to hell. Even pest insects make me feel sad when the just turn up dead.

Prayers for the kitten.

Thanks man, your words hold merit and empathy. She seems to be doing better, but I'd feel better if she did the one thing all pets are known for: bodily stinkage. I know cats can hold things in for a while, especially under duress... we'll see, I got a box of litter on the porch for her.

Her eye is fine, but it's her back leg that's busted up. It isn't swollen and she can flex her toes.

The olds used to said cats have nine lives. I wish that is true. In city we rarely run over animals. Sometime probably a few squirrels, but big animals like cats, dogs and raccoons are pretty smart. However one time on the news, about 2 years ago, I read about a snow truck ran over a bush and killed at least 4 cats, among of them were kittens.

It becomes a routine for me to horn my GF and I to horn our car before entering our parking space.

It's usually winter when animals get up inside the engine compartment to stay warm... or maybe cool in this weeks case. Costs so much to run the truck around, maybe they thought... well, do they think at that age? Just pissed the sister kitten followed her dead brother's example - she probably laid in almost the exact same spot.

Things keep going they way they are, that truck won't go anywhere - no spare tire and one can't seem to hold air |:

I kind of feel your pain. On August 26, 2012 my cat died at just 5 from cancer.

You have my condolences on your loss :( Wish I had the money to pay a vet for an x-ray, and see what's what. I know her back leg is in bad shape, and the front leg on the same side seems sprained... she seems more lively, but still doesn't like to move around :\

As time (and the chemical industries) goes on, we're all at an increased chance for getting cancer >:(

I had a cat get put to sleep because it had Leukemia ._.

Shit, blood cancer sucks. How much to find that out? I haven't had a.. oh wait, yeah for a job interview :| I needed a couple of blood tests since then :|

If they wanna charge me over 100$ for a tooth xray, imagine what a whole kitten would've cost? Things go the way they are, the cost to have a pet put down will be cheaper than a bullet; thanks for the 'joke' chris rock :|

I don't remember....that was like 6 or 7 years ago or something like that.

I've only ever met the visiting veterinarians... horses, goats, cattle are too big to bring to a nice suburban office. They usually have lil chevy s10's with the cap/work-body in the back. Very secure drug-box... it'd be like peeling an ATM (almost)

Doing anything on the 4th? I got mortars the size of my fist... but they've been in the humid garage for almost 5 years...hmmm

We've never had a vet come to our house. I don't even think the ones around here do that to be honest...

And nope. If anything we're probably just going to sit outside and watch the fireworks at night and thats it. No grilling, no lighting little fireworks (like smoke bombs, sparklers, and shit like that), and so on and so forth. Hell we haven't grilled since a few years before my parents got divorced xD that just shows how long its been.

Yeah I guess independent farms are few and far between by you, but there must be some uppermiddleclass twats who keep big pets like horses and llamas n shit....

It's a shame we've become a toothless, mirthless prison (the United States)
Do try and seek out the fun. Let your recent concert experience grant you wings!

I mentioned Spiderman in General ._. I can never show my face there again :c

Yeah there aren't many independent farms near town. They're all further out.
And I guess I'll try to find something to do on the 4th. Not making any promises though, haha.

Hmm, what thread? Spiderman kicks major ass, dunno why those Japan fapping trolls would take issue with peter parker......

You should promise yourself some kind of atypical fun, I'm sure as shit gonna try.

It was the one titled "do you like kellogs ceral?"
Sense-Offender posted a pic of Brann Dailor (drummer for Mastodon) drumming while wearing a Spiderman costume and I said "Why is Brann dressed as Spiderman?"

Nah. I tend to not promise myself stuff all that often ._. not really sure why.

Also I leveled up :3 I'm now level 29. Almost halfway (level number wise not exp) to level 60.

Ah, you know performers do outrageous shit.... why ask why?

Yep, a long way to the top... wonder how many solid deposit years it takes to get to lvl60? Less years than I been here, that's for sure :|

Yeah....like when Nirvana dressed up for a Halloween show in 93.
Kurt Cobain was dressed as Barney, Pat Smear was Slash, Dave Grohl was a mummy, and Krist Novoselic was painted white-faced with the letters "P.C." on his forehead.
heres a pic with Kurt and Pat <a href="http://www.nirvanaguide.com/images/1993/103193.08.jpg">http://www.nirvanaguide.com/images/1993/103193 .08.jpg</a>
heres Krist <a href="http://www.nirvanaguide.com/images/1993/103193.23.jpg">http://www.nirvanaguide.com/images/1993/103193 .23.jpg</a> and I couldn't find a pic of Dave so heres a color picture of Kurt dressed as Barney <a href="http://www.nirvanaguide.com/images/1993/103193.37.jpg">http://www.nirvanaguide.com/images/1993/103193 .37.jpg</a>

I think its a bit over 10. Though I think Pimp got there not too long after I signed up on here and became the first Level 60.
But woo now I got some weird....robot...hand...thing o.O

It's the arm from the 1st and 2nd Terminator movies I think.

Awesome pics, but the links wouldn't work, till I copied and pasted them into a new tabs address field. Weirdness is abundant today............

Ah okay. I thought it was just some random robot hand xD

Indeed it is >.> and indeed they are! I wish there was a pic of Dave though .-.

Johnny Utah taint that random lol, he's the one who did those icons way back in the day, not long after he officially signed on to NG.

Wish there was a picture of me at Pico day... no idea how crappy I looked. Very surprising how many people used one bathroom, and it looked good! I admit to helping tidy it up a bit, as if it were my own home... but yeah, was amazingly civilized.

:/ It was like everything came together so sudden, especially when we were chatting about cat accidents! A cat tripped on our neighborhood's electric box, got fried and the whole neighbor was blacked out for 7 hours. At first I thought it was my cat so I went crazy. But then people said it was a wild cat. It was pretty nasty when I saw the thing. The cat's body wasn't looking like a cat anymore... Some electrician left the box unlocked and shit like this happened. We just only have electricity around yesterday 8 PM.

Bad things are always sudden, and news of it travels the fastest... good thing some kid didn't end up a crispy critter. As for wild cats, I box trapped a feral male early this year, and shot it... but not before it impregnated my 3 female cats.. and possibly got the others run over in traffic, by chasing them.

Wasn't some electrician, it was someone who worked for the power company, right? Who else would have a key for it?

And the Newgrounds award for shittiest consecutive days in an industrial country goes to you.

That's post industrial to you buddy.