Pico Day notwithstanding, I had a lot of things scheduled for this time of the year. With two days notice, my brother, his wife and my sister (who are 20 years older than me), have flown in and started tossing the family farm, where I had been quietly living and recovering from lower back surgery. The appointments and schedule has tripled. Methods and ideas that would have panned out, are now debated and....
Uh, happy 4/20, and excuse any weirdness I may have typed this morning :) Please do PM, but I'm emotionally drained and tryin to make the Pico Day journey go as smoothly as possible (considering I'm not much for urban travel lol), and to get about an acre and a half of man-made crap, sorted and auctioned off, so the farm can be sold, and before us kids run out of money to pay for the taxes and insurance on this big place.