Got a call from the phone company this morning, saying, at no cost to me, they would install a fiber optic connection to the old farmhouse. Bullshit. They would only do that to save money. By ridding themselves of the copper wire (by selling it), they can make more money by limiting bandwidth and electric costs in one go. Plus, it's a foot in the door for TV and internet. God, how I hate those high-priced bundles....
They pulled the same shit with cable TV, by giving us more expensive converters, to broadcast more channels by fewer content providers. There were more cable broadcasters and independent programming in the 1980's than there are now!
I'm really just pissed at the march of big business, at the expense of little people who made them who they are. And since they're the ones who get (or elect) the governments ear, we are at the mercy of these 'businesses'. All the interconnectivity we now have, only serves their stranglehold over our liberty: tracking what we buy, say, go and do. The infrastructure is there, and Infraguard is watching. They have a junction box, the same size as the phone company, just up the road. They have cameras at traffic lights, major businesses and town centers.
The NSA have high bandwidth ears in every major telecommunication hub. I've talked to employees who have seen these devices in very secure areas. Before you can see a doctor, you sign a piece of paper saying your records are subject to Federal snooping, even if it's a doctor of psychology. They also take your picture. The bank does now too. You can be denied employment, legally, if your credit score is too low. While we're worried about gay marriage and the price of steer meat (both manufactured crises), our country has become a prison camp. Our country is now the ultimate Fascist state. Facebook and Twitter are part of the Snitch Network.
It's no wonder everyone became sheep, while the wolves wait for the next event, which will give them even more power to lord and watch over us. We the people gave them inventions, medicine, and infrastructure - now we are their numbers: to slave for their existence, to die in their wars and to die in their plagues.
Fuck the rich for letting this happen. Even they will not be immune to human nature, which they try to control.
I'm sure newer fans will be appalled at the rant above. I try to make these sparingly :) Here's a kewt pic.
Well shit. Valid points -- Too true as well, about the social networks feeding personal/geographic information to anyone offering some green.
Hope the best for ya, Steve.
Thanks man. Yer a rare breed indeed. Perspective and raw smarts are gonna see us through it all....
Got some "light" blue collar work soon, don't expect much dough, but it for my Pop's extened family and we tight, even though I can't go over their mom's house.... anaerobic bacteria in the basement "moat" (floating basement) might very well be what's eating my sinus structures :\