The picture on the left was once the banner of a local access TV show I made about a decade ago. Since my looks have fallen off since then, that'll have to stand for who I am, which is apt enough. I think the world's grown by about a billion people since then....
One thing the effects of the recent storm, Irene, have bought to light - Mother nature, plagues, pestilence, war and human intervention can reduce the happy masses into worm food very quickly, and without notice.
So if by some electronic quirk of fate you are reading this, here's a tip. Every time you buy food or petrol, put something away for the uncertain future. After all, it's not only the bad guys who get a nasty little surprise..... ask any demon!
P.S. - World Book Encyclopedia Dictionary, Copryright 1950, Volume L-Z (vi kar i res, vi-), adj. 1. done or suffered for others: vicarious work, vicarious punishment. 2. felt by sharing in the experience of another: The invalid received vicarious pleasure from reading travel stories. 3. taking the place of another; doing the work of another: a vicarious agent. 4. delegated: vicarious authority. 5. based upon the substitution of one person for another: this vicarious structure of society, based upon what others do for us. 6. Physiology. denoting the performance by or through one organ of functions normally discharged by another; substitutive. [< Latin vicarius (with English -ous) substituted < vicis a turn, change, substitution. Doublet of VICAR.] --vicariously, adv. --vicariousness, n.
P.P.S. My icon for the month shadling/when-we-were-kings .
Miss Kneesocks looks as shocked as I am. I'm going to start using the word vicarious in my daily vocabulary from now on..or at least I'll try to.
Thanks hon! Really enjoyed looking at your work - progressive and cute are a hard combo to sell, but keep it up.