So, after a lovely evening enjoying one of the best Pico days evr, a preoccupied girl on a provisional drivers license pulled out in front of me. Guess you could say she pulled a Nene on me! The MRI sez a got a herniated muscle in my neck and the CT scan gave me the wicked shits for a week.
Sure it was a disposable sales-rep car from a bygone era, but it was the last thing my mom gave me before she passed away. It did a bang-up job keeping me alive, but it died young with less than 90k miles on it.
Below you may bear witness to my dear departed 1989 Chevy Celebrity with the 2.5 liter 100hp cast-iron engine. Be careful at intersections - ya never know what critters are at work in the minds of others.
[Update 6/2/2011] Just walked over from the courtroom where I was to testify against the girl who hit me - her folks bought her a high-priced attorney and got off with less than 100$ in fines. She also got her earlier speeding ticket reduced as well. America's all about pissing on the poor - I'll be lucky to get anything from her insurance company now. Anyone out there ever move from the US to Canada.... could use some tips.
[Reposted 6/13/2011] 'cause everyone's uncharacteristically quiet. Still love ya though.
Aw, 1989 too, my favorite year! Is this the same incident that resulted in the back operation btw?
Yup. Knee hit the dash and I half humped the steering wheel, jolting my right hip back. My cars ass did a 30 degree rise upon impact :P Then I hit my head on the drivers side window and things went dark for a few seconds.