You can know someone for twenty years, live with them, share your meals... but do you really know them?
The only way to find out, is to hold them over the volcano's edge, tie them to the train tracks... then the real person comes out. People are dishonest so often, you can't tell who they really are until you threaten them with their own mortality.
I blame reality TV.
i got a question for u: when you submit art it says 'it needs to be 16x16 px and 4 million px2 how do u do that?
never tried myself, but 16x16 pixels could be done on MS Paint or, better yet GIMP, an image manipualtion program (via free(re)-size option)... if I had access to my old stuff, woulda done it already, so... hope I was of some service. Pixel size (dimensions), kb size and format are the big ones.