Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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Almost 22 years on NG, Current sit-rep, Outline of completed sci-fi chapters

Posted by VicariousE - February 9th, 2023

Next week marks me as a 22 year official member (lol) here on Newgrounds. At least that's one birthday I'm proud of.

Still in the barn, but on a rotating basis (friend takes me to a hotel if it gets too cold out). I've been stalling some things and stopping others.. and not moving forward fast enough. Thanks to other friends, i"m getting the idea my best prospects will either be in the middle of New York state, or along the southern parts of Pennsylvania. Cheaper living? Not by much, but at least the land is cheap and the taxes and insurance are low compared to 'civilized city-scapes'.

Below is a copy-paste of something I wrote after the main PC's cooling system crapped out a second time in 2 months. I wrote it up, not only to remind me of the dozen or so .txt files sitting on my Windows 7 desktop, but to.... just plop it here, where I lost then slowly regained my creativity. Warning - was usually pretty drunk these past few months, so spelling and contextual errors are aplenty in this rough outline of most of the chapters. Once I get settled and can rebuild my databases, I'll post some of the narrative, which is meh and needs more than a few opinions from the NG peanut gallery.

in the early 21st century a man discovered the key to gravity and then some. He did not wish to profit from this. he only wished to enable humanity, beyond the stars. After founding a global organization dedicated to the preservation of Earth and its people, he set off for the stars///

after creating a planetary defencive force, he commissioned an explorer class vessel, to map the stars and investigate possible human colony world.

bernard's star was an easy commute and ripe prospect for human habitability.

after that, the inventor, the founder of the terran alliance, the rogue explorer of earth did travel far, saw much, and made first contact with the elven people, just before encountering the merman and mermaid in empty space.

the elven folk, upon first contact with the inventor, persuaded him to take an observer, a stellar cartographer. her purpose was to understand this new race of FTL capable people, and to report back, after the inventor's original mission was concluded.

after much explaining, the exchange was done. the young womans shuttle was crammed aboard, and the old mans route to the 'natural' subspace signal resumed. the Terran's vessel was a time-ship, capable of great speed and distance without the troubles of time upon her charges. In essecene, time did not exist between the stars. The ravages of time were abated, while the Terran AI did navigate, investigate and command the first explorer class vessel from Earth.

______--- many irons in the fire, and they are presented here in a drama-free, non-linear way. loss of life, burnt bridges and societal complications are not included in these laptop written recollections.

@dreamrunner I cannot discount your contriubutions to the digital landscape, so, excuse my dismenination of y9our musical/lyrical postings. I stand for life. Life is too important to ignore. I hope you do not discredit my re-posting and/or disemination of your creative material.

We (creativefolik) transcend time, mortality and morality. Please be content and happy. I only wish to serve life. I would gladly give my life for anything sentient, regarless of...anything. I serve God and God serveS all of 'what we know'. 


in the late 1980s early high school was rough, mianly due to 2 bullies and 2 woke teachers. so i camped out back/backyard, where i wasn't stopped (87 stock drop october surprise, before or after that event butch caught me and traded greetings, how ya dos and whats nexts)

back then i even crossed the street to roost in an old cowsbail/feed pen to listen for `4 hrs to howard stern, and wsou, especialy when aa was low and the canned cassette contentwas stale (mowed many lawns for meh metal)

now a meh 40years later the recharable batteries are better but thetech more empirical more city road than interstate or roman road - so much for 21st century 'accessability' lol

'let them eat pocket pcs'

i cannot abide a lack of diversity or logical interfaces.


after the evlen maiden, and the turian husband's adventure into the land of the quasar, the man left and an ambassador of great worth accomanied the terran on the continuance of his journey, towards the path of dead worlds. this course change was noted 40 years into the inventors cartograophy mission - as a short lived species humanity did note the passing of life and its intracicies.

a sectof incestoids joined the terran goofs crusade into the wilderness beforehe left the hydrogen pystocyast ring which marked radiation death to all distant observers. but humans are a stubborn inquistive lot, bent on 'investigating' perhaps takingcues fromtheir earliest animal co0mpanions (cat dog - birds ree but cool af), and perhaps daunted by them (cows sheepp goats lesser pack animals)

the insectooids were perfectly suited for the material realm. they started low and worked upp, even if it meant shortcuts that did not involve hard work. hollisitic beyond their reckoning, these conoly creates spoke simply as italians but had a faith that was undeniable to any mortal being.

'standing for life' was a special call to the insectoids but not its clicher phrase. the timeless man revered local diversity, community based on sel motivation, lived with nature never abusing it within a live-ship


the passing alien medical ship sent a routine, open report to the elven and baroke folk, the 1st recieceved by these far flung folks in over 150 years, the elven were first on scene by a fluke in orders, blame a lack of sperm, happens

the man with his elven charge, and the ambassador entered after 2 baroke vessels did their best to harrass the 2d intruder. insectoids entered the fray, in larger than expectednumbers soon after. the mans captain, an ai of his own specs and commission was both imppressed w the isectoids and their abilities, and thank goodness they listened to the youngest ftl race.


2 diametrically opposed factions of 2m tall upright ciccadias became crew members of teh red cloud, along with 3 elven bitches from 2 different ships... who were carefully dispatched cast-offs. The elven high command were deeply moved by the Man's efforts, but didwish to test this new race, even if it was against a linear throwback.  

the quasar ambassador remained on the primative planet, this pleased the Man and validated his peoples star-ethic, but did not impress the baroke and elven races-it humbled them into a true sense of inclusion/community, not a bi-chotomy of mostly yes men and meh women. 

(the following is a shortcut and blending of artificial anecdotes)

after the man was healed by the land-squid creatures, the red cloud left to circle towards the furthest human colony. the squidouids met the elven folk just over 2000 years ago then never met again, except by subspace radio dispatches - their frames of reference, language base and simplebiology were too alien for the simple elipicaly formed elven folk, even when women outnumbered thier men by only 70 percent

ship captain ____ of the baroke also joined the red cloud, his ship destroyed save for 5 dead in an explosion out of 129 who shuttled and escape podded to a safe distance. his people regarded him badly for risking too much in the face of a worlds demise, and to a lesser degree, his ability to lead questions like a true telepath, possibly an autistic to boot.

to his credit, he was an observer, reserved judgement for later action, followed his people's inate ability to commune with the unfamiliar.


recently updated reviews, ng, would be nice thing


the old founder of the terran alliance confronted the 2d monster which had ravaged the worlds he encountered early in his journeys, defied the elven no-go zone to encounter the non-corporeal entities and the elven outcasts inhabiting a differently decimatedworld.

almost 400 linear years after his birth, an unpdated crew and itiniary made contact with a secluded but friendly and prosperous race which had made few errors..

a race of visious cunts had to be put down - they attacked 2 primitive and 1 baroke worlds as well as anything in the space around them. belligerent and set upon being the only sentient beings among the stars, these war-strung sentients encountered the Man early in his travels and were dealt with. it was a sad first-contact over a century ago, it was sad that the newly met races did not heed the old Mans dispatches as closely as the elven and humaqn races had done... in the end, they were contained tacidly to their own system. it had taken them almost 2 millenia before they asked for reprieve, parole and right of passage

a race of quadropods continued their service to a grand empire... or at least their last cruise ship, cast in gold, serving the last insular races. if nothing else these qudropods were kindly inquisitive and had the best damn communication gear in the known galaxy.

intersperced were visits from an almost etherial non-coporeal race of vicarious cunts that did call the Man 'nexus' and 'paragon of his race' (that latter of which was labeld by the elven hierarchy after their 2nd encounter/incident) they were the race that warned them of an even darker threat than the people-eaters - a race of 'pruners' as the Man percieved it. for every lit spot there must be a dark bit, and this race did fullfill that role in the grand scheme of things... the Man did acknowledge that and, instead of confrontation, did accept it :/ this race had mentored (by action) the people eaters, but did not condone or accept their actions. don't all races keep their own counsil? one cannot deny their opwn nature




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