Yeah I saw that in the thread about this. Theres bound to be kinks and glitches in stuff like that when they initially introduce new stuff. Hopefully that'll be the last of em. But as I said. Why do we need a button for that when they could have just made it so the newest comments showed up first like they used to?
I am.....and it isn't. All I really need to do is click on the url, click down or whatever and I can highlight it having the #comments and just click on it and it'll "fix" it. So no big deal.
Though I don't like how after you comment and you have #comment at the end of the url it disappears and the whole page shifts down a bit.
Hm, you're notorious for not clearing your cache.... oh, the page centering thing, after you comment? Eh, that's not so bad... hadn't noticed the other thing yet..