I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING I CAN DO FOR MY CARD! Though I may need a stapler....dunno if we have a functioning one that isn't a staple gun.
Yeah....though I don't use Skype anymore. I can't even remember the last time I logged in on there.
Same here I guess. Though I need to talk to people IRL. I mean, talking to people online is great and all. But talking to people face-to-face just feels better.
Also. I am now in the Top 2000 for exp(#1976 to be exact). And haven't budged at all for b/p rank. Seriously I've been sitting at #511 for like a week now.
You're here now.
Yeah, I guess my current post is quite contradictory.
I'm still crying over spilt milk... over 30 years of it. I guess I just miss all those times my Pop bored me with stories about his collection of stuff, his memories, locations....