Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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im sorry

Oh, dear, i'm the one who should sorry!
I love you with all my heart! and should've realized how isolated you are (being the only girl in the family)!
Don't feel bad :)
My sister's been a bad reminder of how humanity (man or woman) can get too full of ones self.............

no no its okay and i did kind of think that maybe it had something to do with your sister being there because at least before you mentioned her arrival you only showed your sexist side once in a blue moon but noticed a big increase in it after her arrival
and it isnt the "isolation" really i've learned to cope with that and the fact that my brothers gay really helped i think (pretty sure i'd be a lesbian if he wasnt gay lol) but it was just really nerve wrecking to hear you almost constantly say stereotypical things about a women to a women. and please dont be sorry for anything i really did go a bit too far

Yeah, I don't do stress very well, and my sister breeds it like a spreading, bad infection... that's why she got sick 23 years ago. And now that's she's a bit better health-wise, she's doing it all over again - investing herself too emotionally, not delegating activities... always assuming complete control, over her little hamster wheel to nowhere. I don't do well under that kind of self-defeating management.
And for the short, wasteful time he was here, my brother did a 180 with his management style... basically did what he wanted, and did not listen to me one bit :| Could've saved a lot of money, just by keeping a cool head, and not letting fatter male heads prevail.

Thanks for telling me about how I was acting, I'd never know for certain otherwise... you showed the hallmark of a good and dear friend :) Still think I need a good slap across the face... maybe there's something else I missed.....

best western?! e<a href="http://www....dude">www....dude</a>, I could've gotten you the "friends and family" rate at an HIX.

Yeah, teh place did have a bit of a... grungy film about it. still, was reasonably clean, and didn't bring home any bed bugs.
HIX? Hilton? The local Hilton was booked solid :\

haha, ewww link.

yeah mon, dem links are all up in dis post... they even starting infect the comments :O

no, no, Holiday Inn Express. that was a good read, btw!

Shit, rly? That was even closer than the BW! Either way, I coulda just stayed there and awake the whole time, and skedaddled at dawn, with a shit-ton more memories!
O_O you read that whole ting? Wow, thanks man!
It's nice to have a proven intellect say such a thing :)

you know....there was a story here about a BW that didn't have elevator access. They had a veteran staying there who was a double-amputee. After calling down for someone to help him downstairs from the third floor or so...so he could make his flight or whatever, and being told they were "too busy", he built a rope out of his bedding and scaled down the wall of the "hotel". Unsure of what happen to that particular BW afterwards.

and yeah, how could you not read that? I was really astonished that I was able to get Tom Fulp's autograph once, it sits in my office and I just look at it when I think. I think of Dad & Me, Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, Cathode Raybots, and Battleblock Theater....and i can work again, instead of pittling around on my Xbox or feeling overwhelmed. Your accounts of everyone and the event brought it all into super-focus, and made it just that much more real to me at least.

and it's nice to be regarded as a "proven intellect"!

Damn, I never heard that story.. what a PR disaster, huh?

Awwww, yet another thing I casually forgot to obtain (autograph)... shit |: Well thank you! It was hard to know how to describe the party events, because there were so many moments... enough to where I have to keep filling in a few things, just for posterity's sake.

Dunno why I said, that... but it does fit! Still a bit hung over from writing much of that, I guess. Hope I'm not getting sick :p

btw, what's a virtual steam-trunk???

Sounds technologically unusual, out of context-wise...

btw, what's a virtual steam-trunk???

This guy had something of an 21st equivalent to an actual steam-trunk! It was fucking gargantuan, only a few inches short of the real deal! He probably had more wearables in that trunk, than I did at home.. for the past 6 years, virtually speaking ;)

Plus I was drunk as hell, while writing everything below the ~~~~~ mark :\

well yeah, but what the hell is it?!

What is it?
What is it?
You want it all,
but you can't haaaaave iiiiit.
Sounds liek a red hot chili peppers song

oh i see i see....it should have shot steam out, and transformed into a bellhop.

Ha, ha, ha :) I haven't taken any kind of mass-transit since just before 9/11/01 - no planes, buses, taxis, trains... just my own two feet and 4 wheels.
I guess the sight of something like that, in actual use, just amazed me.... like an Aborigine finding an empty coke bottle... well, not that much, but I did know the olden term for what I saw.

Wow, I had forgotten all about that movie! Although I don't really understand how they could have made a part 2.... -_-

i felt the same way the first time I stepped into an airport 2 years ago and they had automatic walkways....ever seen those, the kind that are basically treadmills you just stand on? if you walk on them, you get moving pretty quick, but it's probably dangerous, i remember walking faster than i saw some vehicles outside moving.

'The Gods Must Be Crazy', yep I had almost forgotten that movie as well.... I think part 2 was, well, forgettable; too much over-reaching, just for another couple of bucks.

Heh, yeah, that's another mass-transit contraption I haven't seen in quite a while. I used to be well traveled growing up, at least once a year, mostly to the West coast to visit brother or sister.
It's a shame the government let 9/11 take place. Too many things point to the government and military, simply letting it happen... that madness is still with us, and has destroyed the country of my birth :\

hey! thanks for the nice review xD much appreciated

Just doing my job, ma'am :)

haha, but hey...funny you should mention 9/11 and the administration "letting it happen". I recall hearing some spiel about Pearl Harbor as well. It could be that communication is as the root of it all, or rather a lack thereof.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plau sible_deniability They had an advanced radar facility at Pearl (experimental and 'off to the side') for about 6 months, prior to the Sunday attack. A red flag was sounded by one of the techs, but a weekend junior officer said, "Ah, it's a glitch, a flock of birds" Who was this guy, what were his qualifications, why wasn't his actions looked into more closely?

I might've gotten some of the facts wrong... there were a lot of documentaries rolling around cable in the 20th century.....

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt00807 36/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 'The Final Countdown' with Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen, 1980, decent flick!

thanks for faving it lol

If I fav it, hopefully more ppl will see it lol

59 :3 thanks again
im gonna upload two more in a bit :P

Ah.... 59 views for your first submitted picture, yeah. The view count will go up as time goes on, and bots and the odd human take a gander.
Cool!! With 4 pictures, someone who's already scouted (to submit to the Art portal), can scout you... then you'll have the option of getting many, many more views, and comments :p

beautiful, just beautiful, Mister E. i relived pico day allll over again (thru much sobererr eyes). sorry i talk so much liek a ganggtssta. its just easier to do it instea d of blurting out the incessant streams of connundrums constnatnly running thru ur mind (tho im sure i did that too.) and ur discription of mister Sherbalexx was spoton ehehh ....sighghhh i just wish it was every weeekend ... sighh.. longs... sighs... beamms.....heart swellss...

We should do it every weekend... e_O might feel like Afred's Playhouse after a while tho
Absence makes the heart grow fonder :\ Oh, still waiting on the techs, I'll get back to you soon.

Seriously though, there is something profound about your intellect, or maybe I haven't been around many, on-the-street party-people (which you're clearly very good at being!) lately. I produced a shitty VHS movie in the late 90's and met some folk that were... too wild and full of life :), but probably didn't make age 30. In the right place, they could've been top notch actors, poets, teachers,... clergymen?

To me you're that kind of person, but has teh brainpower to survive and create, and (IRL) sing about it in a... poetic language, which just stuns me. You could probably make some big bucks doing poetry (aka, show up and tell stories, the way that you do:)

Sherb's a great guy :) I should've stayed till he was finished drawing, like you did. Was my first Pico Day, and didn't want to impose myself on Tom's good graces... after all, it was his day!

Hmm, invitation? Does every attendee get a personal PM after the initial application of interest, or is that just a method of phrasing? I must emit that this textual deliverance was masterfully lettered, with such converse wordplay and livid descriptions of the living legacy behind this grounded empire that I was swept into the flow of words for at good twenty minutes. Being the effective-minded individual I regretfully am, I wonder how long it took to write, but such triviality doesn't much matter at the end of such a melodious composition. I think I already commented on pictures and card idea, but this was good reading,. How's the tooth?

No, this was done through private email, same email address you register to use Newgrounds with. It was a good way for Tom to formally and safely ask for RSVP's for the event, so the recipients could reply yes/no/maybe. Then, about 2-3 weeks later, Tom sent out another mass email, regarding local hotel occupancy, revised guest-list... Then Luis sent out a mass PM (he does the event page after all) on additional details. A traveler like himself knows information is power...

I didn't check to see how long it took to write (especially the second part, with all my personal descriptions), but 20 minutes?! Hadn't considered the length of the total read O_o! I guess I figured the last half, was a salad bar of info, take what you want, and leave the rest behind.

Tooth's fine, though I had a bit of a relapse yesterday (piece of food got stuck in it). I used a q-tip with 70% rubbing alcohol to kill the infection and clear the crud. After a few more weeks, there will be a thicker protective film of gingivitis type bacteria staying in that hole :\

Thanks for reading the whole thing! Damn, I still a melodious writer... or a snitch, one of the two :)

Formally? Ah, wonder if all the planned quests did make it.. guess that's no information you're sitting on? Good info, for future reference, will archive in memory bank.

I don't leave salad behind.

Corrected, thx, I knew something was off, even if auto-correct said it was okay. Heh, yeah, I'm sitting on the info alright.... my best thinking comes from there lol

Leave no salad behind, or cake in the rain!

What is the person on the right doing with her hands?

Looks like she's wiping some slime off her hands....we Newgrounders can be a damp bunch. I think she must be a friend of April's (Tom's wife, wearing blue).
She didn't stay long, so I couldn't ask.... which is a shame, since I'm single and miserable :) Uuh, nah, think she's wearing a wedding ring :|

hows life?

Still painful. I've had welts/boils on my left shoulder and 3 on my left chest for over a week now :P Convinced they're from the wash. My sis uses this bleach alternative gunk, that sticks to skin like you wouldn't believe! Used a little to wash some drapes, and while spotting, got some on my hands... They're not large, but hard little things, that hurt!! They showed up after my first phys therapy thing, there they put a hot blanket on my back. IDK.... could even be bacteria that managed to live in her clothes too.
Last time she was here, I had a similar welt :| Thank Gob it was cold then, otherwise the sweat and or heat would've made more of them.

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