It was like a 40 minute drive away. Its in REALLY bad shape....I mean theres next to no surface rust but a ton of paint is chipped off and there are scratched all over it, chrome is missing, and the interior for the most part is torn up except the back seat and headliner. I suppose the main "good thing" about it is that it apparently only has like 46,000 miles on it and it does run. But other than that I'd pass on it if I had the money to buy it.
Good. Vinyls should never been thrown away o_o I would flip the fuck out if someone threw away any of mine. Like seriously I would tear someone's head off and use it as a basketball ._.
So I was looking at a 54 Packard thats for sale ._.
But its nowhere near worth as much as they're selling it for (its $3,900 but it looks like its only worth $1,000)
Your vinyl is getting tossed!?!?!?!?!!?!???!??! D:
A 54 packie in town for sale?
Whew, no, it's just another thing I have to save from the exodus of crap
time to bring the lps up to the... room, no room.....